
When the world turns

Kirika Atsushito, a normal highschool kid with his heart set on the only sport that he knows, chess. Despite being athletic, he does not show it on any other sports field, and continues to fail on his exams as he finds the exams not suiting to his likings and because he is too lazy to study. The whole world of Kirika turns upside down as the mana arises back into the world, giving him a chance to be on top.

Delemo · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


"Did you hear that he confessed to THE queen?!" One of the girls in the class started to go on about something of a confession to her friends.

*Oh yeah, I remember that happening... but... I want to see- woops. HEAR how she says this story.* Kirika narrates and talks to himself as he just blankly stares out of the window. He continues to listen to the girls' gossip about him.

"Oh what are you for real?!" a girl next to her was shocked and intrigued, and an another one went, "I can't believe that useless creep had the courage to confess to her."

*woah woah woah there. That is some pretty harsh words princess. But yeah I would like to listen to more of this, I have a feeling that it just gets better and better from here on out* he had smile on his face as he thought to himself.

"I know right? Urgh." another girl went. A lot of girls do seem to like talking about something like this.

*Okay, I get it, you guys are disgusted by me. Just continue on with the story now will you? Please? I am begging you.*

"Shhh let me say the whole story now. And he asked her to be his wife." The whole crowd of girls just start laughing at what girl #1 had said. "What a creep right? I mean who asks a girl to be his wife as a concession,, yuck. ha ha ha ha" They all continue to laugh.

*I mean, there is not much I can do about here, they are going to just laugh and laugh. I am going to enjoy hearing the rest of the part.* Kirika for some reason is more excited for what it looks like is the rest of the story or rumour that the girls were spreading about.

"And and? come on gal! Do not leave it with the suspence! Just tell us how it all went after that! How bad was it or did something interesting happen?" A girl asked the girl #1.

*holy moly just how much has the students in this class sunk down to. Like what the heck? come on! Show some respect for the man at the very least. They do know that I am right over here right? like I am not just in the class but like within a ten metre radius too, are they just dumb or pretending to be some. Sigh, Kirika calm down, calm down. Let me just wait and hear what they have to say about me.* Kirika seemed to be in quite a bit of annoyance and disturbed. It would nonetheless be the girls in his class being the reason and not just the girls that were talking about this....

"huh did you hear that? Atsushito got rejected by the queen it seems like." A girl from the front of the class started to talk about what she was hearing.

"Ha! What did that loser think he was going to get by doing that? Did he perhaps think that the queen would be willing to go out with someone like him?" a group of boys started to as well.

"What was he thinking?! ha ha ha"

"Seriously, does he not know that it is the queen that he was thinking about. Talk about being a dumbass!" the bunch of boys just laughed together at Kirika's so called confession.

*Nothing I say would matter. Even if I told them that is not how it went down, it would not matter. Even if I told the truth, who would even begin to care?