
The Midnight Drive

"When did you fall in love?"

I have been asked this same question a multitude of times, consequently every time I'm unsure of the answer. I openly admit to my own lust, but when love came into the picture I didn't know.

The other kids of my college class would say they know the perfect answer, but they don't.

The professor would think he knows the perfect answer, but he doesn't.

Writers would say they know the perfect answer, but they don't.

Me? I know I don't have the perfect answer, I don't have any answers.


"I'm four years single, two more and I got admitted into the forever alone VIP club!" I exclaimed while I typed away on my phone screen.

The text brought me a laugh as I returned to COD remising on my past relationship.

I was in 9th grade and she was in 11th. She was beautiful to the point I didn't know how to act around her, a fiery personality that matched her red hair. A pair of hazel eyes that stole my soul, and a figure I couldn't forget.

I was impulsive and didn't hold back on my desire to date her. It was a fine two to three months, to be exact 2months 3 days 5 hours and 43 minutes.

In two hours, it would be four years from when she vanished.


I went negative the next few games so I closed down my Xbox and went outside the dorm in search of my car. It stood out like a sore thumb as the only sports car in the lot.

I listened to the roar of the engine for a while as I collected my thoughts on even what I expected.

I never came to an answer no matter how many times I followed this same routine. I coasted around campus and floored it once I got to the main road.

I didn't have many thoughts instead I relaxed.


A calm December night drive, I was lost in emotion and I could have lost my life.

The headlights were right in my face, the other car exponentially grew closer to the point I couldn't see out my windshield. I laid my hand down on the horn and jerked my car to the left.

The action had been too violent and the car flipped. I felt my whole world spinning and felt my whole life flash before me. I couldn't hear the screech of the other car as my ears rang. Red was the last thing in my vision before fading to black.


"Uhg," I groaned the pain in my head made it hard to open my eyes.

"Thank god!" A worried female voice exclaimed. Her voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place it.

From wonder of who it could be, I slowly opened my eyes. I couldn't help but groan a second time at both the change of light and sheer agony.

I eventually turned my head, a beauty was directly at my bedside. Her face was contorted in worry, pink quivering lips and brown eyes that glistened from the room's white lights. Her skin tone was golden brown reflective streaks down her otherwise flawless cheeks; this waking image stuck with me as I once more lost consciousness.


My body twitched as I regained consciousness. I fought through the burning sensation as I forcefully opened my eyes. A cry formed in my throat but I suppressed it.

I looked to my bedside to find the same girl there asleep. The worry from the last time hadn't left her face. At seeing her painfully expression I was compelled to move my arm and rub her head.

My movements were meticulous as to experience the least amount of agony.

As the anxiety left and her face softened, I took in every detail. 'This is what it must feel like to be in a relationship.'

To bring your girlfriend comfort as she lays beside you. For whenever you do something stupid and she stays at your side praying for you to get better, it is then your obligation to ease her worry. To stay at her side and let her know that everything is fine.

That's what I believe anyway, I wouldn't actually know.

A tone played in my mind, a song my mother used to hum whenever my brother was depressed and couldn't sleep.

To the girl at my side, I hummed that same tone. Granted it was hoarse and my voice was weak I pushed through in hopes of helping gain her sleep better.

At seeing her lips form a slight smile I felt all the agony I suffered was worth it.


My body was covered in bandages but there were no casts.

A doctor walked in but was left in a stupor at the sight of me sitting up, my hand petting the girl beside me.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered, he likely noticed I had no intention of waking her.

"Extreme agony, can I have some water?" I didn't want to talk much with such a sore throat.

The doctor nodded and left the room in a hurry and returned not much later with water in hand.

It crisp cold water was wonderful instantly lowering the pain in my throat.

"Thank you,"

"Good to see you're conscious. Can you wiggle your toes for me?"

I was anxious after hearing his request but it was washed away when the bandages around my feet moved.

"I'll be back in the morning to run some small test."


I felt her stir and stopped moving my hand.

Like a curious child, her eyes blinked multiple to gain footing in the world.

"Hey, feeling better?" I tried to smile, but it was one filled with pain. Slowly moving my hand from her head, the aching lessened from earlier.

"I should be asking you that. Need anything?" She formed a pout and her eyes looked betrayed.

"Anyone else come to visit?" I was reluctant to ask the question because deep down I knew the answer. She herself couldn't answer me, but the downcast head and no vocal response told me everything.

"How long you been here?" I tried to change the topic, not enjoying her depressed look.

"Since you were admitted."

"Thank you. Name's Tony."

My arm was outstretched towards her and she was hesitant to respond. Her hand gripped my own but she hadn't introduced herself.

"Natalie," She finally responded a bright smile graced her lips and eyes framed by her long brown bangs.