
No Time For Love (7)

I left home past eight o'clock but was stucked in a traffic in the city. Once I got out of the city limit, it was already half past nine but the traffic was smooth so I drove as fast as I could hoping to reach north by noon. Along the way, I bought some light food to stuff my grumbling stomach. I didn't take any breakfast as I was in a hurry. I was driving while eating trying to save some time. It was almost half past twelve when I reached the long huge bridge which has a big rectangular tin plate at the side which read "Line Bridge 10,000 tons". I never got to see the beauty of the site the first time I drove there since we were so busy bantering with Dan and Mel. I parked my land rover before the bridge, got down then walked to the side of the bridge taking my food with me while enjoying the view of the clean flowing river down under the bridge. Not far towards the northern part were a group of young people who seem to be having some program going on. I could hear them singing a song but I could also hear others laughing out loud. There was a fire and smoke in their midst and they seem to be doing some grilling. Their laughter was so captivating that I smirked while leaving the scene. It came to mind that although it was past midweek of December, the temperature in that area seems not so cold. It could be because they were surrounded by mountains. I continued my journey and ten minutes later, I was already in front of the convenience store where I suspect was the boarding house of my love. Not wanting to be noticed, I drove to park my car further away to a vacant lot where there was a house construction going on some meters away. I asked the workers there to man my car in case someone might complain. I walked back to the store and greeted the middle aged woman who is running the store. I was glad she seemed to have remembered me.

A man who looked older than my brother was buying some vegetables and canned foods. He looked rugged but his looks says he must be an educated man. He saw me approaching and gave a sly smile before he took his stuff and left. I saw him went towards the direction where I just parked my car. I asked the woman if he was a carpenter of that house being constructed.

"He's the foreman of them. He has been drinking hard lately thats why he looks haggard, " she said.

"So how's the road construction ? When will they finish those unnecessary widening?" the woman also remembered my reason last time. I was taken a back for a bit then quickly replied.

"Yeah, they might not finish those in time. It seems the time allocation isn't sufficient enough." I answered.

"Auntie, I seem not to see many students now? Have they gone on Christmas break already?" I asked after checking my wristwatch. It was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Tomorrow will be their last day for the year. I heard some classes went to picnics. Some hiking while some went swimming especially the university students. The high schools just held their parties in their home rooms." she replied. This woman is quite a good source of information.I decided to probe more.

"Auntie, so do you have any idea if Fem went out for picnic then? I need to talk to her also. I have some important matters to discuss with her. Did she by chance tell you where they going today?" I asked directly while feeling worried that my coming all the way here be wasted again.

"She was picked up by some of her classmates about half past seven this morning. They have backpacks and some food handbags. I'm not really sure but they were all in shorts. Most probably, they're going for swimming" She said like wandering why I was asking about her boarder.

"I see," I nodded then stared at my watch. I calculated the hours of drive. If im going to wait till six o'clock and leave at eight, would that not be too tiring? I'd arrive at home midnight. But considering the road, there were some sections of the road which had to be blocked after 10 o'clock because of the on-going road cementing. The work was actually a 24/7 rotation to speed up the project completion.

Suddenly, I remembered something. I asked the woman, "Auntie, do you know who owns that mountain over there?" I said pointing at the eastern side where a beautifully sloped mountain laid like a maiden ready to be explored.

"That's a very controversial mountain. Nobody knows who really owns it. But it was originally of the Law clan. I don't know what happened because a lot of people are claiming some some areas of it." She said.

"So whom should I approach in case I want also a portion of it? I asked jokingly.

"I don't really know. You better ask the village head if not talk to the Laws themselves. Safer yet, go to the Land Department." She advised.

I was dumbsmacked by what she just said. She didn't know she has revealed a great lead for my plan. I asked further, "Are there any existing elder Law whom I can approach here?"

"They're quite a lot. There are five Law brothers here, three are old bachelors two have young families. Their house is just a five minute walk from here. There's just so many trees covering the houses thats why we can't see them. The other Law is living at the far back side of that mountain. The father of Fem and Neil here."

"Is there a road going there Auntie?" I asked.

"No, you have to walk atleast two hours, depending on your speed." She answered.

"That sounds tough !" I muttered while shaking my head. I'm again dumbstruck by this revelation.

I was pondering this in mind when a tall young boy almost same as my height arrived holding two books and a notebook. He was tall and imposing like a cadet trainee. I glanced at his side profile as he sat beside me like it was his territory in the first place. He has some features like my love. I turned to the woman who spoke before I even concluded my observation.

"Niel, do you know where your sister went and what time they will be back?" she asked the young one beside me.

"Why do you ask?" this Niel said giving a sly smile.

"A certain someone is asking about her, I am not sure if they went hiking or swimming." the woman said with a bit of amusing smile.

Niel got up and picked up a steamed pudding from the stand and said, "I'll tell you if you give me three of these for free auntie!" while stuffing the food into his mouth. With that sight, I couldn't help but laugh inside. I could sense their similarities. I didn't doubt their humor and wits.

"Niel, what if your brother in law was the one asking?" the woman was trying to score back but my ears were perked up. She wasn't just a simple store owner, she can also do some tricks on people.

"Cough!Cough!!!!, Give me some water first auntie, I'm choking!!!!" Niel said as he grabbed the water pitcher and a plastic cup beside the counter.

"What did you say again?" He raised his brows as his hand raised the empty plastic cup.

"You scheming kid! Did your sister go swimming or hiking?" The woman did the interrogation for me.

"No, about that what? Brother-in-law again?"He said smiling wide at the woman while the woman cant help but look at me somewhat sorry. Then she looked at Neil who is now standing tall with a hand in his pocket.

"Im a bit full with pudding mixed with water so I'm going to answer your question auntie! They went to Line River for their class Christmas picnic. They must be here before six o'clock." Neil said like an emcee. I thought he was done but he turned to the auntie again and asked, "Which brother -in -law are you selling my sister to, auntie?"

The woman was horrified and her eyes grew wide as her mouth gaped round. Before she could answer Neil, I bid to leave not wanting to hear whatever she'll tell that younger one. Atleast I got all my answers. I went to my car and decided to leave hoping I can catch up with my love before they leave the place.

I passed by a small bakery and decided to buy some bread and biscuits, I also noticed some local chocolates in the corner. I thought I should buy something for my love. She must be starving after long hours in the water. About just less than ten minutes of slow driving, I saw some young people walking on the road. They seem to be happy as they were obviously laughing. The girl in shorts held one of the man's shirt as the he seemed begging from her. I drove slowly so as not to frighten them. My heart pounded irregular beats when I saw it was my love holding the man's shirt. What were they doing? Was he proposing to her or something? I saw her push the man then they all stood beside the road to give way for me. I stopped in their front and rolled my window at their side hoping my love will recognize me. I stared at her behind my sunglasses, not remembering that I had also put on mask to protect me from dust. She had no make up at all but her face was so alluring and captivating . I wanted to get down and grab her into the car but I waited for some seconds for her to recognize me. To my dismay, she twitched a smile and held the man's shirt again. I was disappointed so I just waved my hand to them then drove slowly. In the side mirror, I saw them looking back at my car then they continued their laughter. I stopped some distance away when I drove past a curve. I thought of turning the wheels back. I stayed motionless for a good thirty minutes thinking things over. Then I decided to trust her instead...maybe things are different from the way I thought.

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