
Chapter 1

"Argh...seriously is this what you mean by exclusive!"Jo grumbled.

Joan George known to everyone by the name Jo is the eldest of the three daughter of Dr George Thomas ,an extremely famous cardiologist and Mrs Lucy George ,a chemistry professor.Unlike her parents and her youngest sister who a medical post graduate student ,the 28year old Jo chose journalism completely breaking their family tradition of having science related career.

Neither she was guilty of her choice not she cared about what would others might say, but sometimes she question herself of her career choice -this was one such incident.

Extremely successful in her carrier she is a senior video journalist in one of most reputed news channel of the city.  But only she knew how tough it was for her to reach this position ,it was because of hardwork and sharp brains she could become what she was now. Everyday she is fighting is withhold her position,but what to do there are lot of bunch of idiots in team.

Today these idiots have bought a scandal of B rated actress with some old fool businessman as  exclusive news.Being a strong believer of quality over quantity ,this was something Jo could never allow.

"I am asking you once again ,Is this you all have?" Jo asked to her team members,to which everyone nodded.

"What about the Imperial hospital scandal?"

"Who is following it?"

Hearing this a young guy in his early twenties replied "It was Ann who followed it ,but she met with an accident and is now on medical leave"

"So ,now nobody is looking on it."Jo said with a calm face.

What the  hell is happening?Why did I got a team full of idiots,?Why only I am suffering?Why can't they understand anything on their own?

Aaah...,This is so frustrating!

After thinking for a while Jo decided to follow the news lead on her own.

She also asked the the boy who replied to her earlier to assist her.

But did she know that her life is going with this.

Our MC is a strong willed determined girl who have unpredictable and funny character.Next chapter will be intro of our ML.

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