

Chimes POv ~ I don't literally like to describe myself , I am this type of girl where people left me , when they took advantage of me n made these horrible lies about me took credits of mine for their own benefit, so I don't trust people always. That's the reason I moved from Asia to America, I don't know if I am gonna fit in there , I am not to excited too . But hope its gonna be nice place tho.


Today is chimes first day of her high school but as for her , not too excited and can also expect to be alone she had never expected anything from anyone in her life ,Cuz she tried and tried but what she got in the end was disappointment for herself ,so she from then  prefers to be in her own world.

Hey guys sorry for this unsatisfied writing but I will promise you'll that further it will be interesting stay tuned cuz chimes life is literally gonna change .😜

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