
(Part han-nah - Gaeseong); A love so afar

Day of the battle


The secret village of Byeokcheon people


Hwan watched in abject horror as life slowly drained from Tae San's body, cradled by a grief-stricken Tae Kang. His gaze flicked towards Won Bo, still laughing like a maniac. Yi Hwan had finally crushed him like the worm that he was.

Yet, why did it not feel like a win?

The sky darkened as if sharing his grief, the drops cooling his parched skin, yet could not douse the burning in his heart.

They were prepared for Tae San to be punished for all his crimes. But to die at the hands of a traitor who had already taken away everything dear to these two brothers was a travesty. 

He could feel Jay Yi right by him, her unspoken dejection touching his heart like wilted petals on paper. Both Jay Yi and Tae Kang had lost everything to a thirst for power and the subsequent revenge by a few. That made two people he loved and could not protect the way they deserved. He did not even begin to count the number of his subjects who had lost their lives because the people they had entrusted to care for them had failed at their job. Hwan felt so helpless at the injustice of it all.

He closed his eyes in despair. 

The orders for Hwan's reinstatement as the one and only Crown Prince of Joseon, Foundation of the Nation, had been brought in person by Left Minister Counsellor Han Joong-Eon. Hwan walked around the area, followed by two Royal Guards, taking in the frenzy of activity. Man-Deok and his men cleared up the debris from the brutal fight, and the euphoria of the win gave the villagers extra energy. An army unit from Gaeseong headquarters had arrived to help. 

The late afternoon sun had begun to peek through the dispersing clouds. The rainwater was fast disappearing into the parched ground.

No matter how much they shovelled, it would take years before those wells saw any water. How long would it take him to shovel the dirt Won Bo and his greed piled on his people? 

Min Jay Yi' and Jung Ga-ram, her ever-loyal servant, sat with the women and children, tending to the lightly wounded ones. He paused as his eyes rested on Sung On, a few feet away from him, who gazed intently at Jay Yi.

Pain and jealousy seared through him. Hwan turned away in self-disgust; He had no right to feel this way. Although he never regretted loving Jay Yi, he could not overcome the thought of the anguish he had caused his best friend. Jay Yi - his salvation, his only source of joy. He stomped the selfish thoughts crowding his mind. He would not think about himself or his feelings right now. Or ever. The only thing he must now think of was to bring peace and prosperity to Joseon, and he would do anything to achieve that. 

Sung On, oblivious of Hwan's thoughts, gazed at Jay Yi, her small, beautiful face tender with worry as she dabbed a red-coloured liquid on the child's knee she was tending to. She was so small, so petite. So efficient. Ever since he had discovered her identity, after recovering from the initial shock, he had only marvelled at the person she had grown into. How had she become so fiercely brave and independent? So intelligent? She had fought against all odds, survived and cleared her name. She was an excellent fighter, taking on men twice her size and easily overpowering them. He had seen some good men bested by her. He shook his head. Did he really have to marvel at how remarkable a woman she was, knowing what he did of her as a child?

Sung had not forgotten her ever since he had met her that day by the creek all those years ago. He had always imagined her growing into a beautiful, intelligent, spirited woman. The day he had realized she was going to be his intended wife, Sung On had stayed awake all night in anticipation, which had only grown as his wedding neared. He had fallen in love with the sketch he had received after their betrothal. Yet here she was, not only far exceeding in beauty but a noblewoman so unique that she had no competition in all of Joseon. 

A woman whose affection lay someplace else. 

Sung On sighed and turned to find his best friend, Crown Prince Hwan, in deep conversations with his father, the Left Minister Han Joong-Eon, overseeing the transfer of prisoners to Hanyang. He felt a now-familiar conflict rise inside him. His heart bled for the torture his friend went through for all these years. Hwan had been terrorized, betrayed, and almost killed by someone he trusted and looked up to. Sung On understood now why Min Jay Yi went to Hwan instead of coming to him. He knew where the mistrust originated from in Hwan's mind and felt crushed at the thought of how lonely and afraid the proud Prince must have been.

Yet, Sung On could not relinquish his anguish at losing Min Jay Yi. He had loved the thought of marrying her for so long. Now that he knew her as the person she was, he felt desolate at the thought of losing her forever. There was no doubt in his mind that Jay Yi had eyes only for the Crown Prince, who resided deep in her heart. 

Last night, Sung On had watched her as they dug side by side, her anxious gaze seldom leaving Hwan as he toiled all by himself at the well. Hwan had refused all help, including Jay Yi's, whose disappointment had been palpable.

He was also sure Hwan loved Jay Yi deeply. It was a bond evident to everyone, even when Jay Yi was in disguise. At that time, their closeness confused a lot of people, but everyone was trying to give it a pass because even as Eunuch Sun Dol, Min Jay Yi had been unique. 

Now, it all made perfect sense. She was the reason Hwan had changed right in front of their eyes. Her wisdom, friendship, trust, and love had drawn Hwan out of his shell, his brilliance and benevolence as the Crown Prince in glorious display for all to see. Moreover, how could he forget that he would forever be in debt to Jay Yi for helping Hwan save Sung On's family?

The truth was, Sung On, no matter how deeply he felt for Min Jay Yi, could not hold a candle to what Hwan must feel for her. Curiously, he had noticed Hwan deliberately kept a distance from Jay Yi since they left for the village. Of course, now that many people knew her identity, it was only proper that Hwan kept a respectable distance from her as a man. However, the puzzle did not fit. Knowing what he knew now about what Min Jay Yi and Hwan had been through together, he knew the right thing to do was to step back. Still, it did not make him feel less protective of Min Jay Yi. She was a woman he still wanted to protect.

"Sargent Sung On?" a young soldier startled him out of his reverie. "Your Highness's tent is ready for inspection."



Hwan watched as the men loaded the carts with essentials. The soldiers were still carrying away the injured. Preparation to transfer the prisoners safely meant a lot of work still to be done. 

'Your Highness, we need to camp near the town so that better arrangements can be made for everyone's passage, and we can ensure extra security for Won Bo's confinement", Councilor Han said as he looked around at the imprisoned rebel soldiers, tied and confined to one area in the clearing. "There could be trouble from Cho's family if we are not careful. Won Bo is still capable of causing trouble."

Hwan felt the acid vitriol rise in his throat at Won Bo's name, but he kept his voice steady. "Please see to it'.

Hwan once again turned around, and his eyes rested on Jay Yi. She was coaxing a distressed young boy to drink a concoction. Meo Ru sat beside her. The young lad was also talking animatedly to the little boy, no doubt helping Jay Yi convince the child to drink whatever she was holding in her hand. His gaze softened as he took in her beautiful face, still shaded by the ridiculous hat that all but engulfed her tiny head.

He still could taste the strange mixture of terror and pride when he realized Jay Yi had been fighting by his side throughout the battle. He knew she was more than capable and a soldier at heart. Still, his heart plummeted, thinking she could have been hurt or even died. He had to find a way to keep her safe. He shook his head to clear his mind and steeled himself.

 To let her go. 

Councilor Han Joong-Eon observed the Crown Prince's handsome face reflect a myriad of emotions with a thoughtful look, his wise old eyes neither missing the object of the Crown Prince's attention nor the yearning as he looked at Min Jay Yi before he schooled himself and turned away. 

The Crown Prince had left everyone in the court astonished with his brilliance and bravery. He had surmounted an impossible challenge and led his men to a victory few would have thought possible. Hwan had managed to save Min Jay Yi from certain death and the people of Byeokcheon from getting slaughtered all over again by Won Bo and his army of mercenaries. He and his friends braved grave danger to free the Joseon court of Won Bo's clutches. The Crown Prince was an incredible young man and had the makings of a great king. He was also a man in deep pain, struggling to hide it.


Jay Yi felt a gaze on her, and she lifted her eyes. Her eyes locked with Hwan's, her breath catching at the intense gaze looking back at her. Hwan was now dressed in the royal blue warrior dress, the front of the pleated frock emblazoned with the Yi family royal crest. The blue bandana around his forehead framed his handsome face. His beauty always seemed to catch her by surprise. 

For a magical moment, it felt like only two of them existed in the world, a fiery need for each other licking them before Hwan's eye shuttered. He nodded at her, giving her a slight, encouraging smile before walking away.

Jay Yi turned back toward the task at hand. She had felt the distance creeping between her and the Crown Prince. The teasing banter between them had already stopped since that night in the library. Now, he was so formal with her that it hurt.

She finished wrapping the bandage around the young boy's hand. She smiled at him, patting his head. 

"Aashi, come have something to eat", Ga Ram's cheerful voice cut across her thoughts. She saw Myung Jin and Ga Ram holding bowls in each hand.

She dusted her dress as she stood up. "Is someone else joining us?" she asked, careful not to sound too hopeful.

"Yes! Both Dal Rae and Meo Roo are joining us!" Myung Jin beamed.

Jay Yi looked around for Hwan. Had he eaten?

"I will be right back," Jay Yi said.

"Ah! Important people can starve; I am going to eat. All this dying business makes one hungry! Too bad I can't autopsy any of them," Myung Jin lamented.

Gar Ram elbowed him swiftly.

"Ouch! I need to be a little bit more sensitive?" Myung Jin did not sound contrite at all.

Ga Ram glared at him.

"Let's eat, children; Young Scholar will join us soon!" Ga ram chirped. They were used to Jay Yi always looking after the Crown Prince.



Jay Yi found Hwan at the end of the clearing, where he stood watching the men scurrying around as the sun climbed down steadily, its golden rays reflecting off their backs. Her footsteps slowed as she drank in his proud profile. He was so handsome, so noble, so benevolent. Her heart filled with pride at how her Prince had brilliantly outsmarted Won Bo and annihilated him. Hwan did not realize how much reassurance and comfort his stately presence brought to his people. 

She watched as Sung On joined the Crown Prince.

"Your Highness, your dinner has been laid out in the tent". Hwan turned, acknowledging Sung On's bow of greeting. 

'How is Kanga?" Sung On's voice held an underlying trace of sorrow for his young friend. Hwan had decided to forgive Tae San's past crimes and honour him with a proper funeral for saving the life of Joseon's Crown Prince.

"He is still in shock', he replied. "I sent him to the Gaeseong headquarters with Tae San's body. He will be back by tonight after making arrangements for his funeral."

Hwan felt Jay Yi's presence beside him before he heard her. He had always been able to tell when she came to him.

"Your Highness, have you eaten?" Jay Yi asked him with her usual brusque voice. She had mastered the art of being an Eastern Palace Eunuch. Hwan smiled at the thought.

Sung On turned at Jay Yi's voice. Jay Yi curtsied with a brief Hello.

"How are the children doing?" Hwan asked a question of his own.

"Some of them are still scared. A few got scrapes and cuts when running into the mountain." Jay Yi answered matter of factly.

"You are working hard," Hwan said approvingly.

Jay Yi felt a ripple of pleasure at his approval. "The people are very grateful and proud of you, Your Highness."

"There is nothing to be proud of. If anything, I failed again. I should have thought Won Bo might find it all out," Hwan was angry at himself. "If we had cared for them properly earlier, none of this would have happened. No one would have had to sacrifice anything."

"That is not true, Your Highness. You also cannot ignore that some of them did things as gravely wrong as what happened to them, Your Highness," Jay Yi said quietly. "I know you want to cut the vicious cycle of revenge, but it's not easy."

"Did we not already discuss this last night? You know how I feel, too. But can you at least find the strength in your heart to let go?" There was a hint of pleading in Hwan's voice.

She lowered her eyes, but not before he caught a glimpse of pain and mutiny in her eyes. Hwan knew that look of stubbornness so well. He sighed.

"Your Highness," Jay Yi ventured. "Are you worried about Grand Prince?"

Hwan nodded in assent. "I don't know what will happen to him. He is innocent in all this. All he knows is his family in the palace. He is going to be punished for no fault of his."

"I have a suggestion, Your Highness," Jay Yi said.

Both Hwan and Sung On turned to her questioningly.

"It might be worthwhile to consider if you can send Grand Prince to Byeokcheon," Jay Yi suggested. "After all, they are his true people. He might not feel as lonely with them."

Hwan's eyes shone with approval. Hwan chewed at the thought. "You might be right. I don't know if that is possible as I don't know what Abbamama will do with the Queen. His future will depend on Queen's punishment."

Jay Yi gave a nod of understanding.

"Sargent, can you see me in the tent in an hour?" Hwan turned to Sung On.

Sung On bowed and nodded. With that, Hwan left them, making his way toward his tent. 

"Being in Gaeseong must be tough for you," Sung On said softly as they watched Hwan's departing figure. Jay Yi nodded wordlessly, not trusting herself to speak.

"Don't worry too much about him," Sung On's voice was gentle. "He is a strong person."

Jay Yi turned to look at him. She had forgotten how perceptive Sung On was." Yes, he is strong, but not as strong as he pretends to be. Tae Kang's pain, the Queen's betrayal, Grand Prince's future, even the King's….all this," she gestured at her surroundings with her hand, "is sitting heavy on his heart."

"Do you think you can forgive the Queen?" Sung On had to ask.

Jay Yi looked stricken. "She killed your cousin, Crown Princess Han, an innocent woman who had done nothing to her, who had nothing to do with any of this, just to fulfil a curse. The Queen bloodied her hands by killing innocent people, even tried to kill a newborn! Yet she didn't harm anyone from Right Minister Jo's family. Why? Because she did not want to make him suspicious and needed him to secure the throne for her child. How is that acceptable?" Jay Yi cried bitterly. "Will Crown Princess Han's father forgive her? Would you have forgiven her if you were in my place?"

"I am sure she will be punished adequately." Sung On tried to reassure her, his voice sounding hollow even to himself.

"Dari, I wonder what adequate even means. No matter what punishment she suffers, it will never be enough. The Crown Princess's life was cut short at such a young age. My young brother died, and my family line came to an end. I will never get to see my family again." The finality in Jay Yi's voice broke his heart, tears spilling out of her dear-shaped eyes as she struggled to check her sobs. 

There was not much Sung On could say to that. He felt inadequate about easing Jay Yi's pain himself. She had gone from being a bride-to-be to a hunted fugitive. She spent months in uncomfortable man's clothes, doing chores a lady of her station could never imagine. She had lost everything that mattered: her family, home, and reputation. 

 And her heart to a man who suddenly did not seem to want it anymore.

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