
Chapter Two: Meeting the Enemy




The Princess's shoes made small sounds as she walked to the main hall. The dismal corridor she walked through made the journey seem like an eternity. Her heart raced and she felt her stomach begin to twist in knots.

Finally, she stood in front of the heavy doors and watched as the guards pulled them open, announcing her in kind. "Arriving, Princess Anne Marie Willis, of Arcadia." The Princess walked inside and gave a deep curtesy in greeting. After a moment she straightened her back and that was when she saw him.

His hair was the color of the night sky, and his eyes the deepest blue. He looked like some angel, from the heavens themselves. He only barely looked at her before he turned back to look at the document spread across the table. However, although her angel had not paid much heed to her entrance, his father seemed enamored. He kept staring at her as if sizing her up.

Feeling uncomfortable under the King's heavy gaze, she went to stand beside her father. From what she saw on the table they'd been discussing the finer details of the treaty and been preparing to sign.

King Roland spoke, his voice deep but clearly exhausted, "I agree with the suggested trading routes and materials. Do you have a set date in mind for the wedding?"

When she had first proposed the treaty, her father had been hesitant. Yet when the two Kings met for the initial discussion, they had decided a more concrete peace was needed and that the betrothal of their two children would be the necessary seal for this treaty. Just like that Anne had become engaged to Crown Prince Xavier. She knew little about him apart from rumors of his looks and fierce battle prowess.

The King of Vastrul was eager to get the treaty finalized. His people was in great need to grains, something Arcadia was rich in. But his distrust for his enemy is what inspired him to form the marriage alliance. If he could gain the only child of his enemy, as a member of his family, then Arcadia would have to submit to peace. "Next month during the full moon."

King Roland smiled, glad to be done with it all. "Agreed."

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