

this was third days after accident,the days pas like usual Anna almost come every morning to take breakfast, and sometime also visiting the store at afternoon right before the shop was close, event the city was in mesh because the dead of city enforcer leader, it not affected for some people, like her

and this days also same like usual Anna come this morning and there no more customers after her, the sky start to change it color, Rey prepare to close the store the there silhouette come enter the store, this was mister Green Basil

"wait wait Mr rey dont close yet"

"Good afternoon Uncel Green"

"afternoon Emmy, Mr Rey dont close yet, i want eat hahahahaha"

"owh okay its fine i'll prepare"

"thanks Mr Rey, im hungry and miss your food, if not because this damn Roland Crazy investigation i will come every day Mr. Rey"

"Owh what hapens? "

"Aaaish, its about three days ago, Rolan brother, the Good for nothing Ronal is die,he die near the city library, and no one know how and why he die, many said because some badluck, curse, and karma"

Green said with tired expresion

"But how come its afected you? "

"Well its a long story, long time ago when me and my wife still small mercant and just start our business,this Ronal is have some interest in my wife,you can said me and this Ronal is enemies from the pass,and now he die, you can take a guess who will be the first suspect"

"hahahaha owh badluck for you mr Green"

"yea, event in his death he still bring trouble for me, thank long time ago his brother is not yet leader of city enforce,if not me and my wife will absolutely move out from here,Eh Mr ray its posible if i order two portion? "

"its possible,did Mr Gree that hungry? "

"no no,i will take two order for takeout,i wana bring it home and eat with my wife"

"hehehe how romantic of you Mr Green,and Mr green, can i ask you for help? "

"absolutely can Mr Rey, as long its not break law and not some ilegal stuf"

"its not,you know mr Green, my family is poor, and i never have an proper education,and im afraid i some time Emmy ask problem, or something i cant answer,so i wana ask is posible if im borrowing some book, like basic knowledge book, history book, maap encyclopedia and any other trivia book? "

"say no more mr.Rey i will sent it to you tomorow"

"owh thanks mr. Green, i will cover the book cost"

"whay are ypu said Mr. Rey, do you think im that petty? ,your reason is to be a good dad, im also dad, and i know how you feel when you kids ask and you cant answer,as follow father i can stand still when you have a problem ahhahahahaha" Green smile and laugh, some how he remember his younger days when give education to his son and daughter

"well then Mr. Green thanks alot if you need help i will absolutely help you, any problem"

Rey tell green with confident, Green looking at Rey,and he somehow fell if Rey really have the capabilities to help him in any situations,what a crazy feel some how Green blame himself because think like that, because from any way you look, its sould be the opposite,Green help Rey

Rey keep chating with Green while he cooking, and the litle Emmy jusy sit obedient at the cair, not for long, the food ready Green take his order and walkout,then Rey close the store and speen rest of the days at home with emmy

mean while at studi room of a luxurious mansion, a midle age man sit and seem writing something,suddenly there dorr knocking sound,and the midle age man stop his writing

"come in"

then another man come in to the study room he seem older that the siting one,and wearing butler uniform

"Pay respect to city lord"the man pay his respect with a bow

"nood need to be formal uncel Karas,so how its it uncle? "

"well"the oldman somehow hard to say his word

"come on uncle, you know im bussy, i cant monitoring my daughter all days,the time i have for her and her mother is when we have breakfast,but last three days she always skip her breakfast, and her mother told me lastnigh, she also go out at afternoon, that way i ask uncel karas to see what really happens"this man is Anna father Baron Milter, Green spring city mayor,event he alrmost 60 years old but his facials feature look like 40 years old, be cause in this world a magic and inner strength practitioner,theur skin muscle and bone is being nourishment by his/her pure energy,so its keep maintenance their look and for some women is more common,for them keep their youthfulness,with his own magic or by beauty food or potion

"okay, city lord, i will tell you, but promise me dont be angry to Anna"the old man karas looking at baron with serious face

"yes uncle karas, pelase tell me"

"hmmm your daughter,,,she seem falling in love... "

"owh its fine she at her age uncle,, im not even mad"before karas finish his sentence Baron interup him, with smile and blue vein on his head, he was only have one daughter and now his daughter falling in love,he swear on his mind he will found the mand and kick him out the city

"im not done yet"karas calmly said to baron

"owh, there another news? "

"no jusy one, but you just hear half of it,she seem falling in love with maried man, and he have one daughter, open small food shop on pin Alley"righ after karas said the new, the mayor is blank for a moment, be cause after he blank the blue vein or his head multiple,he grit his teeth, the room temperature rais drastic the pen he hold start to melting smoke start to rising from the cair and desk that he use but before the thing geting more caoring sudenly the oldman karas move and hit the mayor


"Baroon are u insade, i told you not to angry!!!!this already third time this month you almost burn the mansion"

Oldman karas punch and Voice wake the mayor

"im... im sory uncel karas, and thanks for stoping me"

"you you,, alas"Old man karas already following Baron since Baron was kids, so he know him more thank anyone and because of that event he just a butler he was like uncle for baron and granparent for Anna

"Baron, this just information i gather, not the fact, if u wana know the truth, ask your daughter,and then ask the man, come to his store and ask him,but i will accompany you, i dont want pin ally became ash after you hear a truth that you dont want to hear"

"yes uncle this night i will ask Anna first and tomorrow i will ask that damn man"

event he can calm his mind, his hate for the man who stole his daughter Heart can be take easly

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