
Welcome Home!

Not far from where the Ferrari parked was a beggar clothed in rags. He held a sack of plastic containers which he must have collected along the road as he passed by garbage bins. The man rested in front of the restaurant where Fem had her lunch earlier. His disguise was so real that nobody could tell he was just an imposter.

From where he was seated, he could see Fem emerge from the building holding a folder, her bag hanging on her shoulder. The sight of her was as breathtaking and fresh as she appeared this morning. She was met by a tall and neatly postured man who came out of the black Ferrari. He saw them hold hands as the man guided her to the front passenger seat. Without much thinking, the old rugged man hurried to hide himself at the far corner of the building where no one was watching. Seeing that there was nobody around, he stripped off his rugged clothes like a snake. He was wearing an outside sando and a pair of shirts. He now appeared like an athletic young man in his mid thirties. He took out his backpack from the sack of empty water bottles, stuffed all his dirty clothes into his backpack leaving the sack on the ground. His sneakers, although looked old and rugged, were actually durable and comfortable. Leaving the sack of empty water bottles behind, the man jogged his way back to the parking lot where the black Ferrari was already making a turn to leave the spot. He hurriedly waved a taxi from the highway and was lucky enough to get one. Usually, getting a taxi in this area takes longer time especially during normal business days. However, most people must have gone home for Christmas vacation that only few offices were open.

"Follow that black car!" The man ordered the taxi driver. His disguised voice sounded strangely deep for his hearing himself. This was a disguise he had to master because of their underground transactions or deals that should not expose his identity as a rebel citizen of the country.

"Sure boss!" The taxi driver glanced at the man beside him unsuspecting. However, when he saw the black Ferrari in front of them, he knew that the ones inside were very prominent people. There were just about two or three people in the city who drive such car! As a taxi driver, he knew a lot about these tailing schemes. It was not his first time being hired like this.

"Boss, this car must be of some big man in town." The driver smiled wryly while focusing on the road.

"So what? Just tail it." The man maintained his disguised deep voice.

Meanwhile, the couple were discussing about their plans on their wedding. Mark gave Fem a printed sample of the invitation card he designed last night. The photo he used was the one he took at South City on the sea side. Fem scanned and flipped it inside and out then looked at their picture in the front page. She brushed her fingers on it with a loving smile.

"Sweetheart..." Mark's lips curled up when he saw at the corner of his eye how his woman lovingly looked at the front page of the card. He was attentive of her while his eyes were very alert around them.

"This picture is nice. But I wish we had some pictures together when we first met. It would be better. But this is nice too hubby-not-yet." Fem grinned ear to ear as her lazy almond shaped eyes followed the shape of her lips.

"My already wife, we can do some changes when we get home. We can crop some of our photos if you want. Hey! Someone is tailing us! I'm speeding up honey. Hold your breath" Mark glanced at his woman to check if her seatbelt was safe then stepped on the accelerator. Immediately, the car shoot like an arrow at the clear highway then curved into a one way lane when he didn't see the taxi anymore. He had been driving slowly around while observing the taxi that seemed to be following them. Upon confirming his suspicioun, he decided to shed off whoever they might be.

"Hello Grandma, how are you?" Fem greeted Ivee shyly as they entered the frontage of the huge mansion. Ivee was eagerly waiting for them at the main door.

Ivee was so excited to receive her granddaughter-in-law. She has personally cooked some of the dishes while housekeeper Lina did some of the dishes. Dave Arevalo was in his study calling his comrades about the incoming wedding of his grandson. Though he didn't tell them which of his grandson was marrying. He has been bragging about his grandsons to his comrades but was at a loss everytime they ask him about great grandsons.

'Welcome home, deary! I'm so happy now that you're finally with us! Hurry up and come in. I've prepared some pudding for snacks while the dishes are being done." Ivee pulled Fem to the kitchen while Mark trailed behind. With Ivee's welcoming, Fem felt like she was once belong in this family but has not come home for a long long time.

"Grammie, don't be too excited. I worry your BP might shoot up!" Mark reminded his grandma.

Ivee ignored her grandson as she hurriedly brought out two dessert plates and laid them on the dining table. "Ha, finally! I got to see my granddaughter-in-law come home! You don't know how anxious I was seeing my Mark go restless without you." Ivee's excited voice also revealed relief and delight.

For the first time in her life, Fem didn't know how to respond. She had so many thoughts to say but when faced with this excited elderly, her thoughts were all jumbled. She didn't know which to say first. She looked at Mark helplessly and smiled.

"Grammie, you don't have to drag me to your drama. Sweetheart, have some snack first, I'll come and join you later." Mark pulled a chair for his woman.

"Okay" Fem said softly.

Fem sat obediently as she tried to reorganize her thoughts. How was she suppose to communicate with these elderlies? She was worried that her tough and straightforward manner might piss them off.

Something within her softened as she watched Ivee hum a tune as she busily took out a mug from the cupboard.

"Deary, are you drinking coffee? Although I recommend hot milk for you. It's good for your body." Ivee prepared to scoop some milk.

"Ah! Grandma, please let me do it myself. I prefer mild coffee without sugar. My tummy always gets bloated everytime I drink milk." Fem stood beside Ivee. She feels uncomfortable being served by others. She rather feels happy doing things for others. Maybe it was because of her mother's example that this character was instilled in her system.

Not long after she finished her serving of pudding, Mark and Dave came down from upstairs. Mark looked like he had just taken his shower and the smell of shower gel and shampoo lingered around him. Dave laughed with much delight as he entered the dining room. Fem cupped her mug tightly in nervousness as she looked at the old General approach her.

"Welcome home my most awaited granddaughter-in-law! Come and embrace grandpa! " Dave stood at Fem's side with arms wide open waiting for a someone to hug.

"Hi my favorite grandpa-in-law. I see you're good!" Fem was quite reluctant to stand up. She was never hugged by her father as openly as this. Her experience with her father's hug recently felt wonderful, loving and comforting. That was the first time she was hugged by a father figure.

Nevertheless, she had to be flexible as long as she could. She stood up and smiled shyly as she allowed herself to be embraced by this excited and happy old man.

"You're such a darling indeed! I never thought that your father could raise such a sweet beauty like you. He was always tough, you know?" Dave ushered Fem back to her seat as he sat at the head side of the dining table. Mark sat beside Fem.

Fem sipped her black coffee as she stared at Mark beside her. Seeing him watching her tenderly made her blush and diverted her gaze to Dave.

"Grandpa, I never thought that your grandson would go to a lowly bar three years ago. Was he a drunkard back then?" Fem asked the old General while her mug hid her faint smile.

"Mark, answer your brides' question. Be truthful!" Dave said silently chuckling.

Mark draped his left hand on the back rest of Fem's chair and slightly leaned towards her. "Truth be told, I was searching for you. I had become a bit of a drunkard after I met you." Mark poked Fem's nose.

"That was because everytime he comes home, he always wanted to go back to see you but I restrained him. Well, I later learned that he has spotted a girl from the Northern Province who happened to be a Law. And you must have known that we have a long history of friendship with your father" Dave said.

"So is it because I happened to be a Law? What's good about us anyway? We're tough and poor people to begin with." Fem didn't realize that her remark hit the old General.

"Let's put it this way, of course Mark could have met anyone he liked. It must have been destiny that he happened to meet my long time friend's daughter. You can't believe I felt like I have won a jackpot on a lottery when Mark informed me about you! If it was another random girl, I would still be happy but not as joyful as I am now!" Dave watched the couple sitting together. His grandson's eyes never leaving his woman's face.

Fem put down her mug elegantly and nodded. She turned her head to Mark who was admiring her profile. He appeared to be in daze, lost in his thought. Fem smiled at the sight of her man. What was he thinking?

"Have some snack first my dear. We need to do the invitation cards, remember?" Fem forked two pieces of pudding into Mark's plate, then forked out one more and held it in front of his mouth. " Ahhh.." She said like she was feeding a child. She didn't mind Dave's eyes. Why should she hide her act of affection?

Mark eyed the pudding and obediently opened his mouth to receive the bite sized pudding. She continued to feed him like this until she thought it should be enough for him.

After their snack, Fem asked to go to shower first before they continue their invitation card. Mark led his woman to his room for shower. He searched for his jogging pants during his high school days which were kept safe in his closet. He chose a hooded sweater that was tight for him and put them by the bathroom door. He didn't want to entertain the thought of envading her inside. He decided to wait till the right day comes. But still, he can't promise this to himself yet because just the sight of his woman was enough to drive him crazy.

Mark knocked the bathroom door. Hearing her respond, he called out, "Sweetheart, I have placed some clothes here for you if want to use them, otherwise, I don't mind seeing you naked around my room." He said and proceeded to leave the room first.

"Mark, wait till you see me naked! I promise, I won't allow you to touch me!" She shouted back.

Mark laughed out loud as he left the room.

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