
When The Fallout Comes

Ray McAllister having a recurring Nightmare where's the world end is near. Armed with that knowledge he will attempt to save his friends and family. (sorry for the bad grammar etc. its my first time writing and as per usual Fallout is the property of Bethesda Softworks) Here if you want to support me : p@reon.com/Dowaray or https://ko fi.com/dowaray

Dowaray · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 9 Ain't That a Kick In The Head (edited)

Nicole takes a very deep breath to calm herself down. Calming down, she's looking straight into my eye, "why? What happen that make you do this?" Sighing, I'm standing up and think for a moment. Considering, should I tell her my secret or not. And asking myself if she ready to hear it. Impatient, she's poking my cheek with her finger. Seeing me go silent all a sudden, "please can you tell me the reason, why?" Smiling, I decide to not telling her for now. Scared, as she might think of me being crazy.

I put my finger in front of my lips and say, "well, it's a secret." With a huff, she turns her head on me, annoyed by my behavior. I'm letting out a chuckle, seeing her like that, finding it cute. With a serious expression, I'm grabbing her hand. While looking straight into her eye, "let me tell you. My feeling for you is genuine, Nicole." Blushing, she hangs her head to hide her embarrassment. Feeling her tension from her hand, I decide to make her relax a bit. Grinning, I give her a wink, saying, "and you know what they say. A woman loves a man with a secret, isn't it?"

It, all started with a small chuckle, then it's turning into a full-blown laugh. As the tension disappear from her body. I'm waiting for her to calm down enough to hold a conversation. After a while, she stops laughing. As she wipes away the tear leaking from her eye. Smiling, I ask, "I'm going to ask you once again. Will you be mine, Nicole?" Her body tensed up for a moment. After a while, she finally speaks, "what making you love me?" Chuckling, I answer her question with confidence, "you, know. We knew each other from the time we are children, right?"

Nicole hesitant to answer, but with a sigh, she's nodding. Smiling, I look into her eyes, "all the time we know each other. I find myself falling, for your courage, persistence, and hard work." And with a wicked grin. I added while grabbing her ass, "and of course. I want this perfect ass to be mine!" Blushing, she hides her face with both of her hand in shame. Then I'm asking her once again, "so Nicole, will you be mine?" Her body freeze up for a second, taking a deep breath. Removing her hand, she's nodding with an expression filled with determination.

Excited, I seal her lip in a passionate kiss. Shocked, I can feel her body tense for a moment. Relaxed, she's hugging me tight, trying to never let me go. In the end, we parted our lip with reluctance. Breathless, with a smile, I'm saying, "let's go resume our training. I'm ready for more!" She calm down after hearing my shout that full of energy. Regaining her spirit, grinning, she says, "oh. If that the case, you better watch out then." I'm looking at her with confusion. As I'm having an ominous premonition. Grinning, she's pointing her finger to my chest, "for your arrogance. I will increase my training for you, so get ready!"

My confidence is gone without a trace. As I'm giving her an awkward laugh, "err. It looks like I'm still tired after all." Nicole grab my hand before I can sit down again. With a sadistic smile, she says, "ehh, aren't you the one saying I'm ready for more? So let's go then." Grabbing my collar, she drags me away to train some more. Scared, I'm shouting, "aah, I'm sorry. I won't be presumptuous again." With a wicked grin, she says, "this is for your own good, Ray. So, don't resist." Trying to escape, I find myself can't get out from her grip. Terrified, I can only shout in despair, "No."

06.15 AM.

Coming back home, I crashed on the sofa. As my whole body feeling sore after training, Nicole give me. Man, she ain't kidding that the training is tough. Hmm, I'm wondering if my endurance or strength. Will increase after that hellish training. Changing into a more comfortable sitting position. I open my Pip-Boy, eh, nope it looks like I need more training huh. Sighing, I get up and go to the basement, I better finish that code fast. Thank god for my high science skill. I'm confident to finish it around a week.

While I'm busy coding in the basement. I can hear someone knocking on the front door. Oh, It looks like Nicole come back, "come on in Nicole, the door isn't locked!" Hearing my shout, I can hear the door open. Stepping inside my home, she shouts, "where are you, Ray?!" Shrugging, my shoulder, I shout back,"I'm in the basement. You remember where is it, right?" Before long, Nicole come down. To the basement while bringing a plate of food. Happy, give me the food with a little flair, "ta-da. I brought you a breakfast, Ray. A special chicken sandwich I cook myself, enjoy."

I'm grabbing a piece of sandwich from the plate. With a smile, "wow, thanks, Nicole!" I proceed to eat the sandwich, while writing the code. Smiling, Nicole put the plate beside my keyboard. And looking at the screen while leaning on my shoulder. Curious at what I'm working on, she asks, "what are you doing, Ray?" Relaxed, I reply to her while coding, "I'm coding for my project." Losing interest, she says, "oh. Is this a project for your class assignment?" I pause for a moment, then shake my head, "eh, not exactly."

Puzzled, she asks, "eh, so why are you doing it then?" Standing up, I walk toward the shelf filled with rolls of papers. Searching, for the project blueprint. Before long, I find what I'm searching for. And unfurl the blueprint on an empty table beside the shelf. Showing its content to the curious Nicole. With pride, I point at the blueprint, "one day. I find this in my father study. Curious, for the machine potential. My friend and I decide to turn it into a gaming machine." After reading the blueprint, her eye goes wide in shock, "woah. You guys want to make this holographic machine into a gaming console?!" Nodding, I'm grinning with pride, "of course."

As Nicole busy examining the blueprint with interest. I'm taking the chance, to check out on her. While sitting in front of the terminal. She now wears a jacket with a cat paw print on the back. And paired with short skirt and spat underneath it. As I'm familiar with her, underneath that jacket must be a tank top. Ah, sporty clothes for a sporty gal, classic. Out of the blue, she's turning her head toward me while I'm appreciating her butt. Excited, she asks, "hey, can I play with it after you guys finishing this console?" Snapping out from my daze. I'm answering it as fast as possible, "oh, yeah, of course you can."

Perking up, she's hugging me, "thanks Ray!" Hugging her back, I'm breathing a sigh of relief. Phew, it looks like she hasn't realized what I'm doing. Curious, she asks, "hey, when is the console completed?" Depressed, I'm sighing, "well the console should have come out tomorrow. But, an accident happens when I'm working on it, making me lost all data. There's a back-up, but it's from alpha version, so I need to rewrite the code. It's such a shame though the version that got destroyed. Come in packaged with build in RPG game, it's all come to naught."

She upset hearing what happen, "aw man it sucks that I can't play it sooner anyway what happen?" Sighing, I tell her what happen yesterday, "As I'm busy writing the code. A short circuit happens, making a small explosion that electrocute me." Shocked, she examines my body. While touching it with concern, "are you alright?!" I reply with a smile filled with happiness, "yes, I'm fine." Without me realizing it, we are now standing in somewhat of an ambiguous position. With her body standing very close to me. While she's touching my chest. Embarrassed, my face becoming red. Conflicted whatever should I take this opportunity or not.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Anyway thank you for reading, have a nice day!

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