

"Will u leave everything behind just for me " He said turning her toward him looking directly in her beautiful brown eyes "I will " she whisper's looking directly in his beautiful eyes which were turning golden showing the color of love That was the most beautiful thing about him she can always read him by just looking in his eyes he can never hide what he is feeling at the time for her and for love it was golden color. "I LOVE YOU more than anyone in this world and if i have to leave this world for u i will and if i have to leave myself for u i will i will happily give my life just for u " she said while smiling making his lips turn upward "I will never let that happen we both will live together and die together" he said and lean in to kiss her his eyes were showing a different color there was a spark of brown color in golden which was truly mesmerizing She close her eyes and lean in too They both were kissing eachother with all the love they have for eachother What will happen when a girl fall in love with a vampire will she break all the rules just to be with him or will they give up there love for this world lame traditions lets dig in the story to discover

Maheen_Ihsan · Fantasy
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Ria all she wish in her life was happiness and her dreams to come true.

She was a girl who believe in things no one do and dreams about things no one can aspect. She was a jolly girl from a small town haling cove. A beautiful small town surrounded by mountains and greenery

"RIAAA" her mother calls her name, while she was busy dreaming about her fantasy world in her room.

"Yess mom comingg" she went to kitchen where her mother was cooking pancakes for breakfast .

"You r again late today" said her mother while glaring at her cutely . "Sorry mom but u know na i tryy soo hardd but still i hate waking up in the morning its the most difficult thing" she said while back hugging her mother

" Yeah because u spent all ur night reading those supernatural books. I don't know what pleasure u get by reading them" she said by removing her hands from her waist

"U wont understand" Ria said while pouting cutely

For her all these fantasties are real she believe that vampires are real and she is surely going to meet them one day.

"Eatttttt" her mother said while hitting her softly on her head "u can day dream about them later first eat and go to collage u r already late "

"Okkk salena " said ria by calling her mother by her name and getting a spank on her butt "ok ok sorry i won't do it again " she said while laughing. Then they both eat there breakfast " Good bye mom take care" ria said while waving her hand in the air and went to her car.

"Good bye love drive safely and don't forget to wear seatbelt"her mother said while waving back at her.

Ria and her mother were not only mother and daughter they were each other friends who were always there for each other ria never kept any secret from her mother. Her dad was out of town for some work and she know how much her mom loves her dad and that she is missing him alot so she purposely tease her to make her happy even for a short time. Her mom and dad were everything to her (yeahh vampires too hehehe) . In short they were perfect little happy family always there for each other.