
3: Blessings

Chapter 3: Blessings

A light female voice floated like a song behind her, "Welcome to this world mortal other. This goddess is called Bemu,"

A tall female form rose from the darkness in a soft lavender mist. She wore silvery robes edged in sparkling feathered edge. A long pale neck rose from the robes revealing a rose lipped smile and black kohl lined eyes sharply contrasting blue pupils. Her dark hair was slicked back from her face ending in sharp scooped spikes. Her entire form was elegant and tall with long pale legs with a long but petite, almost boyish, torso.

"I am the goddess of birds of this world, in bird form this one is a heron. Any birds are under my command, but particularly this one is a heron." Bemu said in a sing song voice as she tiptoed heron-like to little bird's side., "all the herons of this world are my agents, and through them you may speak to this goddess. You will carry this one's blessing with you." She nodded and patted the little bird with long pale fingers. The bird herself felt warmth like it was under the wing of it's original mother.

"Follow this one little bird, we must see my counterpart, Anzu, god of eagles and holder of your destiny." Bemu cupped the little bird in one long fingered hand, smiling as she walked into the fog. The lavender fog retreated and revealed a large dark room filled with marble tablets and numerous spotlights illuminating the room. On one side sat a huge marble desk piled with stone plaques and various odd objects like sea shells, shining orbs, and eagle quill pens. Behind the desk sat a huge man with a raucous red ruff like a lion growing into a flowing sand yellow cape and a chest plate depicting an eagle. His voice was the deep chested growl. Rusty red curls adorned his head in a wild mane with two thin red braids falling over his shoulder, small white feathers woven inside.

"This god is Anzu. This tablet is yours, child bird. This human life is yours to live. So shall it be done, as I Anzu have written. Of course your destiny is hidden to you, but certain aspects will be seen due to human magic. This destiny tablet has your statistics, your magic, your blessings, all of which can be seen if you request it. No other mortal can see this unless you give permission, it is mostly hidden" Anzu's gruff hand scrawled on one of the stone tabled on his table.

Bemu smiled and looked at Anzu, "Do not forget the little one's blessings dear Anzu, add mine to yours, but keep them both hidden from mortals. Blessings can induce jealousy in small minded beings. Better to hide her actual levels also. Of course she should be able to see her actual numbers."

Anzu harrumphed in assent, adjusting the tablet with his eagle quill pen. "I know what I'm doing. Be patient. Inscribing a life tablet is not as simple as it seems. This little one has two sides, one hidden, and one for show. Here is your tablet child. One side is what the mortals expect to see, the other side is what actually is." A stone tablet floated into the air and in front of the little bird. Bemu read it for her, since birds are not literate usually. One side glowed red, the other blue. The blue could be read by all. The red could be read by the little bird and gods alone.

Blue side: (typical for 1 year old baby with magical parents)




Magic (MP)-10


Skill- Fair Luck, Artistic, Good Singing, Agility+, Learning+, Birdsong (ability to call birds by singing)

Red side:






Skill- Good Luck, Artistic, Great Singing, Agility++, Learning++, Birdsong, Wingless Flight,

Blessing of Anzu, High Heron Goddess: Supreme Balance, Void Storage, Time suspend (60 seconds), Alcohol tolerance++

Blessing of Bemu, High Eagle God of Destiny: Animal communication (Avian), Look away (ability to disappear in a crowd, ability to erase presence), Elegance+, Beauty+, Loved by animals.

Bemu smiled as she read them out. "My my, isn't that wonderful. You as a year old child has the stats of a 20 year old magic wielder with hero blessing. At least we know you'll be fairly safe in the new world. Remember, all these stats will strengthen depending on how much you study and train. They will also increase when you come of age at 14. Little bird, you might become able to shake the world."

Anzu stood and grumbled in his low gruff voice, "It is time to be born little bird. Come here and land on the tablet." He put out his hand with the tablet on his palm. The little bird flapped and flew to his hand, landing on the stone tablet which glowed with a serene white light. The little bird closed it's eyes and felt as if a great weight was squeezing all around it until…Pop!

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