
When Bad Boys Fall

"Open your mouth," he whispered, and I looked at him in confusion. "Open your mouth, Jackie." I swallowed and did as I was told. The heat between my legs heightened when he ran the wet candy over my bottom lip before stuffing it into my mouth. The sweetness expanded on my taste buds and my body heated up at the fact that the lollipop had been in his mouth. There was something erotic about it and it left me accepting the way my body reacted to it. I looked deeper into his eyes and sucked on the lollipop then moaned when he started to move it in and out of my mouth. I wasn't innocent and I knew just what he was doing. +++ Jackie Garner has always been away from the spotlight, not until bad boy, Lucas Hamilton walks into her life after meeting him half naked in the boys' locker room. Since then, Lucas Hamilton has not let her be and wants her at all costs. But when bad boys fall, expect heartbreaks, jealous ex-lovers and backstabbers.

IrenKaykay_ · Urban
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40 Chs


Lucas' POV

I had to blink hard to confirm if it was Jackie Garner, wearing a short silky red robe with her long hair framing her face. I had to look at her body up and down, taking in her long smooth legs to confirm if she was the one or just a look alike.

"Jackie... Jackie Garner?" I asked and she looked down, playing with her fingers.

What was she doing in such a place? 

"Do you know her?" Amelia asked and stood closer to Jackie who refused to meet my eyes.

"Yeah, I do," I replied.

"That's nice but she's on a timer. So, she's going to be the one pleasing Jared here and—"

Her words cut through my heart like a sharp knife as I glared at her. Everything started coming back to me, from Amelia revealing Jackie was a virgin and Jared sleeping with a virgin. Something in me snapped and I grabbed Jackie by her arm and tugged her close to me. I heard her gasp and wrapped my arm around her small waist.

"Can I talk to her for a minute?" I demanded and when Jared was about to protest, I glared at him, shutting him up.

"Listen, handsome. She's my girl for tonight and she's just starting today. Let her go and you two can talk later," Amelia said, sounding irritated.

Instead of replying to her, I took Jackie's hand and dragged her with me to a corner in the back. I was surprised she had not said anything or fought me off. As I pinned her back gently against the wall, I heard sniffles coming from her bowed head.

"Jackie? Look at me," I said, and she shook her head.

I cupped her cheeks and tilted her head upward. My eyes softened when I saw tears flowing down her cheeks. Her eyes were closed, and her lips pressed into a thin line.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and she pushed me away, startling me.

"Why are you always everywhere? Why can't you stop appearing in my life all the time?" She asked through fresh tears.

No woman, outside of my family had ever made my heart constrict from the pain I could hear in her voice and facial expressions. Even though I didn't know her that much, she was someone who should never be in such a place.

"You can tell me anything," I said, and she glared at me.

"Why do you always ruin everything for me?" She asked in a broken tone. "I finally have my way out and you come out of nowhere, standing in between my decisions. Look, Lucas. I have things to do, so avoid me for the rest of the night."

She started to walk away but I grabbed her arm and pulled her to my chest. She struggled against my body I felt her soft skin, especially her soft breasts rubbing against my chest. I hated how I could not ignore that part of her body in such a situation, but I was a man. 

Jackie eventually stopped struggling and rested her forehead on my chest. I stiffened at her position and stared at the wall behind her with wide eyes. Her shoulders began to shake, and I found myself wrapping my arms around them, comforting her in the best way I knew.

"Why me? Why does this keep happening to me? I am so tired," she said against my chest, and I felt wet spots on my shirt.

I stayed silent as I didn't know how to comfort a woman or what words to use to comfort her. I sucked at such and hated how I never learned how to. Maybe YouTube could help me later tonight.

"I'm sorry," Jackie said and pulled away from me. I watched her wipe her cheeks before she made eye contact with me.

Her brown eyes were dull and irritated, her small yet pointed nose was red and her plump lips were wobbling a little. I hated how I wanted to hold her to take away whatever pain she was going through.

"Excuse me," Jackie said and walked away before I could stop her.

I stared at the wall in contemplative silence, wondering what was happening to her. I had to find out the truth because I could not help but feel odd about her sleeping with someone, especially Jared.

With a hiss, I jogged out of the corner and looked around for Jackie. She was nowhere in sight and so was Jared. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of them being alone together, so I looked around the whole place until I saw Amelia speaking to another man. I walked up to them and grabbed her away from him.

When we were far away, I let go of her hand and crossed my arms.

"Start explaining," I said.

"Explaining what?"

"How do you know Jackie and what is she doing here? I need you to fucking speak because I have no patience," I demanded coldly, and she gulped.

"I met her in our bathroom stalls back at school last night and overheard her talking about having no hope... Jackie is in a lot of debt and was crying in the shower about losing hope, bla bla bla. She reminded me of myself, so I told her I'd help her. I brought her here to be a—"

Before she could finish, I held her arm in a tight grip and hissed. I was in so much anger. I suddenly felt protective of Jackie because I've seen what people did to the women here. It was not a good place for her, and I needed to get her out here fast. 

"Where is she?"

"She's in one of the rooms now with Jared."



I kicked the door and through angry eyes, I saw Jared jump off a scared-looking Jackie. When I saw he was only in his boxers, I felt the urge to punch him in the face. He had no right to touch her.

"What the fuck, man?! I need privacy!" Jared said, marching up to me. He stood lower than my tall height, so he didn't intimidate me.

"Come here, Jackie," I said, still staring at Jared.

"Stay there, bitch," Jared said and before I knew it, I had punched him in the face, forcing him to the floor.

I crossed over his body and took off my jacket then covered her body up. I took her hand, and we walked out of the room. I spotted Amelia and her boss angrily staring at me, but I walked past them in silence.

"Lucas, let me go. I need this job, you don't understand. Please, I need to go back!" Jackie said over the loud music, but I pretended not to hear her until we left the club to the spot I parked my car.

I let go of her hand and she took that opportunity to run past me, but I was quicker and wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her onto my shoulder. She wiggled on my shoulder, kicking her legs and screaming for me to drop her. I ignored her as I took out my car key and unlocked my car. I opened the passenger seat and sat her down then closed the door which I immediately locked.

I went around the car to the driver's side and got into the vehicle. Just as I sat comfortably, I felt a painful punch on my face. I groaned and held my cheek before glaring at her.

"Did you just punch me?"

"I will do more if you don't let me go!"

I sighed. "Can we just talk, please?"

She stayed quiet for some seconds before nodding her head. I did the same and turned on the car to let the AC blow. 

"What's going on with you?" I asked and she shrugged. "Please, talk to me. Maybe I can help you."

"What are you talking about?" She looked at me with narrowed eyes.

I didn't want to let her know that Amelia told me about her predicament. I wanted to hear it from her even though I knew that the chances were slim.

"You... You aren't the girl I met in high school. What changed?"

Jackie chuckled. "Not everyone becomes what they saw in their past."

Her words contained pain and I felt I could relate. I stayed quiet after that because I didn't want to come off as pushy. A full minute went by, and I heard her exhale.

"You know what? I give up. There's no hope anymore. Everything is useless and gone," Jackie said and faced me, tears in her eyes. 

I felt the urge to wipe them but kept my hand to myself as I didn't understand why I felt so attached to this woman.

"You know, I used to dream big but now, it's stupid. I was so naive because I thought I was living a good life but now, life isn't any easy. Look at me, having huge debts from my student loan. I have no place to sleep after this year ends and I am thinking of just dropping out. So, Lucas Hamilton; this is what I've been up to."

I felt a knot in my heart at her revelation. I wondered how she had survived the school year. Now I could see how her life had been filled with misfortune from the emotions in her eyes. 

"What about your parents?"

She sniffed. "Can you please open your car? I need to go home."


"Please, Lucas. You've heard my sappy story. Laugh all you want but please let me go."

But I can't, my mind said.

"I can help you," I said, and she glanced at me.

"No, I don't want your help."

"Stop it, Jackie. I can pay off your debts. I don't know but I hate seeing you like this. Let me help you, please. If I hadn't been here tonight, you would have sold your body for a small amount that would not get you out of your situation."

"No. Amelia told me I could make $1000 in a week and—"

"Fuck it! I can give you much more than that! You don't need to do something you'd regret later. You don't need to kill yourself to earn nothing. Jackie, you used to be an intelligent girl in Redside. So, don't do things you'll regret," I said and took her hand in mine.

Jackie wiped her tears with her other hand and bowed her head, crying.

"There's no point. I already know I'm going to fail my exams and when I do, I'll leave college. I should probably focus on finding more jobs instead of wasting money on school. I appreciate your help, but I can't accept it."

I hissed in anger. I wanted to help her out, but her stubbornness was in the way. Exams were beginning soon, and the school year would end after the exam. I knew how intelligent she was and how she needed to focus on her studies and as long as I was aware of her condition, I would not rest until she was ok.

"Can you unlock the door now?"

"Fine," I said, then unlocked her door with a heavy sigh. "Please, think about what I said. I'll always be here to help you."

"Thank you," Jackie whispered.