
Chapter 1

Part 1: Before the story

"Can I go beyond this limit..."

while he still haven't fainted from the exhaustion as he killing a quite a number of monster in a dungeon.

[Wave 99 Cleared]

[Prepared all 'Player' to ready for incoming next wave]

"My teammates all are killed... my parents.... my siblings... my friends.... And even my family... can.. I still move on..."

Then he started crying for a while before the next wave. he cried and cried until the next wave coming without preparing.

"All my healing item and my teammate's healing already finished..."

[Wave 100 Started]

"Is this all I can do..."

He cried more as the monster piled him. While he thinking.

"I guess this is the end of my life... I can't.... I can't..... I can't...."

[Resurrection Ready]



"What is this system saying...."

Then suddenly he heard a loud noises around him as if he in a crowded place.

"Why is there a lot of noises.... I thought...."

Then he open his eyes and he's in shock that he's in a classroom.

"Where is this..?"

Then someone hit his back slowly.

"Yo Baek!"

"Baek? Who is that? And who are you?"

"I'm your friend, don't you remember? And I'm your only friend. My name is Beom Jin-ho. How could you forget you one and only supportive friend."

While he confused, he asked Beom about himself.

"You seriously forget about yourself? What are you a Incarnation? Are you okay?"

"Just answer me."

"Okay.. Okay.. Your name is Baek Dong. And you are an orphanage like me."

After that I have a though that I'm in this Baek Dong body. Looks like the soul already lost in the first place.

"Can you tell me is this school even have a bully?"

*Lol this mc so Frank.

"oh, you... did you get hit your head so hard that you forget you the victim of the bully."

There is a tear at Beom eyes.

"And you even tried to suicide."

"oh so it's like that.."

he whispered. Then someone came to his classroom.



The bell ring for recess.

"Oi Baek"

Baek looked at him.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Namgung Dae-Ho."

Beom whispering to Baek ears.

"That is the bully that bully you until you almost suicide."

"Oh so he's the villain?"

Baek looked at Namgung.

"What type of villain said their own name?"

Namgung looked at Baek with a angry expression.

"While I hold on to this anger, better you go get me some lunch."

"Why should I?"

Namgung is preparing to punch Baek. Before that Baek already predict this event and prepared himself to make a counter attack.

"Better you hurry, Little Baek~"

with a creepy and hoarse voice.


Beom whispering to Baek.

"It's the better you take his order or you suffer from him."

Suddenly Namgung started to punch him. But he already predict this and Prevent it from hitting it. After Namgung punch, after that Baek punched him back.


The punch hit Namgung and his face bleeding.


The whole class shocked and silent after that.

"How dare you Baek! I'll remember this!"

Then Namgung run to go to his classroom while Baek continued talking to Beom.

"How did you do that?!"

Beom shocked and wait for the answer.

"Well I just punch him."

"No, not about that, how did you avoid his punch?"

"Well his punch is too slow and looked weak"

Beom shocked. The whole class whispered about him.

"Wait isn't that Baek? How the f*ck did he do it?"

"Right? He completely a different person from yesterday!"

Then he school bell ring.




"Phew, finally time to go home."

"Where do you want to go after this Baek?"

Baek thinking for a while as Beom wait for his answer.

"I think I will go to some places. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, see you soon"

<Chapter 1> End.