12 Tony's Jealousy

Tony had just wanted to eat lunch with Daisy. Getting to humiliate Andrew was just a plus in his book. Walking forward he grabbed Daisy's hand. Feeling how soft and smooth her hands were he knew she was unaccustomed to working hard.

"Daisy if you like I can tell you all about this guy's past with my wife. He once swore to me he would never love another woman as long as he lives. Even going as far as to fight with me every time he saw me. How did it feel receiving all those videos over the years? That one seven month ago really had me turned on the whole time."

"SHUT... THE... FUCK... UP." Andrew yelled at Tony as he pulled Daisy behind him. "What kind of man has his wife raped by four men and video tapes it to torture her with? What is even worse was what you done after they finished with her. A husband is supposed to cherish and protect his wife yet you had her hospitalized countless times. This last time the doctors even said she was lucky to be alive. I wonder have you ever really cared for Alison? Did you see her as your equal? Or was it another case of a possessive jerk not realizing what he had till it was gone?"

Tony was shocked but happy with Andrew's anger. How could he not be? This fool was making himself look bad in front of his own fiancee. "See Daisy he still loves her, but I wonder why he would ask you to marry him so soon after hearing she was divorcing me."

"Alison is a good friend of mine so naturally my husband would worry for her. She was the one who hooked us up after all."

Tony shot her a look clearly showing he didn't believe her. How could Alison have a friend that looked this good without him knowing it? 'Could they be trying to deceive me?'

"If your really a friend of Alison's why did she never mention you to me? Also why were you never invited to her parties when we were in high school?"

"Ali never mentioned me because we were pen pals. The only meeting we had was when she was working near Andrew's college. Andrew took me to his favorite cafe a few times and every time we went Ali would serve us. She loved my name saying it was the name of her favorite flower as well as her pen pals name which led us to discover we had been writing since middle school. As for her parties I didn't attend because I am from another country. The only reason I came to this country was for my darling Andrew so please leave me alone."

Tony grabbed her arm as she turned to walk away. "At least get to know the real me. Alison probably told you lies about me in order to make herself look pitiful."

"Mr. Hight please let go of my fiancee. She has already told you how she knows Ali as well as why I care so much. Now if you will excuse us I promised my future wife a date for lunch."

Tony stared at her eyes wondering why they seemed so familiar yet so different. They reminded him of Alison's but with a fire burning bright. Seeing her turn to Andrew and walk out the door he felt a sense of loss for the second time that year. 'Don't get to cocky Andrew I will find my wife. After I find her I will take yours and kill them in my bed slowly so that you never see them again.'
