2 chapter 2

Aurora was always a quiet girl, she played in Schools Marching Band. She never had much friends till that one fateful day. There was a tall, black-haired Chinese man. His name, Logan. The sound of his name rolled off her tongue and it drove her crazy. She hardly knew him but she craved him so.

Over the months their friendship grew ever-so stronger. Logan gave many hence's to Aurora that he liked her. Aurora seen it and acknowledged it. Aurora desperately wanted him but her fears confronted her and she didn't know how to speak up and tell him.

One day at lunch, she tripped and fell onto Logan. Her heart racing with embarrassment. she thought to herself," oh my god what have I done!" embarrassed she look down to see that they were holding hands. Not knowing what to do next she said to Logan," im sorry" Logan being embarrassed as well laughed it off.

Embarrassed, they went on with their day. Aurora was at the water fountain all of a sudden when she felt a tap at her back. She turned around not knowing who it was, and seen it was Logan. your stomach Twisted into 1000 knots, she managed to merely say," hello." Logan quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her into the corner. Despite the rush of the ongoing high schoolers. In that corner it was just Aurora and Logan they met eyes.

Logan still holding her hand said," Aurora I love you." And in that moment her heart flourished she said" I love you too"...

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