1 Ruling House and Main Family

The Angels ruling family of the light for the past 4 millennium.

Thea Angel - 21 years old. Black hair with eyes that mirror the sky. Mocha brown skin.

Thalia Angel - 21 years old Brown hair with eyes that mirror the sky. Mocha brown skin.

Xavian Angel - 18 years old. White hair with eyes that mirror the sky. Light Brown skin.

Xavier Angel - 18 years old. Silver hair with eyes that mirror the sky. Light brown skin.

Tajashree Angel - 4,605 years old. Black hair with brown highlights with eyes that mirror the sky. Mocha skin.

Isabella Angel - 4,264 years old. White hair with silver highlights with eyes that mirror the sky. Light brown skin.

The Daemons ruling family of the Dark side for the past 3 1/2 millennium

Delaney Daemon - 20 years old. Red hair with silver black pupils, red Iris and black Iris. Brown skin.

Dilian Daemon - 20 years old. Black hair with silver pupils, red and oynx Iris. Honey Skin.

George Daemon - 100 years old. Red hair with silver pupils, red and oynx iris. Honey Skin

Khia Daemon - 117 years old. Black hair with silver pupils, red and black Iris.

David Daemon - 3,999 years old. Black hair with silver pupils, red and black Iris.

Kris Daemon - 3,499 years old. Red hair with silver pupils, red and black Iris.
