
When The Fallout Comes

Ray McAllister having a recurring Nightmare where's the world end is near. Armed with that knowledge he will attempt to save his friends and family. (sorry for the bad grammar etc. its my first time writing and as per usual Fallout is the property of Bethesda Softworks) Here if you want to support me : p@reon.com/Dowaray or https://ko fi.com/dowaray

Dowaray · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 31

Smirking, Roxy looks at me with expectation, "you need to take responsibility." She stands up and points her finger at me, "for I'm going to make you mine!" I stay silent with a troubled expression for a moment. As guilt filled my mind again. Sighing, I helplessly nod, "alright-alright, I'm going to take responsibility." Suddenly, she hugs me tighter in excitement, "umm, thank you, Ray." My face is buried in her valley, nearly suffocating me. I try to wrangle away from her while speaking in a muffled tone, "ummh! Can't you please let go of me? I'm getting suffocated here!"

Embarrassed, Roxy quickly let me go, "sorry." Soon after, she's looking at me with intrigue. Stroking her chin, she asks, "Umm, you know I can't help but notice." Confused, I til my head, asking, "what is it?" She looks at me with a teasing smirk, "from your behavior. It seems you already have a girlfriend, right?" Shocked, I blurted out, "how did you know?" Covering her face, she dramatically sits on the bed, "oh, how could you be so cruel. Taking another woman even though you already have one." Feeling guilty, I let out a sigh. While awkwardly scratching my head, "I'm sorry."

Smiling, Roxy suddenly grabs my hand. Pulling me toward her embrace, "don't worry. I won't prevent you from seeing her." I'm looking at her in surprise, "eh?" With a teasing smirk, she pokes my nose, "because I'm just kidding, you know." Confused, I'm looking at her with a blank expression. Laughing, she let me go and stand up. She's beckoning me while stretching her body, "anyway, let's go take a bath. We stink as we haven't taken a bath since we woke up." Nodding, I stand up in a daze. And follow her to the bathroom.

As expected, this place is cramped with the two of us taking a bath together. Blushing, I curl up in the corner of the bathtub. While Roxy unashamedly sits in the other corner with her leg wide open. Exposing her devilishly toned body to me. Making me aroused as my dick gets hard. Suddenly, a devious grin plastered on her face. As she suddenly moves and straddles my hip. Leaning closer to my chest, she whispers, "you know. There's one true thing about what I said before, though." Puzzled, I look at her and ask, "what is it?"

Grinning, she confidently says, "I want to make you mine. As I heard plenty of good things about you from Larry. He tells me about your luck and skill. But now, seeing you myself, I found something interesting about you." Coking an eyebrow, I curiously ask, "oh? What makes you interested in me?" Grinning, Roxy rests her head on my shoulder, "from what you said before. You're just another one of my costumer. But, you choose to help me rather than flee the battle alone. And I find you are hiding some secret too."

Gulping, I nervously ask, "ahh, um, what do you mean?" Roxy looks at me with a teasing smirk, "for example. How did you pull out a still-warm food from my bar kitchen?" I have a cold sweat seeing her devilish grin. Damn it, she notices the strangeness! She suddenly laughs, seeing me squirm with unease. Patting my chest, she says, "don't you worry, I'll keep it a secret." I'm breathing a sigh of relief. Chuckling, she suddenly grabs my dick, "besides, I fall for your boundless stamina, you know." Aroused, she lustfully bit her lower lip.

While Roxy carefully inserts the tip of my dick into her entrance. As she slowly lowers her hip, "ahm~♥!" I let out a sigh of pleasure as my dick fully enter her hole, "guh!" She stops moving for a moment. And makes out with me, "umm, mcu~♥!" Panting, she starts bobbing her hip up and down, "splash-splish, umh, fwap-fwap~♥!" Taking a deep breath, I'm mesmerized by her luscious bouncing breast. It's not as big as Mrs. Ellen, but it's still tantalizing to me. So, without further ado, I grab her breasts and pinch her right nipple. While I'm sucking on her left, "nchu-chupa."

Closing her eyes, Roxy enthusiastically moves her hip, "yes, harder~♥!" Soon after, I can feel her inside start to twitch. As I can't hold back any longer. Letting go of her nipple, I shout, "guh, I'm going to cum!" Excited, she leans closer while moving her hip faster, "yes, me too~♥!" Grabbing her butt, I start moving my hip in sync with her, "splash-splish! fwap-fwap-fwap!" Gnashing my teeth, I hold down her hip. And thrust my hip with all I've got, "urgh, I'm cumming!" Penetrating her cervix as I let out all my seed inside, "splurt-splurt!"

Roxy's eyes turn white due to pleasure. At the same time, I can feel her nail digging into my shoulder, "Aaah, yes~♥!" Exhausted, she lay on my chest and let out a sigh filled with contentment. Gnashing my teeth, I try to control myself. As I'm nearly losing my mind again. Before long, she stands up and turns on the shower. Phew, it looks like she's done with me, huh. Standing up, I follow suit and take a shower with her. While showering, I notice my semen pouring out from her pussy. Making me worried if she's going to be pregnant.

After showering, we realize she doesn't have anything to wear. Because her dress turns to shred. When I healed her wound last night. So I pretend to go out to buy some clothes. While in reality, I take out my clothes from my inventory. I go awestruck while we change our clothes. Because she feels different than before. Before, I saw her as an elegant and glamorous lady. But now she's turning into a youthful woman filled with energy. As she's wearing a t-shirt and shorts that I give her. With that done, we go check out from the motel.

During the checkout, the motel clerk lecherously gazes at Roxy. With a humph, she ignores his gaze and clings to my arm like a lover. Outside she was shocked when she saw my ride, "wait, did you send me here using that scrap of metal?" Scowling, I reply with annoyance, "hey, show some respect. This unassuming scrap metal has saved us, you know. Thanks to its unassumingness, we go through the shark gang checkpoint without a problem." She sticks out her tongue like a child and then gets on the scooter, "I know, I know, come on, let's go then. I can't wait to come back."

Shaking my head, I nod and start the scooter. On the way, we found our stomachs beginning to grumble. So we decided to go get breakfast in a nearby restaurant. Taking the chance while waiting for our food. I decided to check on my Pip-Boy. As I haven't opened it yet since yesterday. And if I'm not wrong, I remember. There's a quest notification that appeared last night. Unfortunately, I can't open it because I'm in a hurry. Opening the Pip-Boy, I quickly check out the quest log. And soon after, I find a new quest in the list.


The gang war PT. 1 :

Help Larry get her Boss out of the battle. Who knows, they might give you some funds for your trouble.

-Get the Roxy out of the building. (Completed)

-<Optional> Heal Roxy's injury. (Completed)

-<Optional> Kill Roxy. (Incomplete)

-Bring Roxy to safety. (Completed)

-Send Roxy back to her home. (Incomplete)

My eye twitches as I get into a troublesome thing. Sighing, I'm muttering in annoyance, "god damn it!" Hearing my mutter Roxy turns her attention from the newspaper she just bought. And looks at me with curiosity, "oh, what's wrong, Ray?" I quickly shake my head, "eh, it's nothing. I'm just a bit miffed by this restaurant's long waiting time." She's nodding in understanding, "well, what do you expect? It's the weekend, duh. Of course, the restaurant will be filled with people. Besides, you pick the worst time to go to the hottest restaurant as it's time for lunch."

Curious, I suspiciously ask, "eh, how did you know that?" Roxy sways the newspaper in front of me, "of course, I learn it from this. The latest Boston Bugle, more specifically, its review corner." Nodding, I quickly change the subject, "oh. Anyway, where do we go from here?" She gets back to reading the newspaper. While casually replying, "well, you can send me to Newton. I've got a house over there." I'm nodding while opening up my Pip-Boy to check the map, as I rarely go there. Soon after, the food finally comes at last.

So we stop what we are currently doing and eat. It's just like what the newspaper said the food is freaking tasty. Or maybe my empty stomach is playing tricks on me? I shrug my shoulder and ravenously eat the food in front of me. The tastiness of this food is worth the wait. After eating, we continue our journey to Newton. Sometime later, we arrive in front of a mansion gate. Smiling, she gets down from my scooter. And giving me a polite bow, "thank you for your help, Ray." Shaking my head, I quickly reply, "you don't need to thank me."

I lean closer to her with a mischievous grin, "after all, you showed me your gratitude all night long yesterday." Blushing, Roxy let out a chuckle, "oh you. Anyway, I have something to give before you go." Puzzled, I decided to wait as she told me to. While she walks toward the intercom at the gate and starts speaking to it. Before long, a group of men in black appears in a hurry. Led by an old lady that bows down on her knee in front of Roxy, "thank gods you were back in one piece, miss. We thought you had perished on the way."

With a grin, Roxy shakes her head, "not today, Alberta. As you can see, I'm still alive and well. Anyway, did you prepare for what I have asked?" Nodding, the old lady claps her hand, "yes, miss." A maid emerges from the back of the rank while bringing a tray. Without saying anything, Roxy grabs the thick envelope on the tray and turns toward me. Smiling, she hands it to me and says, "here, this is your reward, and there's an invitation inside." I'm blankly receiving the envelope. And from the weight, I know it's a fat wad of cash.

Shocked, I try to refuse the gift. But Roxy already walks away toward the group. While I can hear her shout from a distance, "if you come, I might consider me to be yours instead." Suddenly, a series of notifications appear in front of my eyes. Quest complete, new quests available. You are ready to level up. I decide to ignore the message for now and go back home. At home, I rest on the sofa and turn on the TV. While at it, I decided to check on my pip-Boy. To see how much did Roxy give me. I'm shocked to find that she has given me two million dollars. Taking a deep breath, I take a look at the quest log.

Quest :

The gang war Pt. 2 :

With the three aces dead, no one can help the rose gang against the other gang's other than you.

-Accept Roxy's invitation (Incomplete)

There's something fishy about this quest for how short it is. Hmm, I better check out the invitation, then. Eh, there's nothing in it, the card. It just told me to go to the dock at three PM Saturday. Shrugging my shoulder, I open the status page and click on the level-up button. I spent ten points on Gun while dumping the rest on Repair. Then I chose Educated as my second perk. Giving me two more skill points for my next level up.

Level 3---> 4

Skill point 13--->0

Barter 45

Energy Weapons 20

Explosives 20

Guns 35--->45

Lockpick 25

Medicine 30

Melee Weapon 20

Repair 50--->53

Science 55

Sneak 20

Speech 33

Survival 25

Unarmed 31


Swift learner: + 10% EXP.

Educated: +2 Skill points.

Nothing interesting happens for the rest of the day. So I spend it watching Tv. And reading a book from my father's study titled the Big Book of Science. Somehow I get three skills in science after reading the book. Making me wonder in excitement if there is another book. That can increase my skills in my father's studies.

Level 4

Barter 45

Energy Weapons 20

Explosives 20

Guns 45

Lockpick 25

Medicine 30

Melee Weapon 20

Repair 53

Science 55 ---> 58

Sneak 20

Speech 33

Survival 25

Unarmed 31

Merry christmas evryone and happy holiday!

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