
The Overlord

Dear Alice, Jacob, Roxanne and Liliana Rose,

    I am delighted to say that Louise is still alive and safe. Come to this spot tonight. All of you. If you girls give me your utter devotion and loyalty, Louise's life will be spared. If not, well, I'd rather not say what would happen to this innocent young lady. This is your only chance.


                                        The Overlord

I'm going to be sick. This isn't right. Who is he? Why does he want us girls' loyalty? How does he have Louise? Is she alright? I'm still trying to make sense of this sick joke.

"Do you think he's being serious?"

I could hear Jake's voice quiver. The creepy letter had gotten to him as much as it had me. "Only one way to find out. Let's show Lily and ask her what she thinks of it. We also need to show Roxie. It does concern her, and she wouldn't want to be left out of it."

"Good point."

    Later that night, the four of us went back to that spot."Wow! Was there a city there before, Jake?" Before us lay a beautiful city street lined with old buildings and old lantern lamp posts. People frequented the the streets, giving it a lively look. Little pubs and shops bustled as we walked along. Some of the people looked at us and started to whisper.

"Rosie, you can see through them! Look, you can see the building behind them."

"Look who was right, Mr. Skeptic, ghosts do exist."

"I don't believe this. This can't be possible. Ghosts can't exist."

"I think we broke him."

"Best get used to it, lad." A man stood behind us in victorian clothing. Like the other specters of the town, he was see through, but solid enough that i could see that he was a mortician. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Are you looking for something?"

"Yes, could you tell us where to find the Overlord?"

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