
The Lake Monster

<p>My name was Jason Voorhees and I lived life to the fullest. I was a really smart kid growing up. I was always teased about how I looked because I was born with a birth defect, and that made me look different from the other little boys and girls. So when my mom told me that I will get the chance to summer camp, and I will get the chance to be normal for once. I never thought I would be able to go away to sleep away camp. I have been in the house for so long that as I remember. I did everything in this house. <br/><br/>I thought I would have a fun time at this camp. On my first day there all the other kids would make fun of me because I didn't look as normal as they did, but I didn't let that bother me because I was having a fun time. All I could think about was why I wanted to go to this camp in the first place. I really wanted to make friends, but it seemed really hard being that I look the way that I look. I mean I don't care how I look and I know there is one person that really loves me and that is my mom. She is the one that has never gave up on me no matter what. She is my best friend and I knot she would never give up on me.<br/><br/>I thought it was a good idea to go to this summer camp because it would give me the chance to get away from the house this Summer. I spent most of my whole like at home because my mom had to explain to me that I was different than other kids my age and they would never understand why I look the way that I do, but I was fine with the way that I looked. <br/><br/>On one of the hottest days of the summer, I decided to go down to the lake and sit at the edge of the dock with my feet in the water, which I did often because I didn't have any friends. I was minding my own business when the camp bully Bobby walked up to me with his group of friends and they were making fun of me. At this point there was no camp counselors around and I couldn't get any help. Bobby and his friends pushed me into the lake and I couldn't swim and that was the day that I drowned. Bobby and his friends did go look for someone and explained that I had fallen in the lake, but it was to late by the time they came back I was no longer on the surface of the lake. I drowned and no one could save my life and they haven't been able to find my body since then.<br/><br/><br/>My mother didn't like the idea that the boys that I have wrote to her about have been picking on me. She knew I was the sweetest little boy and that i would never hurt a fly. So for them to push me in the lake that made her a little made. She was more upset that no one was watching us as we were near the lake.</p>

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