1 Chapter 1: Playground.

Amid the loud voice of the mouse and keyboard being pressed and in the heat of the internet café room temperature.

The room seemed to give a meal to the man who was playing the game, with his throat dry and the roar of the man's stomach continuing his game.

Until when the sound of the stomach is rumbling and the throat is getting drier the man ran off in a hurry to cross the hot road because of the tricks of the sun to get to the mini market.

Arriving at this market he went straight to the refrigerator and took a bottle of cold drink, then ran to the snack place to take a packet of bread, with a hurry the man ran to the cashier and gave his shopping to be counted, the cashier counted it and addressed the nominal price of shopping, the man put his hand into his pocket in a hurry to take his wallet, a few seconds the man's hand moved from one pocket to the other pocket to find his wallet until he realized that the dompent left behind where the man was playing the game.

The man ran back across the heat of the road leading to where he was playing, when he got to the table playing the stairs moved again to lift this and that to find his wallet, after a few minutes with sweat pouring in his head his hands did not stop moving to find his wallet which he forgot to forget when saving it.

The man was tired and sat for a while, at the same time he also weighed on his friend "hey, did you see my wallet? "His friend was just stunned to see the monitor, then he went back to asking" Ki ..., do you see my wallet? "In a higher tone, but still his friend did not respond in the slightest, he was annoyed then threw the empty smoke pack right into the middle of the montior and his friend responded" hey, what are you doing, why are you bothering me? "With a high tone like someone who is annoyed, he was able to ask his friend to use an annoyed tone because he was tired of looking for a wallet" Do you see my wallet? "His friend returned with an annoyed tone" I don't know stupid, don't you bother me anymore !!! "The noise was so loud that both of them reached the other players and the operator staff came over.

The operator staff came over and then asked in a slightly annoyed tone "oi, what's up with this noise, what are you guys fussing about" with embarrassment Radit answered "sorry, I seem to have lost my wallet" the operator staff accidentally looked down at his seat Radit has seen the wallet and then said "have you checked it down? "Radit with confused face said" huh, down? "While bowing his head to look under the table, Radit still couldn't find it and then said" where? I could not find my wallet "operator reply with annoyance" under the basic seat of a stupid child "Radit with a shy face while grabbing the back of his head and said" hahaha, sorry sorry ", then Radit looked back down and found it, so glad he turned back under the table then stood up immediately, a loud banging sound occurred between Radit's head and the table until the operator laughed out loud.

Radit returns to the hot road because of the sun's sting towards the mini market, he goes to the cashier and then says "sorry, I have waited a long time, how much do I have to pay? "The cashier also answered with a sweet face" this is a total of 35,000 rupiah "with a blush Radit was checking his wallet, but the expression on his face changed immediately and it turned out that the money brought by Radit was apparently lacking, with a red face Radit said" sorry if one salute can returned? Looks like my money is not enough "the cashier answered while holding back his laughter" please ", Radit put rushed to sip a few packs of bread that he canceled to buy, soon after that Radit paid him then rushed back to where he was playing.

Arriving at the place he played he felt very tired and sat back down and opened and drank the drink he bought but what a relief where when his dry throat was filled with cool drinking water that was refreshing until he said "ahhhh, how delicious". But he was annoyed, when he looked at his computer monitor it turned out that the game he was playing was over, then suddenly a red mark appeared on the right side of his monitor and Radit was curious and then checked it, when it was checked it appeared that the words "You got a penalty due too much long AFK (away from the keyboard) and resulted in not being able to play for 3 hours "at that moment Radit was ready to hold his head using two hands" aaaahhhhhh !!! damn !!!! "

The bad luck did not end there, when the game penalty was completed Radit was impatient to play again, with eyes that continued to focus on the monitor and sweat that poured from Radit's palm so seriously that the game he was playing until he didn't pay attention to anything else, in the midst of the fun of Radit playing the game suddenly the monitor turned black blank to make Radint shocked and confused "wow ... what's up? "Then suddenly Radit ran to the operator and asked" Brother, why did my computer die? "The operator also replied" Your rental time has run out stupid "Radit gasped in shock, then he asked to add the time to lease his play, when the operator asked for payment Radit immediately took his wallet and opened it, when opened, returned an expressionless face. As soon as it came out, Radit remembered that the money in his wallet had run out.
