
When love takes the wheel

Katie and Jessica are two beautiful best friends with an unbreakable bond, or is it? As these girls grow and go through so many changes, promises are broken and all because of love. Will their friendship conquer all the challenges.

DaoistjKt15A · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Jess arrived in the evening and her mom was already waiting for her.

'Hi mom, I thought I would find you sleeping. What an exhausting weekend.' She said throwing herself on the couch. 'Jess where have you being?' 'What do you mean? I was at Katie's house. And we had a blast; we did each other's makeup and took tons of pictures. We did some karaoke. Though we both suck at singing we were feeling ourselves. It was really great,' she said in between laughs. 'Why are you lying to me Jessica Aryra? Did you think I wouldn't find out that you weren't at Katie's this weekend?' 'Mom, I am telling the truth, I was with_' 'Just stop it Jessica, who is he?' she interrupted her. 'Who?' She exclaimed acting clueless. 'Your boyfriend, who is he? What's his name? You were with him this weekend right?' 'Fuck Katie, couldn't she just shut her filthy mouth up.' She angrily muttered. She thought she was inaudible but her mom heard her.

'Don't put the blame on Katie. She genuinely cares for you and is loyal to you. Why are you doing this to her?_' 'I don't know who this guy is or what made you fall for him but shutting your loved ones is by far the worst decision you ever made honey. I was twenty when I started dating and as old as I was I never shut my family and friends out.' 'Look mom, I can't do this anymore if you are also going to lecture me about this. One lecture is enough; I am exhausted so good night. I am off to my room.' She said ascending from the sofa and heading to her room.

'I am not done talking to you young lady, come back here.' Jess just ignored her and shut her bedroom door with so much force that Erica feared the bolts holding the door intact would fall off.

She immediately burst into tears after closing the door shut and called her boyfriend. 'Hey, can I come and stay with you. I am really tired of being given endless lectures when I do something with my life.' 'Okay, by staying you mean for the night only or_' 'I want to stay with you forever Mat, let's elope and start our lives together.'

'Don't you think we are moving a bit too fast Jess? Let's take things slow. We are both still in school, lets finish school first okay.'

'But can I come and stay with you though?' 'I am really sorry but I don't think you can come stay with me, my parents will never allow it.' 'They will never find out, we can just stay together in your dad's farm house, you said he never goes there.' 'I am so sorry to say this but I can't_' she didn't let him finish what he wanted to say, she hung up and continued sobbing. Moments later her mom came by to her room.

'Jess, are you still awake.'

'Go away mom, leave me alone.' Her sobbing increased.

'Look Jess, I am not saying you shouldn't date, I am not against you dating but you could have being honest with me from the word go. I shouldn't have heard the news from somebody else. If you couldn't tell me face to face you could have written a letter or even sent me a message' she paused.

'But let me tell you something. Girls tend to do everything to please guys when it's their first time dating. They will even go to an extent of losing their virginity to please and prove their love for the guys.' Jess sat down up straight on the bed, wiped her tears and looked up to face her mom. She was all ears. 'But you have to get this straight, today is not the time to have sex. Just have fun, all the fun you can think of with him but do not sleep with him. Sex doesn't show love and don't let a guy take advantage of your body, your body is like a temple and you should guard it.'

'Mat respects me and my body. He would never force me into doing something I don't want mom.'

'Good to hear that, tell me more about this guy who took my little baby girl's heart away.'

'He is very famous in his school; he is the captain of his school football team. He is just the best football player I have ever met. He is into art and trying new things, he is funny. His jokes are lame but they always bring a smile to my face and he is so cute. Oh my god mom, if cuteness was a person it would definitely be him.' She said obliviously smiling.

'Wow! You have increased my curiosity, I wanna meet him already.' She zealously said.

'I don't know, if he agrees we will have dinner with him sometime this week.' 'Okay, have you talked to Katie? I heard she wasn't feeling alright.' Her mood straightaway shifted with the mention of Katie. Her smile got replaced by a frown.

'I don't want to talk about her mom let alone talk to her.' 'But why Jess? What did she do to you to deserve such hatred? Is it because she told me about you dating?' Jess just looked down.

'Look at me Jessica, you guys have been friends forever and I don't expect you to be separated by just a little misunderstanding. Friends fight but they always find their way back to each other. She needs you Jess, the same way you also need her. Having a boyfriend doesn't mean you forget about her.' Her mother was right but she just couldn't forget how Katie betrayed her trust when she told her mother about her dating. 'You never wanna spend even a minute with her and that breaks her heart. Call her sweetie' 'Don't you think it's a little late? I will call her in the morning.' 'I am sure she is still awake. Let's do this, how about we give her a surprise visit; she will be delighted to see you.' 'I don't think I am ready to face her mom.'

'Oh come on, I know you also miss her.' She said pulling her loath daughter up. They went to Katie's place; unfortunately she has already gone to sleep.

'I am so sorry, Katie just fell asleep. I gave her sedatives, she couldn't stop crying; she kept on blaming herself for everything. Anyway how have you been Jessica?'

'I am really sorry, this is entirely fault that she is in such a condition, and you should hate me.' Jess muttered as tears formed in her eyes. It really broke her heart to realize that she put her best friend in this condition, if she didn't avoid Katie none of this could have happened.

'I will never hate you sweetie, you are like a daughter to me and I love you as one. Hating you is something I will never do even if I tried. Come here' she said taking Jess petite body in her arms.

'I am just glad you realized your mistakes and you are ready to set things right. Seeing my little girls back together again is all I am asking for.' She said while softly swirling her fingers on Jess's back.

'Um honey we need to get going it's already past bed time, you have school tomorrow.' Erica muttered looking at the time on her wrist watch.

'Can't I sleep over mom?' Jess said breaking off from the embrace. 'Unfortunately you can't honey, your uniform is at home remember.' 'O-k-a-y.' she reluctantly said. She hugged Eveleigh one last time before leaving. 'Good night.' Eveleigh shouted as they drove away.