
Step 2

As Diana was talking to the guys Daniel was explaining the plan to Suzan so that there is no misunderstanding from their side. 

"Ohh okay, I understand." Suzan said after hearing the whole plan. 

"By the way, Daniel..thank you." Kate said with a soft smile. 

"Well, you are welcome." Daniel said with a soft smile too 

At the same time his phone rang but Daniel did not pick up. But every time he saw that call his expression turned to anger but he would change them fast. This change of expression was noticed by Suzan and Kate. 

"Is everything alright? You have ignored that call 4 times now." Kate asked with concerned looks. 

"Ah yeah. It's just some sales person." Daniel said with a carefree expression. 

Kate looked at Suzan, they both were just puzzled that why would someone change expression so much just because of a sales person's call. But as Daniel looked that he did not wanted to talk about this so they left the matter. 

On the other hand 

"Sebastian, have you dated before?" Diana asked with curiosity.

"Yeah.." Sebastian said as he was still looking at Kate and Daniel. 

'As far as I know. Sebastian was her frist crush she had no boyfriend...no wonder this dude getting so jealous' Diana thought as she looked at Sebastian. 

"So Sebastian...how does it feel to be burning in the flames of jealousy?" Diana said with a smirk. 

Just when he heard this, Sebastian finally fixed his eyes on Diana. He kept his glass at the table and kept staring at her.

"It's hard to tell now if you are staring with anger or staring with something else." Diana said as she tilted her face a bit and looked at Sebastian. 

"Anger. I would never date a girl like you." Sebastian said as he looked away. 

"Oh, well you might not be able to date her either since you are unable to confess your feelings to the girl you love." Diana said with seriousness. 

Although this was the truth but even David or Dylan hadn't said it so straightly to him. It hit him too hard and without responding he left the bar. 

"Hmm, well well. Step 2 done." Diana said as she shrugged her shoulders. 

"Step 2?" Dylan & David said together.

"Oh shit, did I say that outloud?" Diana said as she widened her eyes.

"What's going on?" Dylan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah, I can't tell you but don't worry it's for Sebastian's good. No need to worry." Diana said as she smiled awkwardly and went away. 

David & Dylan were just left puzzled and Kate, Daniel and Suzan who were looking at this from afar were left without any explanation too. 

As the plan, Daniel was dropping off Kate at her home and his habit of picking the call up with a voice command and driving Daniel picked up the call he was not supposed to. 

"Hey Daniel. Do you know where I am? I am in City I! Excited to meet you, though I will not tell you where we are gonna meet but be ready." A guy's seductive voice came from the other end of the call. 

"You...motherf***" Daniel said in anger. 

For a second he had forgotten that he was not driving alone.

"Oh, so was this the "sales person" you were avoiding calls from?" Kate asked after Daniel hung up the call.

"Yeah.." Daniel said as he sighed deeply.

"And why are you angry at this person?" Kate asked.

"Because, he is off to destroy me. Has been blackmailing for a while. I have given him everything I could. I don't know what the hell he want." Daniel said as he controlled his anger by clenching his fist tightly. 

"Well, since I am your girlfriend...well pretending to be...but hey you can still tell me if you need help...you are helping me too." Kate said as she patted his clenched fist lightly. 

"Sure. Anyways, here is your home." Daniel said as he stopped in front of her home. 

"Good night, take care Daniel" Kate said as she got off the car and gave a soft smile to him before entering her home. 

After a week or two, Daniel & Kate had gotten really good in their acting by now that it was just getting harder and harder for Sebastian to see his love with someone else. He was feeling a heartache whenever he saw them together. And to add to his pain today Diana, Daniel and Kate were sitting at the trio's table and this was not the irritating part the irritating part was that Daniel was sitting at Sebastian's seat with Kate beside him holding his hand. 

"Good thing everyone is together here today so the 5Gs fifth club's inauguration is tomorrow, you guys wanna come too?" David asked as he sat down and looked at Kate, Daniel and Diana. 

"5G like the network?" Diana asked 

"The owner is inviting us why not?" Daniel said with a proud smile. 

"Owner?" Diana asked. 

"Yeah, as far as I have heard David Johnson is the owner of the fifth club." Daniel said as he tried to remember an article where he had read about this. 

"I'm glad Daniel you know about our club." David said with a smile but the smile had hidden story of how he reached where he was now. 

"Your story is inspirational." Daniel said with proud expression and a soft smile. 

"I wanna know too you know…" Diana said with a clueless expression. 

"Let me tell you..if you are okay with it David." Daniel said with excotement but then turned to David for permission. 

"Go ahead" David said as he shrugged his shoulders. 

5 years ago. 

"You like boys? David, is this a joke?" Mr. Johnson asked with serious expression. 

"No, dad this isn't a joke." David said with his head down. 

"Disgusting. Get out of my house!" Mr. Johnson said as he got up and opened the door.

"Honey..but" His mother tried to calm his father. 

"Fine. I am going. Love you mom." David said as he got out of the door with disappointed expression. 

The moment he stepped out of the door, he decided to never look back again but right now he had no place to live and it was December, the coldest time of the year in City I. 


"What the hell David? Are you dumb or something? God damn it we are lucky this park is in the way of our school or you would be dying in cold!" Sebastian said with anger as he noticed David sleeping on a bench. 

"You could've called either of us." Dylan said with seriousness. 

"But why are you out here anyway?" Sebastian asked. 

"Guys, I need to tell you two something.." David said with fear. 

His heart was beating fast right now, he did not know what his friends reachtion would be after he tells them about his sexuality. Would they react the same as his parents? He was afraid if the reaction would be same. 

"I...um...I'm gay." David said in a low tone. 

For a second silence took place between the three boys but Sebastian & Dylan looked at each other and nodded their heads lightly. 

"So? What does that have to do with you sleeping in the bench on a cold night?" Dylan asked. 

"Exactly!" Sebastian agreed with Dylan. 

David looked at his two friends with smile on his face and tears coming out of his eyes and he hugged them both at the same time. 

"I never knew you two had brains to understand this!" David said as he felt relieved. 

Dylan & Sebastian laughed at this and then patted his back. 

After this, the guys went to school. After living with Dylan and Sebastian for some months David had started to feel guilty so he went to a brother (not by blood) who was gay as well. 

"Hmm the idea is not bad. I am ready to invest." George said with a serious interested face. 

George was a businessman, maybe not the richest but at least a known one in the business world. David knew George because of one party they had met in accidentally. 

"Thank you!" 

"You're welcome David." George said with a smile. 

Investor was found, David still needed other people. Now came his other three friends who were gay as well. One already had experience of working in bars, clubs so he agreed to be the manager, his name was Josh. One had a great interest in making cocktails and playing with drinks so he became the bartender, he was Adam. Last but not the least, a guy who was interested in dancing was hired as the dancer and teacher to teach other dancers in the club, Neil. 

As all the main elements to open the first gay strip club in City I were ready the bar was open. 



"Damn..salute to you David!" Diana said as she saluted him.

"Haha, thanks." David said with a smile. 

Hello dear readers! So finally I could write this chapter in a satisfied way. I tried to write it yesterday too but well it was not good so I had to drop the idea of posting the chapter yesterday but well although I am late but at least with a good chapter. I hope you liked it too!

Anyways, I will see you in the next chapter!

Love ya all!


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