
Chapter 1

I am Vincent moore. Earl of the moore estate.

Vincent Moore, the young Earl of Moore estate, is truly a curious person. Having raven black locks curling just above his shoulders and chocolate coloured eyes, although he constantly covers the right one with an eyepatch. He does have quite a curious personality as well. He always appears to be mysterious and dark, full of contempt and secrets. But the servants of the moore estate truly know how he is …

"Master," Lucian rapped on the door. "Young master, it is time to wake up."

"Nooooo," a groan came from the room.

"Young master, you really have to wake up," Lucian repeated, entering the room.

The room, an elegant one, had its lace curtains drawn across the huge windows. The study table at the side was cluttered with novels, open sketch pads and charcoal pencils. One drawing lay incomplete at the top of the pile. A burning carriage.

The four poster bed had its thin lilac curtains drawn. Through the curtains, one could see a lump under the blanket, a foot sticking out near the side.

Lucian sighed. The blonde with emerald eyes, had not quite gotten what he wanted. Losing a bet with an adult was one thing, but losing a bet with a child? That's how he ended up working as a butler for the moore estate for the past four years.

He walked over to the windows and drew the curtains back. Light flooded the room. The lump in the blanket moved, groaning again.

"Master." Lucian felt his eyebrow twitch. "Young master, it's high time you get up!" and proceeded to yank the blanket right off the bed. Huddled in a small ball was a black haired child in a nightshirt. It got up rubbing its eyes.

"Is it time already?", it asked.

"Yes, young master, you have gotten more time to sleep by refusing to wake up."

"I'm up now.", he said, getting to his feet. His right eye remained closed the entire time.

"I'm aware" And thank goodness you are, he thought.

Lucian walked to the closet and took out a clean set of clothes. A three piece suit for a young boy. Bottle green and grey. He reached out to undress the boy, when he was stopped.

"I can dress myself, Lucian," the child told him.

"As you wis,h" the butler said, stepping back. "Master Vinny"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" the boy yelled, his face flushed, as his butler left the room. He then, very cautiously, began to undress. Lucian stood on the other side of the closed door, smirking. It was fun to trouble the boy with his childhood nickname. He only found out a few months ago, but relentlessly teased him with it (but he never did get it right…).

Vincent stepped out of the room, fully changed, glaring at his butler.

"Do not call me 'Vinny', again," he said in a dangerously soft tone. Raising his head to look into the butler's eyes, his long locks falling to the side, revealing his white eyepatch.

"As you wish, my lord," he said, bowing down.

He escorted the young lord to the dining hall, where the maid, Camille, had just brought in his breakfast. Once he was seated, he asked the butler, "What is today's schedule?"

"We have Lord Edward and Lady Margaret visiting today," Lucian responded.

"Both on the same day?!"

"It appears so," his butler replied with a sly grin. He enjoyed seeing his master struggle to maintain his cold demeanor. It truly was an amusing sight, as can be said by a servant with a strong dislike for his master. Lord Edward was meant to be his sister's betrothed and Lady Margaret is the master's betrothed.

"By the devil, this is going to be a mess," the earl groaned as he began to eat.

Three people came out of the kitchen. Robert, the old butler, Alexander, the chef and James, the gardening boy. James was about the same age as the young master.

"Good morning, young master," they greeted him.

Putting a smile on his face, Vincent replied, "Good morning everyone!"

The servants were all smiling to themselves. They all knew that their master would show his true personality at home and they adored him. His business side was not just cold, but also dark. Not fit for such a young boy in their eyes.

As Vincent continued to eat his breakfast, Robert walked over to the window and peered out. "It appears to be that Lord Edward and Lady Margaret are already here."

Vincent spat out his tea in shock. While Camille and James rushed to clean the mess, Vincent exclaimed, "THEY'RE HERE ALREADY?!"

"Yes Master Vincent," Lucian sighed. Oh, how he hated the boy.

"Camille, James, please clear the dining table," Vincent ordered. "Robert, begin working on the menu for this afternoon, Alexander begin cooking a few basic dishes as refreshments. Lucian, quickly, change the tablecloth. Please try to complete your tasks as soon as you can."

As everyone hustled to the work assigned to them, Vincent joined Camille and James in clearing the table.

Just as a knock was heard from the door, the group had finished their tasks. Lucian ran from the dining room to the front door and halted to brush down his coat. He opened the door with the grace and elegance a butler requires. Such is the management of the Moore household...

"Good morning Lord Edward and Lady Margaret."

A girl about 15, with light brown hair neatly tied back in two ponytails and a boy with the same soft hair, about the same age, stood at the door.

"Good morning Lucian," Edward and Margaret greeted in unison.

Entering the foyer, they looked around, puzzled.

"Lucian, where's Vincent?" Margaret asked.

Lucian cursed internally. Where was the boy? He did not know.

"He, uh, he is just upstairs. Now, if you would follow me," he answered, as he escorted the children to the living room on the floor above. Hoping Vincent would be there, Lucian swung open the door, and froze in his spot, blocking the entrance for Edward and Margaret. "Lucian?" Edward was trying to look over the butler's shoulder. Lucian instinctively moved to block his view.

"Lucian? What's wrong?" Edward asked, craning his neck to look over Lucian's other shoulder. Lucian moved again. Where is that boy?! I'm supposed to know where he is because I'm his butler!

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mansion, Camille, the beautiful, dark haired maid, was making sure Vincent looked presentable.

"Oh dear, my lord. You shouldn't have tried to help us clear the mess. That's our job!" Camille scolded him.

"I'm sorry. But I made the mess, so I thought that I should help.", Vincent replied sheepishly, looking into his maid's blue- green eyes, shining beneath her glasses. Camille Valentine had been the Moore family maid since the master had been 2. She had been almost like a second mother to him and his sister. Now again, she was treating him like a little child. But he didn't mind.

"Now come, master! We must get you to Lord Edward and Lady Margaret!" she exclaimed, dragging Vincent towards the living room. Upon reaching the corridor, she hurried back to the kitchen and left Vincent to come up with an excuse.

"Er, hello Meg, hello Ed. Wonderful to see you," a voice came from behind the butler and the duo.

The three turned around to see Vincent standing in the corridor, his head held high, fitting for an earl.

"Vin!" Edward bounded towards Vincent, half jumping on top of him, resulting in both of them crashing to the ground.

"Ed!" Vincent shouted, losing his composure. "Get off me!"

"Edward Griffin, get off Vincent right now!" Margaret yelled at him, trying to tug him off.

"Ow ow, yes, I was getting off." Edward said, pushing himself off the earl. "Possessive, much?" he asked, looking at Margaret, a mischievous gleam in his deep blue eyes.

"Shut up!" screeched Margaret, a deep red creeping up her cheeks. "Just how do you behave? We haven't seen him for over a month and this is how you say hello?" her dark violet eyes, filled with rage.

Vincent simply stood there, feeling awkward. They were talking as if he wasn't even there.

Behind him, Lucian cleared his throat. This caught their attention.

"Would Lord Edward and Lady Margaret be so kind as to follow the young lord Vincent and myself into the garden for morning tea?"

The whole five minute walk to the garden from the second floor, all the two did was bicker. This is why Vincent didn't prefer having them both over on the same day. But this was becoming quite routine.

After listening to their pointless bickering for nearly ten minutes coming into the garden, Vincent snapped. "Can the two of you just shut up!? Enough already!"

The two of them just stared at him for a full minute, until Edward broke the silence. "You- you sounded like your sister."

Margaret rounded on Edward immediately. "How dare you bring up Victoria after all he's been through?!"

Lucian gave his master a puzzled look. Vincent stood on the grass, his head down, not saying a word. For what had happened before he came, Lucian did not know.

Meanwhile in Vincent's room, on his table, lay the drawing of the burning carriage.

"It's fine," Vincent said, still looking down at the grass. He looked up to face Meg and Ed. "Let us have tea.", he said, giving them the most precious smile they'd seen out of him in years.

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