
Chapter I : The Invitation

" Tae, Honey.. let's meet again, hmmm? You're great, and our chemistry in bed is perfect and i love it, so.. what do you think?"


Don't make me laugh.

" No. i told you already, after what happened tonight, there's no reason for us to meet again." there will be Nothing between us, "I don't give second chances so you better move now, My secretary will be here in a minute.Go."

I'm not gonna give you anything, you can't fool me.

The woman who only have a white blanket to cover herself was dumbfounded. People warned her over and over again that the man infront of her is heartless, but she didn't listen. She still tried to pursue him and did everything to be noticed but this is what she got instead, " Youu son of a.. shit! I hate you!"

yeah.. as if you're not begging for more earlier during sex. Tch!

Tae took his phone from the coffee table and call the only person that he trust, his cousin and secretary for 5 years, Kimmon. "Meet me here in 15 minutes and don't forget about the documents, understood?"

15 minutes, His boss asked him to do something impossible again, You heartless jerk! My room is on the 8th floor while yours is on the 20th.. and you expect me to be there in 15 minutes?"

"I'm not telling you to use the stairs to get here, so you should be moving your ass now, don't make me wait."

Well, he can be generous sometimes, so calling him heartless is not nice. he'll make sure his stupid secretary will remember that.

"I'm leaving!"

Tae was busy reading the morning's newspaper when he heard the woman screamed at him, "Tsk, So what? you want me to stop you?"

he doesn't have anything to say to her, so, naturally he did nothing. not even a glance nor a smirk, he doesn't thing she deserve any of it.

"JERK!!!" she stormed out of the room and then shut the door with a bang!


Tae's POV:

Don't get me wrong, I'm just enjoying my life as a Bachelor.

plus, those silly competitor's of our company paid that woman to seduce me, so that they could use her as a spy once she succeeds, and i'm not stupid to fall for that.

but, that woman was truly fit for a moment of pleasure, and nothing else.

and of course, as a bachelor. that includes a bottle of wine while enjoying the scenery outside of the most luxurious hotel in Bangkok.

I'm Darvid Kreepolrerk, CEO of one of the most prestigious Oil Company here in Thailand. A poor Engineer, stuck in the most pitiful state, doing paperwork's day in and day out.

Now where's that idiot?

he should be here by now..

so i counted. "15 seconds.."

and then, Ten..









"SHIT!" heh! he made it! judging from those sweat on his forehead, it seems he run just to get here quickly. "YOU EVIL! we.. wait! let me catch my breath!"

"At least you're still breathing, Tsk! Tsk!" then i gave him a glass of water, see? i'm nice, when i want to be nice, "I think you should start doing exercise instead of flirting with those women in the bar every night."

"Should i say thank you? fine, thank you boss, but wait, what do you mean by flirting every night? since when did i do that? besides! you're the one who asked me to do that! do i look like a pervert to you?"

"Do i?" this guy even had the guts to nod!

"... Yes Boss, you're the most perverted man in thailand."

"Get Out!" but because i'm the most benevolent CEO, he didn't leave and sat down infront of me instead.

"Don't you think you're being unreasonable boss? besides, what do you mean by EVERY NIGHT? ever since I become your secretary I can't even go somewhere to enjoy and have fun by myself." give me a break!!

"Fine. you want to have fun, right? then you're fired. You can start your long vacation now. I'll tell the treasury to wire your last pay check later." I can find other secretary who's not annoying like you.

"Whaa... I'M NOT GOING TO QUIT!" who told you that i'm quitting?!! "I'm just nagging so spare me Boss!!!"

"If you're not planning to leave then shut up and give me those documents!"

"Yes Sir!" I can still tolerate this man, "You just have to sign them, nothing else, Everything is well prepared and the rates are pretty acceptable too."

"I'll do the rest tomorrow, besides, i need to read this contract again, just to make sure." those cunning old man are part of this contract after all.

"yeah yeah, i forgot that you don't trust anyone, Fine! enjoy your wine and your sightseeing, i'll come back later when you want to torture me again, Oh! before i forget, boss! remember Matsumoto-san? the old man we met in the galla last month?"

the strategist? "yeah, what about him?"

"He gave me an invitation" the said invitation is for the opening of Kyoto Art Gallery, with the collaboration of Kyoto Art Museum, "The Invitation is good for two, it's for the opening of an art gallery in kyoto."

"And you expect me to go to Japan just for that?" the invitation looks old. oh well, they're promoting the Edo Period (1603-1867) and a free screening of that old movie, Memoir of Geisha, so it's not surprising that the invitation looks like from edo period too.

"You're not interested, i know" It's true that i'm not, but .. something caught my eye... that tattoo..."But the card is right there inside the brown envelope, You can check it if you want."

"Fine, go ahead, make sure to be here before 6." then i took the said envelope at check for the exact location of the gallery, Black Pearl Hotel, East Ave, Gion, Koyoto Japan.

Kyoto.. tch! Oh well, we have at least two weeks before the conference in New York.. hmmm.. alright, let's see what you have for me. I hope it's not cheap.

I checked the envelope again incase i will missed something important, aside from that guy's stupid note, reminding me to attend last night's event, there's nothing in there, oh well, it seems he really did plan to give me this silly invitation today, heh! that guy can be so cute sometimes.

Memoirs of Geisha.. if i'm not mistaken, that old movie was from 5 or 8 years ago. I'm not sure but i heard that's it was actually from a book. I used to read books every once in awhile .. but because of the hectic schedule, all i've been doing for 5 years now is work, sign the documentson the top of my table, attend those unimportant social gatherings, and get myself lucky every other night.

and now it's starting to bore me.

maybe going to japan just for the sake of that art gallery isn't a bad idea..

and one more thing..

That Tattoo..

why does it look so familiar?

as if already saw it somewhere.

heh! now i'm getting interested.

Alright, I just have to send a message to my secretary, Kimmon to prepare everything beforehand. "Hello Mr.Kim, Book a flight now. we're going to Japan tomorrow after the meeting."

".... you're kidding. Boss! how about your meeting with Mr. Panuwat tomorrow?" His boss is asking for trouble again~

"Cancel the meeting, cancel it and reschedule it when we get back from Japan." i'm gonna take this opportunity to have a short vacation in japan.

"Yes sir." fine! as if i have a choice? " Tsk! you like what you saw in that invitation huh?"

Good job! " If you already knew then stop asking and just do what i said."

"haha alright, noted boss!"

and since it's an art gallery, i'll be able to see the whole picture, right? I'm curious about that tattoo and that guy..

hang on..

why am i so sure that it's a guy? I mean.. it can be a woman right?

Nah! there's no use to think about those things, It's just a painting after all.

Better go to sleep.

Right, but why am i so sure that it's a painting?

Shit. this is weird.

few minutes later, i received a message from Kimmon, "Thai Airways, Schedule of flight; 4:30pm, destination: Narita Airport, Japan. we'll be there around 5 or 6 pm"

sigh~ now i can relax.

You know, it's the first time that i'm eager to go somewhere just to find more details about a painting..

but one thing for sure,

this is definitely not Cheap.