
Guess that can't be helped, huh?

I became speechless. This is something I can't possibly accept, actually...

Snorting softly, I held the object given by Woz and looked carefully, trying to check whether this was real and not fake. Sometimes I have trouble distinguishing between real and fake, but this is really—

"—real. Do you really think I can become a demon king, Woz?"

Nodding softly, but still lowering his head, he answered. His typical smile appeared on his lips.

"That's right, my lord. You are the Demon King, it is destined. Don't you always dream about this, my lord?"

Demon King... his words were not so wrong. Since I was bored with being a hero, the demon king made me interested. Moreover, something like anti-hero, sometimes things that look evil like the demon king really make some people interested. I don't deny it.

But by accepting this, the object given by him, I will receive the destiny of being the Demon King and heroes—I will not be able to return. There will be no second chance, this is really a serious thing and I have to think carefully.

Scratching behind my head, I exhaled heavily. I turned to Woz... and also Ophis. I still can't believe that Anomaly cannot be defeated by a god (currently goddess) like Ophis, she is the strongest dragon capable of competing with Great Red, even her strength is like the Power of Destruction of the Bael Clan.

Is this really going to be an Plot Armor or Deus Ex Machina? This... is really ridiculous. Kamen Rider becomes a powerful being and can finish off unclear-and-super-strong-creatures-that-can-defeat-overpowered-character? Being other than Kamen Rider are really been nerfed, the logic that's nonsense becomes more absurd. I don't know have to be happy or sad to know something like this.

Okay, I like Kamen Rider but yeah... if it's like this, it's a bit different. Ah let it be, after all, I am a hypocrite. At least I didn't get the power of 'The Gamer' or I would be walking cheat and Gary Stu, it was really cheating.

—Especially if there is no limit in mastering anything, it can even imitate or learn skills from the world of fiction. For example like Gradation Air, CG EMIYA Stance, Unlimited Blade Works and the others. That's really cheating, you jerk! You must, at the very least, have Origin and the same Element, the Sword! In essence, you have to be like Shirou who is the incarnation of the sword, a person who is gay on the sword.

That's why I don't really like the power of 'The Gamers' like that, there's no limit? It's ridiculous, absurb, impossible. Isn't that going to be boring, they can even have a Kaleidoscope, Magic Blue and Heaven's Feel? Fuck you!

If it's as easy as it can get it, I want it! Okay, I got a Kaleidoscope and Snake from Ophis and Zelretch, but at least I didn't get a power like 'The Gamer' and also I had to train it hard—for Kaleidoscope, somehow I seem to have talent in the magecraft—I mean, I can use it to go to the DxD dimension!

Don't you know how tiring it is for semi-extrovert people like me who rarely even do exercises like jogging and others. Hell, I can't even do more than 10 push ups, more than 10 sit ups and more than 20 pull ups! It's really a weak body, sometimes I hate it, hate myself.

"And... why only me that can defeat Anomaly? Even though I think you can beat him easily. Ah yes, you can sit and raise your head, Woz."

Hearing my command, he nodded and sat down in front of me, with Ophis beside me who for some reason she put her head to my lap. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I can stroke loli's head like Ophis, this is really happy!

"Thank you, my lord."

"You're welcome, please explain it quickly."

Opening his book, he smiled and looked at me, while occasionally glancing into the contents of his book.

"According to this book, Ondra Dwi Putra Adi Setyo—truly a long name, my lord."

Hey, don't blame me.

"Today, will meet Woz, the Mysterious Prophet as well as one of the threats he will face, namely—"


He nodded.

"By turning into Kamen Rider Zi-O, who is no longer the Kamen Rider king of time—but a king of dimensions too—you will be able to face the worst threat to the Multiverse."

The worst threat, seriously? Not nuclear war? Or invasion of forces between dimensions?

"Anomaly has something in common with Another Rider, which can only be defeated by similar power. A creature like anything, even though it has an all-powerful power that can make the world shattered, it won't be able to defeat it."

I was surprised to hear that. This is... ridiculous.

"Even though the world was destroyed, Anomaly would not be able to. If the Rider who is required to deal with it dies, then..."

"...must wait for Zi-O or Geiz successor, is that so?"

"That's right, my lord."

I really didn't expect that. Can't die even though the world is destroyed? Must be defeated by Zi-O or Geiz? Which is required to have similar powers, like the Rider Armor? This is really like the TV series.

I don't know why all this makes me dizzy—even though I was already confused with the Multiverse things from Zelretch's message—but this made me more dizzy. Especially later, maybe I will have Rou's Absorption power from Re: Monster? Ah, no-no, even though I will have skills from what I eat, I don't want to eat the living ones.

That will make me like a Ghoul from Tokyo Ghoul. Yep, don't expect that, I don't want to. Forget it, forget it and don't remember it. Clear the mind of that, my head.

Exhaling trying to empty my mind, it made me a little relieved.

Oh yeah, there's something I just remembered.

"Woz, will there be Time Jacker, Geiz and Tsukuyomi?"

I know that Woz and Geiz's relationship isn't that good, from what I saw in the series, when they want to get the Wizard Ridewatch and fight the Another Wizard.

Woz put on a reluctant expression, it seems he really isn't good with Geiz and Tsukuyomi. He is truly a mysterious character, moreover I suspect that he will become an enemy by becoming Kamen Rider Woz.

It's a cliche, if that's the case.

However, Woz nodded his head, even though he was reluctant.

"Yes, my lord. They will be there, but because it's not a matter of time anymore, then their name is Verse Jacker."


"They are the one who made Anomaly?"


Ah, damn, those who made Another Rider now make Anomaly. Looks like I have to get a Ridewatch in order to defeat the Anomaly. Even though I'm sure the name isn't Ridewatch anymore, because it's not about Rider anymore.

That made me think, this is very ridiculous. I need more information about Kamen Rider Zi-O, in order to be able to help me in solving the problem that is plaguing me. Do I have to live my life while waiting for each episode every week? It looks like that.

"So, from the work of making Another Rider, now they are making Anomaly? It's really weird."

It made me shake my head and grunt softly because I felt strange about their current behavior.

"So, what about the Anomaly state, Woz? Do you know?"

"As I said, he still suffers from a rather serious injury, requiring time for him to recover fully. However, about a week, it was enough for him to recover fully."

I see, a week... then—

"—what about those who... have been killed by him?"

I put on a rather pitying expression, while saying it in a low tone, feeling not so comfortable with what I was asking. Because remembering it makes me feel disgusted and not strong to remember again. Stop it!

"Indeed this sounds like going against the laws of logic that exist in the world, but if Anomaly is defeated, those who have been killed by him will return and so will the situation—like magic that makes everything fine and they won't remember it."

I never remembered or never saw anything like that at Kamen Rider Zi-O but I guess that really violated the law of logic. I'm sure if Sento is there, he will definitely feel furious and oppose it, he will definitely try to explain it logically.

This reminds me of Kamen Rider Zi-O—Houkan Keikaku episode 2.5, where Sento saying "Science is unable to explain every event in the world", although he finally answers Banjou's question with a rather humorous answer.

After all, he is a physicist—

[Genius physicist, you know!]

Where did that come from?! Why did I hear the voice of Rider again?! The Multiverse is truly mysterious and terrible!

"Enghh... ehem, I see."

Putting up a thinking pose, I said it and responded with a nod from Woz. But I scratched the back of my head while standing up, making Woz and Ophis stand up, when I was about to get out of my room.

Not forgetting I brought the object given by Woz, this is the only thing that can stop the Anomaly. I really need to be always on standby, even though I'm not too ready for all this because it's really sudden.

"Okay, because my body has recovered and is fine, we better get out and I want to try a little practice using this. How about it, Woz?"

"Of course you may, sir. Me and Ouroboros will accompany you."

"Ah, erm... you may and the usual, please, Ophis."

She nodded, the black-colored layer enveloped the three of us and I could see Woz who had a look of awe when he saw what Ophis was doing. It seems like Ophis must 'add' Woz if her magic can make someone unnoticed to others. It's a bit impractical but it's okay, I'll give her an advice later.

"Already done, Ondra."


I gave my thumbs up to her. How lucky I am.

After more or less walking for ten minutes, we finally arrived at a quiet and pretty good field. It seems that this field is often used to play tennis, it's pretty quiet and the place is in the dormitory area of my campus.

Ahahaha, really me...

Ah, but because of Ophis's magic, I don't think it will be discovered later.

"What a truly vast place, my lord."

Woz said it in a tone and an expression of awe. This made me a little confused, my eyebrows rose because of it. Isn't this normal and in its time Woz is even more extraordinary, even I don't think this can be juxtaposed because it's still in 2018.

"Really? I think you're exaggerate it, Woz. It's not so amazing, it's normal, I guess."

Walking slowly and calmly, I circled around this field and tried to look around to familiarize myself with the scenery.

"After all, in your case I think it's even more amazing. In 2068, it might be a bit like in Accel World but it's still amazing. Moreover, there will be a flying car, capsule-shaped food and others."

That's right, in Accel World even in 2046 but not as amazing as my imagination like there will be flying cars or capsule-shaped food, maybe more like Detroit: Become Human that isn't too fast. Maybe I should stop watching sci-fi for a while.

"Is that so? But my lord, you already know that from the Kamen Rider Zi-O series itself, it's not... how it will be in 2068 later."

He's right. Ohma Zi-O or Tokiwa Sougo the Kamen Rider Zi-O who became the demon king, but because there was no Sougo here, but the actor Okuno So had to make me deny it. Here, who is Ohma Zi-O, is myself—ridiculous.

I don't—ah forget, don't be a hypocrite. Really! I want this, I want to become a demon king and always dream of becoming Kamen Rider even though I prefer to be Gaim; but it's okay, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Finishing circled the field, I turned to Woz and Ophis, they nodded and kept their distance from me. Getting ready, I took a deep breath, then took out the object given by Woz. A buckle-like belt, which I put on my waist, miraculously exited the strap.


Right. I use Ziku-Driver, the belt used to change to Kamen Rider, precisely Kamen Rider Zi-O and Geiz. Then I turned to Woz.

"Woz, give that to me."

"Are you serious, sir? This is just Blankwatch, even though it contains a few elements from you, I think—"

"—Do you doubt me? Didn't you yourself say..."

"Forgive my rudeness, my lord."

I nodded when he said it while giving me Blankwatch. An object like a black watch, I held it tightly while grinning.

"If I am destined to become a demon king, Ohma Zi-O, then... I will destroy and re-create this world as I wish!"

After that, the two magenta clock hands rotated 360 degrees, the Blankwatch that I held earlier shine for a moment and made Blankwatch that became Ridewatch now fully active. The button in front of the Watch changes to pure white, with the main part blackish gray.

The number that reads 2018 is in front of the Watch, as well as a symbol that I know. It is a symbol of Ridewatch Zi-O. This has really become Zi-O's Ridewatch, I can't back down anymore.

"That's right, I can't back down anymore. This has become my destiny. "

"Is that so? Then, I will try to end your destiny!"


Someone's voice was heard from behind, it was a familiar voice I heard! The hair, the face, the clothes. This is too fast! This is not the TV series! I mean, he's—.

"Hoh, Geiz-kun. An unexpected guest."

"Woz. What do you want?"

"If you try to harm His Majesty, then I won't give you mercy, even though it's an old friend like you."


"Geiz, stop it!"

This time it was a new voice, a woman who was wearing white clothes and robes, she could be said to be a beautiful but not so beautiful woman to me. For some reason, that's right... she is one of the characters from Kamen Rider Zi-O, namely—

"Tsukuyomi? I will stop Ohma Zi-O, no matter what!"

He take one of the Ridewatch from the Ridewatch Holder, which is a red Ridewatch with a number that says 2068 in it, and the symbol of Zi-O is a trademark of Kamen Rider Zi-O.

While holding and turning the knob so the needle is pointing to the left, he then presses the button above the Ridewatch and makes the object active.


The voice that shouted his name and the Rider's name rang, he immediately put his Ridewatch to the right side of the Ziku-Driver and pressed the button above the Driver.

Oy-oy! Don't tell me, he—


For a moment he shouted the word, while turning it 340 degrees, a Hiragana that read 'Rider' was seen behind him which was yellow with a butterfly motif.



For a moment the voice rang out, his appearance changed, becoming someone who used red and yellow armor. With an visor from a helmet that says 'Rider' in Hiragana, it has a yellow butterfly motif, as well as the motif of a digital clock that forms its armor—this is Kamen Rider Geiz.

"Ohma Zi-O... get ready!"

It's bad, I actually have a fate like Sougo. It can't be helped, it seems I have to fight. Don't revenge me, Geiz.

"Okay if that's what you want, Geiz."

Holding Zi-O Ridewatch, I turned the button and made the needle point to the left and pressed the Ridewatch button so that I could activate it.


The voice was heard again, but issued a different name and that was the name of the Ridewatch I held, which I immediately placed on the right side of Ziku-Driver and pressed the Driver button while saying the trigger words.


Put up and imitate the Henshin pose from Tokiwa Sougo, my hand immediately turning the Driver to 340 degrees, making the Driver active and so did the Ridewatch.



The needle from the hologram clock leads to twenty, the two needles before separating themselves; which is where the big needle leads to number two and the small needle in number ten. The Katakana letter that says Zi-O is formed, then leads to me.

That made a magenta-colored armor coat my body, change my appearance and give me this armor, with a helmet and visor that reads 'Rider' with Katakana letters—this is Kamen Rider Zi-O.


Woz shouted, typical words that I would always be able to hear when I was with him.

"He is the heir of the powers of Verser—beings from the Multiverse—that's exists! The king of time and dimensions, which travels various times and dimensions, to conquer the Multiverse both in the past and the future..."

His satisfied smile is still visible.

"His name is Kamen Rider Zi-O, you have witnessed his birth."

After saying it, he closed the book with a sound that could even be heard by the whole field.

"You really can't change history."

"It's seems so."

"Then, get ready... Ohma Zi-O!"

"Come then, Geiz."

And with that, my first fight will begin. Against people who have the name Myokoin Geiz and also a second Kamen Rider from the Kamen Rider Zi-O series, namely... Kamen Rider Geiz. This really makes me awkward.

Hello! Sorry for the long update, I'm not like other author who fast at update the novel but I'll try to update it with a long chapter.

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