
Their Meeting (10)

They strolled along the sea shore towards the pier. They walked silently side by side as if feeling each other's silence. Mark side glanced the woman walking along side with him. His hands felt itchy to come out from his pocket.

"Fem.... Are you still angry at me?" He asked cautiously.

She narrowed her eyes glancing up at him then looked away. "It doesn't matter whether I'm mad at you or not." She said.

"Do you have any idea how I'm feeling right now?" He said softly as he followed her line of sight.

"Who cares how you feel!" She said knitting her brows revealing annoyance.

"Fem, I'm feeling useless that I wasn't able to protect your heart. How am I going to compensate you for my mistake? Please tell me. I don't want to lose you. I just can't." He said.

"Well, you can just leave me alone. That's easier and the best thing you can do. You've nothing to gain from me anyway. I'm just a mere country girl and I have my whole life arranged for me. There's no sense starting over" She said straight.

He was startled! His heart that was skipping not long ago froze, his ears was like bombarded with the maximum decibels, and his mind went blank. Out of impulse, he stopped on his track and grabbed her arm forcefully and gripped it tightly, forgetting that she has set her rules beforehand.

"What did you just say?" His face was murderously dark. His eyes were burning with anger and he was clenching his jaws.

"Let go of me! I've said it. If you haven't protected my heart from that pain before, what's the difference now? Are you going to defy my parents for your own advantage?" She pulled her hand from his grip and glared at him in complete disdain but he didn't let go.

He grabbed her other arm and faced her squarely. He looked at her straight to her eyes and said in a slow almost whispering voice "I already told you, I didn't know about it! I'm not almighty and omnipresent to know everything when I am away! Can't you at least consider this? You're a logical person I know, but this is the reality! It's just as simple as that! Why does it seem so complicated for you, Fem?"

"What's the reality Mark, tell me more! My life is arranged for the sake of preserving my family's inheritance! Is that not my reality?" She said returning his cold gaze eye to eye.

He felt his heart soften for her as he looked at her lazy eyes. Instead of answering her with yet another argument, he pulled her into his chest and rubbed her back gently. He said, " Fem, I know, I know it's painful for you. I'm so sorry. You don't have to make a choice that is against your will. I assure you that things will be brighter from where we'll start now." He said while she struggled in his embrace. Her faint scent was so good that he inhaled more air than usual.

While still in his embrace, he kissed her head repeatedly to calm her down at the same time remind her body of his warmth and love. He whispered, "Don't be like this,Fem. I can't take it seeing you torture yourself like this. We'll be fine, okay? Believe me" He stroked her hair then down to rub her back lightly.

She lifted her face to meet his, "What do you exactly mean? How can you be so sure?" Her analogy of his words went beyond the situation now.

"Well, as if I need to tell you something more. Let's find a seat first. Oh there! Let's talk more about this, come darling!" He gently guided her to the vacant bench nearest to them. They sat close to each other.

"Fem sweetheart, I don't want to tell you this yet since I don't want to influence your decision. But seeing you just now, I can't hold it anymore and I understand how you feel..."

"Influence my decision? About what?" Fem quickly butted in.

"About your choice I mean... You know sweetheart, you probably know who the developers of that mountain along your way home. Have you thought about that?" He asked her trying to give a hint for her wondering mind.

"That was what Stanley was mad about. He cannot believe I knew nothing about what was going on. So are you going to tell me that you connived with my father for those developments?" Her quick conclusion sent him nodding vigorously.

"Why Mark? " Her shocked emotions shifted to an urge of interrogation.

"I did it for you Fem..I mean for us. Believe me sweetheart, all I did since you left B City was to think of our future together. Do you understand now?" He was unfazed by her demeaning look.

"Gushhh!!! Mark! You sure have the guts! Did my father bless you to do those things?" She was confused as she was blushing, unable to order her thoughts anymore. She was so overwhelmed.

" If it's considered blessing to agree with my proposal, then yes, they all did. The community people and the leaders, not to mention the Law elders. So you see, everything is legal. I didn't do any scheming." He grinned.

"What did my father tell you? Is he giving me away to a stranger who happen to have money and power?" He raised her left eyebrow at him.

"Not yet, he left the choice for you. That's why you need to go home as soon as possible. I don't think he will force you to submit to his will. He said it himself. That's why I needed to play my part fair and square. But then again, we had this beautiful thing between us even before these problems came right? So it's what keeps me confident that you'll be mine." Mark explained with so much anticipation.

"How do you know if I'm going to choose you and not my cousin? He is very nice and kind man. We have been classmates for years and he is very bright and gentle to me. I almost thought we were more than friends sometimes." Fem told the truth that hurts.

"The thing is, we started relationship before you knew about the arrangement. I have been fighting for you behind the scene. I did all these crazy things because I want you to realize someday that my intention for you is genuine." He swallowed then continued. "Now, I don't want to influence your decision, but please think it over Fem. Think it over." He added in his hoarse and commanding voice. Although it was soft, the pressure was there.

Of course, being a logical person, how could she not think it over. That's so easy actually. If she chooses her cousin, then she will have a cousin-husband who will love and dote on her one-sidedly. If she chooses him, all her bitter feelings before will be appeased and she will freely express herself without any reservation...plus the bonus of being doted upon by this handsome and powerful rich man! As simple as that! She sneered at herself but her expression didn't escape the man's hawk-like eyes.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed inside her pocket as she was sneering in her mind. She snapped out and fished her phone out. It was Stanley calling again.

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