
When The Fallout Comes

Ray McAllister having a recurring Nightmare where's the world end is near. Armed with that knowledge he will attempt to save his friends and family. (sorry for the bad grammar etc. its my first time writing and as per usual Fallout is the property of Bethesda Softworks) Here if you want to support me : p@reon.com/Dowaray or https://ko fi.com/dowaray

Dowaray · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 15 (Edited)

Throwing away the empty bottle of tonic water. I'm approaching the stair. But, one of the bouncer standing, in my way, not letting me go any further, "stop! We need to search your body for anything suspicious first. Before you can go up." puzzled, I stop in my track and look around. Finding that I'm the only one getting checked. While the other patron can move around with ease. Confused, I'm letting the bouncer patting around my body. Before long, he stops as he's not finding anything suspicious. Nodding, the bouncer moves aside, "you may go through now, sir. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Shrugging my shoulder, I get up the stair. On the way I can see a big mirror on the end of the stairs. Looking at my reflection, I realize why the bouncers stop me. As I'm seeing a suspicious man in a trench coat. While wearing a masker with sunglasses appear in the mirror reflection. Hmm, I need a better disguise, huh? But why did, the bartender not saying anything about my outfit? Helpless, I'm shaking my head, and keep climbing. Before long, I arrive at a crowded lobby. With a counter to exchange your money to chip. Walking to the counter, I exchange $500 to chips. Then I follow the crowd, entering the door beside the counter.

Inside, I'm seeing a crowded hall filled with people. Complete with a bar and a small stage in the corner of the hall. With a half naked woman putting on a show in the stage. And the smell of smoke mixed with alcohol wafting through the air. Oh, this place is bigger than I thought it would be. Curious, I'm walking around the hall. To see what kind of game this place has to offer. While walking, I find plenty of people wearing the same clothes as me. So, that's why the bartender not saying anything. And the bouncer let me in after they search my body.

There are ten tables in here with plenty of slot machines lining up the wall. From my observation, I find there are five games in total. Baccarat, Blackjack, Roulette, Poker, and Carps. Hmm, from what I gather, it looks like the highest bet of this place is $50. The most popular games in here are Blackjack and Roulette. A bit tired, I lean on the wall overlooking the game area. While mulling over which table should I join into. First, I will rule out slot machine, as the odds are terrible. As I'm thinking, a seat opens up in the blackjack table. Taking the opportunity, I take the empty seat and join the game.

The reason for me choosing blackjack rather than the other games. It's because the rule is simpler than the other. First, I play it safe by betting $5 chip. Then the dealer shuffles the card after the other place their bet. Next, the dealer draws two cards and place it face up in front of him. While giving the players two cards each. I take a look at my card, in front of me is one queen of heart and five clubs that mean 15. While the dealer have, an ace of heart and two diamond that mean 12. With a professional smile, the dealer asks, "hit, stand, split or double down?"

Frowning, I'm considering what to do. While the other already declaring their choice. Of a sudden, my instinct kick-off as I want to speak my choice. Telling me to double down or nothing. Hesitating, I'm mulling it over while stroking my chin. Making the other angry as I'm making them wait, "come on, make your move already!" Gnashing my teeth, I follow my instinct, "double down." Nodding, the dealer gives each player a face down card. With anticipation, I'm flipping the card open, and it's 6 of diamond. Excited, I shout, "yes!" Smiling, the dealer giving me $20 in chip. At the same time I earn a bit of EXP.

Ecstatic, I'm continue playing along for an hour, well, there's a hit-and-miss along the way. But now, I have amassed $5000 in chip and some EXP. Stroking my chin, I'm considering to stop playing and cash in. so, without further a due, I stand up and leave the table with the chip. On the way to the lobby, I'm noticing something. The staff of the casino gathering around an important looking man. A black man wearing an expensive suit with Afro. The man barking out a series of order. And from what I'm hearing, a VIP will come visiting the gambling hall soon.

Ignoring the crowd, I cash in the chip in the lobby. Walking out of the building, a luxurious limousine. Making a sudden stop in front of the bar. Curious, I'm stopping in my track and trying to see who's inside the car. Out of the blue, someone touching my shoulder from behind, "excuse me sir. Can you move away?" Shocked, I'm looking at the man behind me. Finding, a staff smiling at me, "you're blocking us from doing our job." Nodding, I'm moving away from the front door. As more staff coming out to greet the person inside the car.

Filled with curiosity, I decide to wait and see. As two robust men in suits coming out of the car. One of them opening the car door with respect. While the other helping the passenger to come out. By stretching his arm toward the passenger with a bow of respect. From the car, a delicate hand grabs the man outstretched hand. As an elegant pale woman in red dress. Stepping outside the car while blowing a smoke from her pipe. Fascinated, I'm taking a closer look at the woman. She's wearing a bonnet with veil that covering her eye. Giving her a mysterious charm.

Even though, her face obscured, I can see she has a curly black hair. With a beauty mark in the left corner of her eye. Her red dress is showing her curves very well. With a low cut top and a slit on the skirt. Showing her perfect breasts and a luscious tight warped in stocking. I'm stunned seeing this woman enchanting beauty. While the two robust men standing guard on both of her side. As she's standing in silence waiting for someone. Before long, the important looking black man come out of the bar.

Greeting the beauty, with a respectful kiss to the ring of her hand. Standing back, the black man bow to her, with the other staff following suit. Shouting, "welcome back, boss. It's nice to see you come to our establishment today." Nodding, she's walking inside as the staff surrounding her. Obscuring my sight, sighing, I walk toward my scooter. Starting the engine, I'm driving back home while that woman image lingering in my mind. Back home, I'm turning on the light and locking the door again. Exhausted, I'm taking off my clothes, throwing them on the sofa. Yawning, I go back to my room to sleep.

Early in the morning, I'm waking up as my body feeling a sudden chill. Because someone opening my blanket. While I'm still stark naked from yesterday. Curious, I'm opening my eye a little to take a peek. Finding the blushing Nicole fascinated with my morning wood. Yesterday, I have given her a spare key for my home at our date. Today she's wearing the usual sport wear from yesterday. Surprised, a sly grin appears on my face. Before she can react, I'm hugging her body. And throwing her on to my bed. Stunned, she's blushing while looking at me in shame.

My mind goes blank seeing her like this. As the negative effect of sex drive activated. Like a starving beast, I remove Nicole shirt. And start groping them. Scared, in tears she's resisting by pushing me away, "stop it, umm~?!" Her mouth blocked by my forceful kiss, as love juice leaking out from her slit. Aroused by this situation, feeling the danger if this continues on. Decisive, she's pinching my right ear and twist it with all her strength. Snapping me out from my stupor, confused, I can feel pain from my ear. So, I'm moving my head to lessen the pain. Releasing my hold from her body.

Out of the blue, I can feel something bad going to happen. But before I can react, my consciousness is fading, "argh!" As Nicole slapping me across the room, while shouting in anger, "wake up you idiot!" After a while, I'm waking up and see the annoyed Nicole looking at me with puffed up cheek. Standing up, I kneel down to her and apologize in earnest, "I'm sorry for what I've done." she's ignoring my plea for forgiveness, with a humph. Helpless, I apologize again while confessing, "I'm sorry I can't control myself. But you're so cute, I can't help myself."

Nicole blushing hearing my confession, as she's wavering a bit. Excited, I'm taking the chance and deliver a decisive blow, "As an apology. How about, I buy you that expensive dress you've been wanting?" Her eyes lit up in excitement as she leaps to me. With eye filled with hope, she's holding my hand and ask, "is that true?" Gnashing my teeth, I'm nodding with reluctance, "yep, it's true. I'm going to buy you that dress." Happy, she's hugging me tight, "yay, thank you, Ray." Once again, I'm losing control of my body. As my hand start groping her breast and ass.

Nicole, feeling my hand getting dishonest again. With a quick reaction, She's pinching my right ear. And tweak it as hard as she can. Snapping me out from my stupor, feeling guilty. I'm apologizing by kneeling to her again. Sitting on my bed, she's getting worried by my antic. While crossing her arm, she's looking at me with a frown, "what happen to you, Ray? Why can't you control your body?" Embarrassed, I'm thinking for a moment to consider my word. Sighing, I'm shaking my head, "I don't know. I'm losing control of my body. Whenever I'm seeing your coquettish side."

With a serious expression, Nicole thinking for a moment, muttering, "hmm. I need to do something about this problem, or it might be getting more dangerous." Realizing something, she's clapping her hand in excitement, "that's it!" Her eyes turning sharp as she's looking at me with a cold expression. Making me shudder, "from now on. You will receive a special training to control your lust after school." Sighing, I'm nodding with resignation. Happy, she's standing up and throwing the blanket at me, "come on then. You need to get ready and wear something, it's time for our morning exercise."

Nodding, I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Next I wear the sport clothes from yesterday. And then we're stepping outside ready to do our morning exercise. Like yesterday, we start with a warm-up and then jogging around the neighborhood. While running, Nicole surprised, by my progress. Because I'm not getting tired as fast as yesterday. With a gratified grin, she shouts, "it looks like my training is effective, huh?" Smiling, she increases her speed, "if that the case. Come on, Ray, try to keep up!"

Taking a deep breath, I'm speeding up, trying to keep up with her. But, to no avail, as she's still in the lead. Half an hour have passed, and now I'm lying down on the couch. Trying to take a breather, exhausted after the training. Nicole, going back home, to change her clothes. After a while, I get up and take a bath. Feeling refreshed after taking a bath. I'm sitting back down on the sofa and turning on the TV. Watching the news while waiting for Nicole. On the news, two old men engaged in a debate. Whatever, martial law should be re-enforced or not.

Frowning, I'm stroking my chin while thinking. Hmm, I need to step up my vault construction fast. Because, it's going to be hard, to do anything. When the martial law getting reinforced again. But first, I need to, find a suitable area to build it. If possible, I would like to find a natural cave near a water source. I'm opening my Pip-boy to look at the map. Sighing, I'm shaking my head in disappointment. The map only showing the contour of the land with no definitive detail. And searching around Boston at random is foolish and too time-consuming.

Sigh, I'd better ask my friend if they know a place like that. While I'm deep in thought, someone knocks on the door. Oh, it looks like Nicole come back, standing up I open the door. Finding a smiling Nicole with a plate of food in her hand. Excited, she's giving me the plate, "here, Ray, your breakfast. And today I also brought you something." Curious, I look at her and ask, "what is it?" With a proud smile, she procures a lunch box from her bag, "ta~da. I bring lunch for both of us!" Smiling. I'm kissing her cheek, "thanks Nicole, you are the best."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Anyway thanks for reading, have a nice day!

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