
Chapter 1

Rachels POV

"Rachel sweetheart dinners ready" says mum as her voice sweetly travelled to my room "coming mum" I chirped back.

I prodded down the stairs silently on a Saturday afternoon to the smell of grilled vegtables , steak with mushroom and sausages. As I sat down for dinner my father was asking me something but I was not paying attention I was busy savouring the mouth - watering food and reading my favourite book (Hunger Games series) Catching Fire, "Rachel!!" my dad shouted snapping me out of my reading trance "yes dad" " how many times have I told you not to read at the dinner table. You know that this is family time, it great that you like reading just not at the dinner table honey" dad sighed rubbing his temple.

Closing the book I looked at my father he was a man in his mid-forties. He looked very young for his age same for my mum she was a women in her mid-thirties people thought my parents where dating rather than being married. I am a brunet with long hair up to my waist brown eyes and olive skin. I'm not like other girls who spend so much time on beauty accessories and wearing the latest clothes with matching bags and caring about what other boys think (American stereotype).I glamourize but only on special occasions for examples birthdays, wedding etc. I usually wear lose clothing and wearing glasses. My hobbies are cricket playing the violin, watching Marvel (Captain America) and finally reading lots of books. I'm studying law at college I am 18 years old, my dream is to become a Barrister and serve justice (cheesy right).

I quickly finished my dinner remembering that I had to finish my Law essay I was about halfway up the stairs when I heard my mum call my name and tell me they were going out since it was their wedding anniversary I shouted ok and when to my room and started doing my essay. My plan was to finish my essay in an hour so that I could start reading a new book that I bought from the antique shop. Finally finishing my essay I crawled into my duvet with the thick black book. I looked at it more closely and at the centre was an ancient symbol that was delicately carved in the shape of a crescent moon with gold carvings on the outside of the book which made it look luminous. I carefully opened the books golden buckle carefully and started reading it.

My fingers slowly turned to the third page of the book. Smash! Went the vase in the window sill near my bed. I jolted with a surprise my heart beat escalated with fear but the worst was yet to come... my whole room started to shake things started to fall from my shelves thunk, smash went my belongings just I got out of my bed and scrambled for the door it slammed in front of my face. I pulled it open with all my might it did not budge, but it was too late the room started spinning like a washing machine.

I screamed at the top on the top of my lungs wishing that somebody would hear my plea, my scream was blocked by a gush of wind circling my room like a tornado, the think black book started to glow like crazy, swish, went the book floating around the room enjoying itself. I was tossed to side to side like a rag doll I had bruises and cuts all over me a piece of glass pierced my skin wept in agony. I start to hear voices calling my name echoing my mind and sending shivers down my soul. All of sudden everything stops I'm floating in mid-air, silence, everything is calm for one minute, I can see the blood dripping from my right leg like a waterfall leaving a bloody trail in thin air, it makes me want to through up.

Everything starts again me being tossed like a rag doll, the gush of wind spinning like a tornado, my screaming and pleading, the earthquake, but this time it is going in the opposite direction. The big black book opens its arm happily for me sucking me and everything in my bedroom like a vacuum. The last words that come out of my mouth are HELP! The book closes happily satisfied with its meal and the book disappears.

The room is back to normal as if nothing has happened but the only difference is that I'm not there and neither is the book.

So where am I?