
Their Meeting (9)

"My fault??? How was it my fault?! Are you blaming me for your marriage , Mr. Arevalo?" She gritted her teeth controlling her trembling voice. With all her logical reasoning, she couldn't extract from her brain any hint as to why she should be blamed for this man's marriage. 'Why is he pushing the blame on me! What a preposterous fellow!"

Mastering his tears and gaining a little bit of composure, Mark slowly spoke up in a slow shaky tone. "Ha....how could you not fight for me if you truly loved me, Fem? Why did you give up just like that? I can't believe you're so easily swayed by that single schemer. At least, I believed that your love for me was strong enough to stand a test! "

"So it's my fault for not fighting for you in the first place? I see! Ha! ha! And are you expecting me to apologize for being so weak? How much strength do you think I have Mr. Arevalo?" Her voice has now gone an octave higher and the volume was a bit towards the maximum. Some costumers were turning their heads to their direction but she didn't care about it for now.

"Fem, please listen...." He said pleadingly as he motioned his hand to calm her down. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean exactly that way.....I know I should have acted upon this as early as it happened but you have to understand that during that time you and Agnes had an encounter, I was away and I didn't know she was doing some scheming behind my back. I was at Central City that time and I barely came home. It was only when I got home and got hold of your last note with all my letters did I come to know that things have already gone out of hand. I tried to reach out to you but then I was assigned here making it hard for me. Please Fem, I regret not having taken early action on this. But I had been faithful to my words to you. Can we just start all over again?" He said in a pleading voice. His heart was aching as shown by his pained face as he swallowed painfully.

She kept silent still fuming in anger while her eyes were glaring at him. She was unable to digest everything she just heard. As if they were just random words that entered through her right ear then exited to the left one.

"Fem, please believe me. I have nothing to do with that Agnes. I never even knew she was capable of doing this. I'm so sorry!" He continued pleading.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Everything happens for a reason, whether by choice or not!" She pursed her lips tight and looked at his bowed head. His temple had tiny sweat glistening all over.

Her mind wandered back as she watch him in that state. Before she encountered that woman, everything between them was fine. It was only the distance between them that somewhat hindered their relationship but they were trying hard to work it out. When that woman came across, everything between them was cut! And as if it was heaven's way, he was assigned farther and farther away from her! Were all those incidents be considered tests for the strength of their love for each other? If they were, she thought they were too cruel! Still, as if those were not enough, she discovered her father's plan after her graduation! Who in her right mind would not go mad?! She already thought she was tough and strong to face all kinds of trials, but it seems she has yet to brace herself for more. Recalling all these happenings in her life, she couldn't help but pitty herself for being so weak and having been manipulated like a pawn.

With all these thoughts in her mind, Fem's eyes went blurred. She shook her head while leaning forward with her hands on the table. She fought her tears that were about to burst out like the waters in the spillway of Chernobyl but she wasn't successful in shutting them in. She grabbed the tissue box beside her to dub her eyes which were consistently spilling whatever liquid it held there. She wanted to wail in anger but her subconscious mind reminded her that there's no use running a mock. Mark is now watching her as she cried her tears in pain. His heart felt pangs of pain and panic seeing his love cry in utter bitterness and anger. He wanted to assure her that everything's alright but he understood her anger. She needed to release her emotions. Adoringly though, she didn't resort to go violent in her anger. This made him see through her again. She can really control her emotions well. She is always rational and that's why he has to be as straight forward to her as much as possible.

After her tears subsided, she breathed deeply. In a hoarse broken voice, she slowly spoke as she wiped her red nose "I don't know anything at all, Mark! I'm just a dumb woman! I don't know if I'll believe you or not. I don't even know if I can trust anyone!

I never thought I'll be manipulated like this! You said you saw the text messages a while ago. That's Stanley, my cousin. I didn't know we were arranged for marriage by our parents. I just found this out just after my graduation and I am still mad at my father for keeping this from me!

About us.... well, our short encounter before was nothing compared to the years of knowing Stan. I respect our elder's arrangement and I am more inclined to it. After all, Stan has been constantly on my side during those times I was dealing with brokenness and even before that. We're familiar with each other so we better leave it this way. We have nothing to look back to." Fem said without any consideration of how the man in front of her was reacting.

"No! You're not yet sure of your feelings, right? Is it because you were arranged that you need comply?" He asked feeling sorry yet alarmed of her statements.

"Mark, when we met I gave you my word and I have been holding on to it even after I met Agnes. When I found out about my father's arrangement, I reconsidered my possibility and the benefits of it for the whole family." She said looking away towards the glistening sea outside, the fleet of ships and boats ducked along the sea shore.

"Remember, you were mine before all these things happened? Im so sorry that you had been the victim of all these schemes. About your father's arrangement, I think he only wanted the best for you. But he hasn't taken your freedom, did he?" He said eyeing at her disturbed side profile. Does he need to tell his meetings with Mr. Law? Will she not be all the more agitated?

She turned her face to him then lowered her gaze on her hands. Mark saw her conflicted emotions in her and his heart skipped a beat. Did he see a glint of hope just now?

"Mark, I need to go home and settle things with my family. I don't know what will happen then. I am considering this thing about Stanley and I think its logically reasonable to marry him." She said straight.

"When are you planning to go home then?" He asked.

" As soon as possible. I'll try to ask for a leave." She said gulping the last drop of her lemon tea.

"The air here isn't fresh anymore" She said and acted to stand up.

He waved for the waiter for their bill. Gave him a handsome tip then rose up.

"Let's go have a walk then." He said as he quickly went to her side acting to hold her hand but it instead landed into his pocket.

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