
Their Meeting (4)

No one knew that the two had just exchanged unpleasantness a moment ago because when they appeared at the dining hall, they looked perfectly well together. Although Fem tried to walk faster, Mark was able to catch up with his long strides.

Everyone in the dining hall turned their heads towards them. The older single ladies swallowed in envy when they saw the two approach the row of food at the center of the room.

Ernest was pleased to see them walking side by side. He stood up with his plate and approached them. His smile was understandably pleased at what he was seeing. He didn't know that his lady employee was just giving him face in front of these people in return to his kindness as her boss.

"Major, you really know what you want. She's worth the long wait." Ernest said putting aside whatever food he had inside his mouth to his cheeks.

Mark put his hands in his pocket, restraining the urge to drape it on Fem's shoulder as he casually did before when they first met.

"Yeah, finally! After a long wait!" Mark replied meaningfully glancing at the blushing lady beside him.

"Boss, do the foods taste good? You should try also the desert we made." Fem spoke purposely changing the awkward topic.

"Yeah, I've tried a little bit but I can't eat much. I'm watching my sugar. You guys should eat more. Fem, please serve him some dessert! Drinks will follow later." Ernest was as kind and thoughtful as ever. He is a real son of an ideal public servant.

Fem looked up at the man towering above her and hid a smirk. 'Serve you? Who do you think you are to demand my service?' she thought. Her inner self was hateful of him. She just can't show it for now that her boss was watching them.

"Boss, don't worry, he's already a grown-up boy. He's even more grown up than you!" Fem replied as she grabbed a platter for dessert. Ernest chuckled and nodded in affirmation as he walked to his previous seat.

"Major John Mark Arevalo, Sir! I won't mind serving you for now!" Fem said a bit sarcastically when she saw that her boss has turned around.

Mark was flabbergasted when he heard his complete name mentioned. It was rather unpleasant to hear your complete name being called out by someone in an odd tone, more so by your dearest one. This meant that you either have committed something that pissed her off or she is creating a gap between the two of you. Whichever, it's still unpleasant to his ears. He felt like a puppy begging for its owner's attention when its owner clearly wanted to kick him away. He never felt such a self pitty before.

However, he kept his cool and stayed clear minded. He understands why she is so distant and indifferent to him now. He held his emotions and told himself to sieze this opportunity to get close to her once more despite being pushed away like this.

"Sir John Mark Arevalo, here! I didn't make this myself. " Fem said handing him a platter of fruit salad. Actually, she was the one who mixed all the ingredients in their right proportions. The other girls just helped in the washing and cutting.

Mark was touched though. He knew that she is a tough lady but is sensible and logical enough. He quickened his reflex and caught the platter immediately like someone was about to snatch it away from her hands.

"Careful sir John Mark Arevalo! We still have a lot here! Don't panic!" Fem noticed his quick and seemingly surprised reactions.

In his daze, he almost said 'Thanks hun! ' but when he saw her smirk in sarcasm, he held his tongue. In the end, he swallowed and said, "Thanks Fem!" but his heart started to bleed. 'She's so icy cold and far distant. What shall I do?' He suddenly felt his eyes getting misty. He looked up to hold it in while waiting for her to get her food.

"Let's sit over there sir!" Fem invited him to a corner to his surprise. Somehow, his heart was appeased. He followed her obediently like a real guest.

"This tastes good! It's different from what I tried before." He complimented trying to start a conversation.

"I think you're just hungry sir. Certainly, your wife can do the best tasting food for you!" She said nonchalantly while devouring her food without much care of being lady-like.

His hand that was holding a spoonful of food froze mid-air upon hearing her words. "Wife? Hmmmm..." he nodded as he lowered his head. As much as he wanted to clear things between them, he thought it's unfair for her to hear the truth right then and there.

"Are you free tomorrow?" He asked instead.

"It depends, if I get drunk tonight, I might nurse a hung over tomorrow and sleep the whole day. That's free day for me." Fem toyed her food while taking time to chew.

"No, please don't get drunk tonight! I want to take you out for a real talk tomorrow. Really, there's so much that I need you to know." He said softly but his voice was clear enough for others who were seated nearby.

"Can't you just tell them now? I'm all ears. What makes tomorrow different?" Fem raised her brows at her food as she chose a slice of steak to shove into her mouth.

"Fem please! May I take the honor to date you once again? It has been years. Besides, this is a private talk... I want just the two of us. " He said almost pleading.

Fem glanced at his face and looked away instantly. She was afraid that if her eyes lingered longer on his face, she might be hypnotized. But she has to admit, he really looks good. Maybe he has grown more handsome now that he is more matured.

On the other hand, Mark used all his will power to control himself from touching this woman in front of him. He has been aching to hold just a bit of her yet he was scared that if he did, he might scare her away for being so fresh and arrogant.

"What time tomorrow? " She asked.

"I'll come to pick you up at 11 AM. Would that be okay for you?" He asked.

"Okay. Where are we going? I might need a chaperone." She said.

"Just bring your cellphone, you'll be fine. Im not a major for nothing. " He reminded her.

She blushed. Of course! How could she forget that? It would be an insult for him to bring a chaperone to their date...

"Hmmmm..." she nodded.

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