
Their Meeting (7)

"Why are you always this funny Fem?" Mark spoke up with a hint of laughter under his breath. They were waiting for a cab just outside Wang's compound.

"Then why don't you laugh?" She eyed at his stoic face which actually had a restrained laughter.

"Not necessarily. I am so happy deep inside. I am just so happy being with you now! You just don't know how gloomy those long years have been when we were apart." He tried to remind her of their past.

"Ahhhh....." She nodded then went silent. Her face became dark upon hearing him mention their past. Seeing her changed mood, Mark was alarmed.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asked.

"No, I suddenly thought I'm hungry. " She said hiding the fact that she needed to confront him of his status. She mentally and emotionally reminded herself not to let her guard down. Thus, her being humorous was just a defense mechanism from letting him see though her.

Actually, she was indeed hungry. It's almost 12 noon and she haven't had the chance to drink water or anything before they left.

"Oh, my apologies madame! We'll head to the nearest restaurant first then." He said gently.

He planned to bring her to the sea side about 20 minutes drive from the Wang's residence. There is a seafood restaurant there where tourists flock for sumptuous seafood feast. He guessed Fem has never had the chance to roam around this city yet, so he planned to show her this port area first. The rest of the city's attractions will follow next time.... yeah, that's right! next time...many next times!

An empty cab approached by and he quickly waved his hand to stop it. He opened the back passenger door of the cab quickly then waited for her to enter first.

"After you madame." He said holding the car door.

He quickly followed and sat stoically beside her, he immediately instructed the cab driver to drive to the sea-side port area.

"South Portal Pier please." He said as he eyed at the quiet lady beside him.

"Let me help you with your seatbelt dear." He offered seeing that she sat quietly with her eyes glued at the road ahead.

Fem snapped from her nervous and dazed state and lowered her gaze to her side pulling the seatbelt over her shoulder.

"I can do it myself." She almost whispered. Her voice almost didn't come out due to thinking what might this date turn out to be.

Her phone vibrated from her pocket so she fished it out and made it as a reason to divert her attention from this man beside her.

Her phone showed a miscall from an unknown number and a text message [Merry Christmas !!!] She lifted her face and scrunched her brows. Who could have texted her. She replied quickly, [who u?]. But there was no more reply from it althoughout their 20 minute journey to the South Portal Pier.

The cab stopped infront of a two storey establishment which had a large welcome signage at the side "Welcome Portal Restaurant "

There was a spacious car park at its front at at its side. It's not a surprise that this restaurant is frequented by tourists and even locals themselves. It serves the freshest seafood you could taste in the whole wide country.

"Let's have some food first." Mark looked at the quiet lady beside him. He almost draped again his arm on her shoulder yet was quick to withdraw it and instead digged it into his pocket.

"Sure!" She said shortly.

"This way my lady." He brought out his hand from his pocket and gestured the shortest way to the entrance from where they were dropped by the cab.

"Anything particular that you want to eat?" He asked, passing her the menu that was handed by the waiter when they were finally seated.

"Nothing, I can go with just anything. I'm not picky. " She said brushing off the menu infront of her.

"Then just give us two sets of that." Mark told the waiter who was standing at the side.

"Thank you ma'am, sir!" The waiter bowed as he left.

They were seated at the side where they could view the sea and the rows boats lined up along the pier. The sea was calm and was glistening with the hot rays of the noon day sun.

"Have some water first dear." He said as he poured her a glass of water that was all set at the side of the table together with some condiments. He handed it to her with all gentleness.

"Thank you Major Arevalo." She said looking at his long fingers encircling the glass of water.

She drank the water thirstily then put the glass down. She had nothing in mind to say so she turned to the sea to admire the view. She didn't want to ask anything nor say anything. After all, she was trying to live her life alone, free from all the dictates of anyone. If she was to manage her own life, she would rather just work, play and have fun. Marriage can wait, or perhaps marriage can also be erased from her vocabulary now that the only man she once hoped to be with is now married. 'Why would I destroy someone else's family just to be ridiculed as a home wrecker?' She thought but a frown wasn't concealed in her face which the man in front of her happened to catch.

Placing both his hands on the table, he cupped a glass of water in his palm. He studied her side profile as she was silently engrossed at the sight of sea. His heart felt sad all of a sudden upon seeing her solemn and unaffected look. One moment, she is funny, yet in an instant turn, she turns silent and distant, icy cold and fierce! He can't really spell what was going on in the mind of this beautiful lady who has captivated his heart all these years. He began to question himself why he is so attracted to this woman! He cannot explain it either!

Perhaps, this is love! Some face of what they call love....the more you love, the more you suffer!

"Fem..." He said softly trying to test if she is at all listening or paying some extra attention to her surroundings.

She withdrew herself from leaning on the table and turned her head to him. She leaned her back on the chair and put her hands on her pockets.

"Why is the food taking so long? Are they going to feed us here?" She asked which surprised him. He didn't expect her to say something like this! Who could tell that in her solemn silence, all she was thinking is her food order!

Mark's lips curled up and raised his brows at her. In his mind, he was saying, 'Really? Are you really thinking of food or just distracting my mood?' He shook his head and smiled.

"Ma'am sir, excuse me, here are your orders." The waiter placed the food gently on the table. "Please take time to enjoy you meal!" He said as he straightened then slightly bent forward as a sign of respect.

"Thank you! We will." Fem turned to the waiter and give him a nod of acknowledgement. As a waitress before, she understands how hard they work and how little they earn. There may be also some employers who deduct from their meager salaries any broken or lost items from the working place. Thus, she generally knows the feeling of them all.

"Let's eat first so we can catch up later. " Mark said picking up his fork and spoon on the side.

After praying inwardly, Fem aimed her attention at her food as well. After all, she's so hungry and the food smells so good. She studied the food to decide which one should she start first. Their order is indeed healthily grilled deep sea fish, lobster in fried garlic and crab in white sauce with noodles and some fresh vegetables.

Next chapter