
Chapter 14 (edited)

As the jocks leaving us. I'm asking Nicole with a hint of dissatisfaction in my tone, "who the heck is he! Accusing me of harassing his men?" Sighing, Nicole shaking her head, "the idiot name is Butch Armstrong. Our upperclassman and the captain of the school football team. Everyone in school know that the jocks always been a jerk to the other student. But he insists on believing each word of his teammate. So that why this situation keep happening." Nodding, I'm narrowing my eyes and looking at the leaving jocks back.

But there's something seems odd to me. So, I turn my attention toward Nicole. Puzzled, I ask, "but how did those jocks. Keep getting away from any real punishment from the teacher?" Sighing, Nicole shrugging her shoulder, "well, don't you know? Our school football team, is the Massachusetts state's champion. And next year they will be fighting in the national's. That's why the teacher, not daring to punish those jocks." I'm nodding, with a clenched fist. A bit angry with myself for how powerless I am in front of those jocks. Damn it, how can, I survive the future if I'm like this.

Noticing my anger, Nicole hug my arm with a smile, saying, "anyway. Let's forget that idiot for a moment, are you ready for our date?" Calming down, I'm smiling while walking to the parking lot. With her hugging my arm along the way, "of course, I'm ready! Why don't we go to the mall? And on the way, why don't we stop by the bookstore then, I need something from there." She sticks out her tongue as she teases me, "boo, nerd. Are you sure a book store a good choice for a date?" Laughing I pat her head, "hey- hey-hey, you know this will happen when you start dating me right?"

With a playful humph, Nicole releasing my arm. As she's running toward the parking lot, "what are you waiting for, Ray! Let's go already, I can't wait to try out the new café that Roxanne keep telling me about." Helpless, I'm shaking my head and running after her. While shouting, "Wait for me, will you!" Arriving at the mall, we browse around the shop while holding each other hand. Now and again, we will stop at a shop that caught Nicole interest. And one of them is an accessory shop. So, I bought her a cute and cheap bracelet made from silver for $50.

As a thank you, she's kissing my cheek. Afterward, we go to the bookstore. And get a stack of textbook filled with exercises test. Then, before we get back home, we spend the rest of our time at the mall. Chilling in a café, Nicole wanted to go. And with a happy smile, we go back home. I'm sending Nicole back to her home. There I meet her mother, aunt Chelsea. After giving her mother my greeting, I go back home. After taking a bath, I'm sitting down in the living room. Feeling miserable, while looking at my deflated wallet.

The money my parent left for me is starting to run low. Gah, how should I earn money? Hmm, part-time job? Well, I can consider it. But not now, as I'm far too busy writing on the codes while raising my level. Troubled, I'm turning on the TV, and taking out the new book that I bought. Distracted, I'm filling out the question while thinking about money. Before long, I'm finishing the textbook, earning me 15 Exp. Bored, I take a look at what on the TV and finding the show on the channel pretty dull. Standing up, I'm changing the TV channel. And seeing the world poker championship taking place in Vegas.

I hit my tight in excitement, of course! How could, I forget about it. The cause and the quick solution of life money problem, gambling. With my high luck, I can earn some money from doing it. Coming into my room, I'm putting on a thick trench coat. For I'm going to the dockyard near the school. Because I heard a rumor that there's a gambling den in the area. In case, of someone I know recognize me. Before going there, I'm putting on a face mask, a hat, and sunglasses. But, I'm not sure of the den exact location, though.

So, I can only be driving around the block. In slow and careful manner while observing my surrounding. After putting on my outing outfit. I'm turning off the lamp and any running electronic before I go away. Opening the front door, I look around to make sure that the perimeter is clear. The road quite deserted as it's common in this time of the day. Looking at uncle Nate home, I find there are no cars parked in front. That means there's no one home. As he's staying over at the barrack. While aunt Nora still working at her law firm.

Opening the door with confidence. I get on my trusty scooter and drive it to the dockyard. On the way, I find out my scooter low on gas. God-damn it, I forgot to fill it after sending Nicole home. Sighing, I'm pushing my scooter to the red rocket truck stop. The only gas station nearby, after entering the amount of gas I need. I'm inserting my money into the slot, releasing the nozzle. While refueling, I'm noticing a suspicious movement from the truck beside the garage. As a group of men that I suspect to be a gangster moving something into the container.

For, how did I suspect them to be a gangster. It's because I'm noticing some of those men armed with submachine gun. And they have the same tattoo of an ice crystal. Insignia of the Winter's gang, an infamous gang from the area. So, I'm deciding to ignore them by pretending not to notice them at all. After all, it's not my job to deal with them, I'm not a police. Finished refueling, I hot on my scooter and continued my journey. Arriving at the dockyard, I'm driving around with a steady pace. In this dark and cold environment. Thanks god, I'm wearing a trench coat, I would have caught a cold. I'm observing each building, to search for any clue of the gambling den location.

An hour passed, and I'm still not finding the den. Sighing, I'm deciding to give up the search, until a ruckus catch my attention. Curious, I'm approaching the source of the ruckus, finding a drunkard pleading to a man in suits. Parking my scooter, in a hidden alleyway. Sneaking closer toward them, I'm eavesdropping to their conversation. Pleading, the drunkard grabs the leg of the man in suits, "please let me in! I'm this close to winning, I swear!" Annoyed, the man in suits kicking the drunkard away, "get the hell out of here, Tony. You've already caused quite a scene today. And the boss hated it, if you're seen hanging out around here any longer."

Persistent, the drunkard keeps pleading. By grabbing the man leg again, "come on, let me in." Angry, the man in suits kick the drunkard again, "enough." But this time, the man in suits have lost all his patience. Resorting to stomp the drunkard face, knocking him out cold. As the drunkard having a nosebleed, staining the man shoe. Disgusted, the man in suits clean his shoe by scraping it against the road, "great. My brand-new shoes ruined by this garbage." Irritated, the man in suit wave his hand at the camera on the door.

As more men in suits came out from the building. Dragging the unconscious bodies somewhere else. Before long, they get back inside the building. Making the streets silent again. Hmm, it looks like this is the place, huh. Observing the building from the outside, I find a neon sign that say, Roxy's bar. With my heads down, I'm walking inside. Finding a deserted bar with few customers. Noticing me, the bartender stop cleaning the glass. And greeting me with a smile, "hello. Welcome to Roxy's bar, how can I help you, stranger?"

Sitting on the counter, I order, "tonic water please." The bartender froze for a sec, amused by my order. Bending down, he takes out a bottle of tonic water from the counter, "here you go." Taking a sip, I'm grimacing for how bitter that drink is. Gah, I should have ordered nuka cola or a root beer. Thanks god, my face getting obscured by the mask. Placing the bottle on the counter, I'm asking, "I want to gamble. So, who should I speak to?" With a professional smile, he replies, "sorry sir. But this is a bar, not a casino."

With a mocking smile, I reply, "oh, is that true? But the commotion happening outside before says otherwise." After saying that, I'm taking a sip of this bitter drink again. As his eyes go wide in shock, gnashing his teeth. He mutter between his breath in annoyance, "that idiot babbling things again. Does he want to call the police, or something? I'd better tell the boss about this!" Calming down, he speaks to me again, "give me $500, as an introduction fee, and I'll let you in." Without hesitation, I take out $500 on the spot. Smiling, he takes the money. And giving me something from his pocket.

Taking a closer look, it's a badge shaped like a rose. Stepping out of the counter, he waves his hand at me, "follow me." Standing up, I follow him while drinking the tonic water. As we walk to the back of the building. He explains, the function of the badge as a token. That let me gamble in the second floor. With it, I'm getting a 5% discount for drink. And a way to get inside the building straight through the back. Before long, we arrive in front of a stair that guarded by two armed bouncers. While people wearing the badge come and go.

Smiling, he looks at me, "here we are, you're good to go. Oh, yeah, you better stop by the counter first. To exchange your money for chips. Anyway, good luck." Waving his hand, he returned to the bar, leaving me alone.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Thanks for reading, have a nice day! The song that describe my valentine is Mr. Lonely

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