1 The Billionaire

"Sir, this way please."

A man dressed up as a butler moved his hand and pointed in a direction as if he was escorting someone.

The door opened and thousands of people were standing in order to get a glance at the young man who was about to arrive. Although they were excited, they were rather impatient to see the person about whom there had been tons of news lately.

Basically, a certain man had gone viral. Almost everyone knew about him. But no one had ever met him personally. He hadn't been in front of the press even once.

Why? He simply refused to. He disliked it probably.

"The brightest man of the century, the man who is termed to be the genius..."

"Mere words couldn't possibly describe him..."


"Please welcome, the CEO of the SS Multinational Company, Kai Yuvan."

All the audience started to clap with all their might in order to have a grand opening, but in any case, they stopped clapping in a while, seeing no one come.

They were confused and were about to discuss and ask the person next to each other when suddenly they heard the sound of footsteps.

*tap tap*

"What the-"

All the people who had gathered to see the genius CEO were way too surprised when they met him in person. They had only heard his name and seen his picture once or twice, but when they saw him enter the stage, they couldn't help but get confused.

"My God..."

"Are you kidding me?", said one of the people in a black suit while sitting in the second line and third row from the left.

The man who was standing on the stage looked way too younger than what they had imagined. They could hardly fathom the greatness of the person because at such a tender and young age he was able to achieve such a great feat!

Photos could easily be photoshopped, no doubt. Because of that, they had seen his much-matured picture, but in reality, he was just another young man!

The person, Kai, was only 19 years old after all so it was obvious for them to be surprised. It was evident that his father held the company and made it successful, but the place where it stood today, rank 1, was all thanks to Kai, the one and only successor to the previous CEO, Gerui Yuvan.

Kai walked towards the mic almost immediately. He didn't want to waste any time.

*ting ting*

He knocked on the mic to check if it was working perfectly fine. Well, in any case, he had no intention of coming here today, but just because he was forced to do this by his mother, he had to come.

He gave out a brief speech and finished what he had to say within three exact minutes.

Was he a perfectionist? Well no, he was quite lazy and never minded the time.

All he wanted was some free time to spend on his own and do whatever he wanted but his parents forced him to do what was beneficial to them.

Therefore, he just wanted to get away from here right now thus he finished the speech within three minutes.

"That was pretty short.", said one of the reporters who had attended.

In any case, it left a good expression. The news reporter didn't get any negative things to write.

All he concluded with was - "The CEO of the SS Multinational Company is a punctual person who values time more than his own life!"

As insane it might sound, it gave positive views about the CEO. All the members of the boards agreed to what the newspaper said because they too got a similar impression when they met him, but little did they know that he was trying to escape the goddamn workload and meetings because it was too tiresome.

Well, there was another reason because of which he was quite lazy and tired the entire day!

'Not again...'

Yes, that reason was related to nighttime.

'Why? Why am I like this?', Kai was suffering from extreme pain.

It was already nighttime and he was shivering because of the unbearable pain.


He was on his bed biting the bedsheets. He tried to reduce the pain but nothing seemed to work.

'Today was a full moon night?'

'Damn, I should have brought some painkillers!'

The painkillers were literally useless. He had tried them earlier, but they failed to work.

However, his pain did reduce but that was due to his mentality. When he took the painkillers, the immense pain had suddenly become bearable.

But in reality, nothing had changed, he was still suffering from pain. Regardless, now he had the mindset of taking the painkillers whenever he suffered from pain.

One thing was for sure, the pain would start from the evening 6 of the full moon night until morning 6. A full twelve-hour of suffering was unbearable indeed.

No wonder he would never leave the bed for the next two days. Probably that pain drove him to stay at home and rest causing him to become lazy.

Anyway, he was suffering from pain right now.

'Why God?'

'Why do I have to suffer in such a way?'

He was sweating profusely and even had a fever. But all he could do was suffer.

The reason was quite simple, he lived alone. The large mansion in which he lived was practically only for him.

No one ever visited him even once. He had to do all the works which were pretty tiresome. Starting from cleaning the mansion to throwing the garbage.

Everything was done by him. In fact, he never allowed anyone to come close to him.

He was still a University student but at the same time, he was the CEO of the company! In any case, he was a genius of the century but he was probably the only one who suffered from such a miserable fate by bearing the unbearable pain on every fool moon night.

So what about other nights? Could he get proper rest on other nights?

No, even though he didn't suffer from pain on any other nights, he couldn't relax either. Thus, he would hardly get any sleep on other nights!

Well, that was the life of the Billionaire Kai, a CEO, a student, and the genius of the century!

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