
7. Fight Oto (1)

The Uzumaki family rested for meal, they roasted the bull hunted by Hui Tai Lang.

Riz reads the scrolls secret techniques of the Uzumaki and Kaguya clans, but he is actually talking with his systems.

"System where item do I get?"

[Answering host, you can see it in the Inventory menu]

{Hosts only need concentration and the system will bring the host to the subconscious, system will help the host take item in there}

"Inventory" Riz saw the display of only two picture slots which contained <Yoru> and <Great Tomb Nazarick>.

Riz concentrated while brushing him as if he had regained consciousness and entered a place.

"System where am I?"

{Answering hosts are in your subconscious}

"Haha it very interesting"

He explored his subconscious, which he found only white sky and land.

"Hey system, as long as I walk I can't find anything"

{It because Host cultivation is still early you can only access this}

"Oh is that so, and Immortal system where my item?"

{Host can put it in here subconsciously}

"Okey the system put it <Library of Heaven Path> here"

{Yes host}

Boom...., and light out. Seen a fairly large building like a pagoda with seven floors. Riz saw a place big enough.

"What about the other items"

{Host can pick it up now} comes out the light and a necklace falls into Riz's hand, he wears it around his neck.

Riz examine a description of items that he got <Black Color Jade Pendant>, <Library of Heaven Path> and <Great Tomb Nazarick>, when he saw his description he was very happy and also hesitant. <Great Tomb Nazarik> where the leader is evil from the evil therefore he is afraid of the evil he will release if he takes it out.

But the system argues, all that the system gives is to help Riz get the power to reach the apex. Riz who came to his senses and tried to access it starting from <Library of Heaven Path> when unconventional he entered he found a collection of even millions of books plastered in slot books. All books have levels ranging from common books to Divine Books, he tried to open several books but he was unable to open them. According to the host system can open it when it reaches a certain level or successfully complete the quest.

Of course one of Riz's hobbies was reading, he was very happy by learning something new.

With this many book he will love to read it.

"Hey system, what about the <Great Tomb of Nazarick>, can we put it here?"

[Host must ask permission with Immortal System, because item in Immortal system is different from items from Anime System]

"So Immortal System, can I put items from Anime system into my subconscious?"

{Certainly a host, but the system suggests that the host put it after the host reaches 7th level (Overlord)}

"Why system?"

[Yes hosts because the subconscious hosts are very concentrated Heavenly energy, so the possibility of the Nazarick guards causing problems because host can't control it]

"Oh it like that, so I can't use it"

[Host can still use it but can't control it fully, the guards can only come out for 10 minutes]

Riz remembered something and immediately spoke with the system.

!! "Hey, what system can I put something or someone in here?"

{Yes and No}

"What does the mean system?"

{Yes the host can put whatever summon, beast, item. But the host can only put something from the item}

"Oh, that's how it is, sigh too bad... I can't put my family in here if there's a danger"

Riz checked Grimoire and summoned the monster, the monsters that came out he contracted like 5 mice that were quite weak, Black monsters that were like tin and White monsters like white cloth long and translucent when touched, praying mantis with sharp black sickle.

"So you guys are my guardian beast, nice to meet you"

"Hey system, what they eat"

{Hosts can strengthen them by giving crystal core, beast core, beast meat or with heavenly energy from the host's place}

"Oh, that's how it is, what about Hui Tai Lang, why is he always out of his way and not return to Grimoire"

They heard movement from behind the bushes and saw a white snake.

"The snake is not normal and I feel some people heading here" Kuroge said. Riz heard his father talking.

"Hui Tai Lang kill that snakes" Riz ordered without looking at the snake hiding.

Hui Tai Lang was covered in dark aura and disappeared quickly. They heard shouts from the trees. The Uzumaki family was too shocked by the speed that Hui Tai Lang produced,

Swish ... swish ... swish ..., some ninjas are seen, symbol on their forehead is the symbol of the sound village.

From the map, the village that is closest and directly reaches the scene is the village of Suara. without further ado they immediately attacked.

Wind style-Breaktrough

Fire style-Fireball

Fire-style Fire Dragon




They direct their jutsus behind them. Their leader ordered told them to separate themselves to attack Blackwolf and Uzumakis.

"Attack them" One of the ninjas ordered.

"Ito you protect Riz, I and Shiro will confront them. If conditions become more urgent, quickly go to Konoha and protect Riz" Kuroge and Shiro said with a smile.

"Kuroge-san Shiro-san" Ito cried.

Earth style - Fort Land (Kuroge)

Fire Style - Great Fireball (Ito)

Kuroge made a fortress of land, to make protection for Riz and Ito. Some of the shuriken and kunai passed through the defense towards Kuroge who was doing a seal.

Bone Manipulation - Finger Shot (Shiro)

Kunai and shuriken were stopped by Shiro who fired his finger bone as a gun.

Earth Style - Earth Dragon (Kuroge)

Kuroge lured the ninjas to one point, and settled with....

Bone Manipulation - Bone Grave

Earth Release - Mountainous Earth Technique

The ground divides into two and below it there are sharp bones sticking up, the ninjas trapped and die into the hole. Some survivors managed to rise but were killed with finger bullets.

Swish ... Swish ... Swish ..., the attack of the kunai and the shuriken is coming again.

Bone Manipulation - Larch Dance. Shiro covered her skin with bones making her defense increase. She became a shield for Kuroge.

"Run Ito take Riz to safety, they are too many for us" Shiro said. Ito ran without looking back, Riz crying saw Shiro's smile.

"Ito-san, we have to help Mom and Dad" Ito didn't talk and continued running.

Shiro took the bone sword from her shoulder and prepared to attackand Kuroge took out the sword from his scroll, Riz just saw them leave.

'How do I help them?, System how can I help my parents.' Riz asked while crying. (Note: after all he is still child, he must be scared if he is confronted with an enemies)

[System will help host]

{System will take over the host body}

[Host you can summon Nazarick guard, but only the level of Elder Lich]

{Host can call Guardian Beast for Gold level max around 5 minutes}

{[But the effect is that the host will be unconscious for a week and can't use the chakra for a year]}

'Yes yes yes, no problem system please take my body' Riz spoke to himself.

{[The system will help the host pass through this]}

{[Automatic process...]}

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