
When the cherry blossom fades

If there is one thing people expect out of an alliance, it is peace. No one expects conflicts to heighten or wars to break out. No one expects buried secrets to come to light or hidden agendas to be exposed. So what triggered it all? Was it the Seventh Prince, the King of Jeontu, the Emperor of Shangwei, their minister, or someone neither of them expected? Will peace ever result? If so, who will restore it? Who's tragic back story is going to cause havoc to the nations as two young lovers learn to trust one another? _____ "My romantic mother named me after the sweet sight of the cherry blossom that comforted her in a moment of life and death; after its beauty, and grace. On the other hand, my realistic father named me after a cherry blossom’s fleeting lifetime.' _____ "Aeng-ah, please repeat after me. 'I will not cause any trouble for Jeontu, Shangwei, and especially your husband.' Please keep to those words." "Aye, show me a little trust. I may be a tad bit cheeky, but do you think I would risk anything when so many things are at stake? You have my word - if something goes wrong from this alliance... I'll wash my hands clean." _____ "Your Highness, other than you I don't necessarily have a goal. So please stop threatening me already. Put down the Bao bao, let us have a heart-to-heart." Han Aeng thought for a bit, before continuing, "You can trust me." Long Dahai's heart wanted to trust her words, but her eyes were murky - as clear as a muddy river. It made him think of all the times she'd proven otherwise. "Quite frankly, I don't trust the way you said I can trust you." "Oh, come on! I'm the suspicious one!? Are you all going to ignore the dude running around in a black suit, laughing like a lunatic?!" "...I'll take my chances."

Babyaliien · History
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52 Chs

Need for a Marriage alliance

Jeontu courtroom was in the middle of its afternoon session. As usual, high-ranked officials were complaining about the state's growing concerns, with their eyebrows scrunched together.

"Your Majesty, the people are in an uproar. Things seem to go out of hand. This Minister fears if we don't do something, we could lose the trust of the citizens and cause an outbreak." The elderly minister spoke earnestly, his head bowed down and hands tightly clasped together.

Frankly speaking, he wasn't the only one worried about this particular topic. Jeontu has been in great distress for several weeks, and the ministers were only growing more troubled by King Suk Seokju's lack of response. If things go on like this, they would be hard-pressed to rule out a revolt against the King.

"The people are too much! His Majesty already killed everyone responsible for the attack. Moreover, they spent so much of the national treasuries to solve the problem. Wasn't that enough? What more do they want?"

"His Majesty has done everything to calm the situation. People who aren't able to see such good intentions labour evil in their hearts," another Minister chimed in, currying for the King's favor.

Once again the courtroom turned into a raging fit of minister squabbling amongst each other, either vying for favour or for the stability of the crown.

Hearing the venomous tone in the previous Minters words, the faithful Prime Minister, Han Seungkyu, finally spoke out. "Your Majesty. This Minister believes the people aren't dense enough to know that this would only temporarily solve the problem. What we need to do is lose in order to gain."

His humble opinion brought the court to silence, sending the quarrelling lot of ministers back to their respective places.

The King, who had held his silence ever since this problem became the subject of the focus, finally spoke. "And what do you suggest, Prime Minister Han?"

"Forgiven this Minister if he speaks out of place, Your Majesty," the Prime Minister cautiously spoke, giving each word so much thought as not to anger the King, "Her Highness, Princess Sunmi is coming of the marriageable age."

"Indeed," King Suk Seokju replied.

"Your Majesty, the people right now fear that our alliance is too weak. If we can find a groom for the Young Princess, who can offer us the support, we will undoubtedly put the minds of the people at peace," Prime Minister Han hinted.

Other minister immediately caught on and hurried to back him up.

"Your Majesty, this Minister heard that the 7th Prince of Shangwei and Crown Prince of Fujitora are both nearing the age of marriage and have started to seek a bride."

"While we have been on good terms with both countries for so long. A marriage alliance with Fujitora won't guarantee anything. In theory, marrying the Princess to Fujitora's Crown Prince means having Her Highness as the future Queen, which is unnecessary for Fujitora. There is no war or threat directed towards their lives and, therefore, no reason to need external support. If anything, Jeontu will owe Fujitora a favour.

However, an alliance with Shangwei may be more promising and stable than expected. They are in dire need of military support, and we lack fertilised land for the people to cultivate. The alliance will benefit both parties. Moreover, it will indeed help with our current situation," the Minister of Defense reasoned, weighing the odds.

Prime Minister Han, nodded in agreement. "Yes, the Defense Minister spoke well. Who besides Shangwei in the Clouds of Serenity Continent could offer us land and water, and who besides Jeontu in the Clouds of Serenity Continent could offer them military support?"

Taicang, Shangwei, Fujitora, Nonnan, Shigai, and Jeontu are the six countries that make up Clouds of Serenity Continent: and these six countries can be classified into four tiers.

The first tier would consist of Taicang and Shigai. By far, these two empires were the most extensive and most generous in terms of land, harvest, and people. Due to their vast territory, both countries have a heavy hand on food supplies and natural resources.

Shangwei is a second-tier empire. They have a slightly smaller territory than the first tiered empires, but hold the upper hand in terms of water. Since the majority of Clouds of Serenity Continent water sources flowed straight through Shangwei. If they wanted, they could easily block the water flow to the other countries. In that sense, without even knowing Shangwei acted as a peacemaker that stopped Shigai and Taicang from competing for power and waging war.

Fujitora and Nonnon are what you could call self-sufficient countries that make up the third tier. Compared to the other countries, Fujitora and Nonnon lacked land and water to pose a threat - but held more than enough to sustain their way of life. Thus, they rarely get involved with any notable wars and live peacefully in the shadows enjoying themselves.

The fourth and final tier consists of Jeontu - the smallest country. Despite being the smallest country, they are indeed the strongest. Jeontu's military service, tactics, weapons, and strategies are something none of the six countries could dare compete against. To make up for their lack of fertile land, Jeontu often traded with their neighbouring countries Shangwei and Fujitora for crops - so they remained at peace.

"Shangwei is a second-tier nation; would they agree to us?" a worried Minister sought. Jeontu would be asking for in exchange for the Princess wasn't money or troupe, but land! No matter how well both countries got along, sharing land was practically impossible.

"Are we lacking? Jeontu has yet to meet its match in warfare. Our military support will mean they can continue to seize more land. Of course, the finer details are His Majesty's decision to make. But this Minister believes we won't have to worry too much," Prime Minister Han continued, not paying any attention to the feeble worries. He had a plan that would save, and he was determined to see to the end of it.

"If we seek an alliance, the people will think the King is weak and needs a marriage to save his Kingdom. Prime Minister Han, are you saying The King isn't able to protest his people without having to marry off his daughter. Or are you implying that he only knows how to strengthen his country through marriage?" The venomous snake was none other than Minister Jang, Prime Minister Han's biggest headache and the King's biggest regret.

Prime Minister Han furrowed his brow. This man was looking for trouble!

His words simultaneously questioned Prime Minister Han's motive and implied that the King could not rule without hiding behind a woman's skirt. More importantly, Minister Jang was picking at the King's old scar!

Prime Minister Han didn't have to speak retaliate as the other Ministers cried out, "The safety of the Kingdom and the safety of the people depend on it, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, please conclude reasonably after weighing the odds!"

"Your Majesty is wise, don't let Your Majesty's judgment be clouded."

"The Kingdom can only rely on Your Majesty to fix their worries."

The Ministers' knew all too well that if this idea failed, Jeontu would fall apart within a matter of months. This was never a matter of whether the King would rule well, but if the country would survive to see a new King!

"While it is uncertain whether they will accept our proposal, Prime Minister Han, you will go as Jeontu's Envoy to Shangwei immediately." King Suk Seokju smiled in delight as he stood up with all his glory, ready to leave the court. "Personal Assistant Hae, Prime Minister Han spoke well. Make sure you heavily reward him."

"As you wish, Your Majesty. This Minister will not fail you!" Prime Minister Han bowed down, unable to contain his smile. The King gave Prime Minister Han a knowing look and walked away.

Hello there~

Sorry if the beginning of the story seems a little slow at first. But I promise it's because it's necessary building blocks for future conflict. The pace will pick up, and it will -hopefully- get better the more I write and get used to pacing the storyline.

Please be patient with me.

In saying that. I hope to see you all for the next chapter UwU

(for old reader, I'm so sorry for shifting the book and thank you for understanding)

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