

Hello there, this is Noel Elitia.


I would like to thank all of you, since the number of words in this chapter has approximately reached 4lakh 50k words, soon to complete 6th volume and is about to hit 1M views on this platform.

I have been focused on consistently releasing one chapter per week and hope to continue to do so.

But before we move on to the next arc, I personally wanted to know what you think of the current story. So, without wasting your time any further, I would be highly obliged if you can answer the few questions below:


Q1) Do you think the plot of the story has cooled down or has become less fun for you at the current point? Or, you can either tell me how enjoyable it is, otherwise.


Q2) Do you think you can point out some places in my story where I could further improve in my writing. Or, tell me of any aspect or phase in the story which made you unable to understand the storyline.


Next chapter