
No Time For Love (2)

My Ocean Fem,

I can't pin down in words how I am feeling right now while writing this letter. I'm so overwhelmed by you! How I wish you were here! I miss you soooo much!!! is an understatement of how I am feeling right now. How I wish I could grow wings to fly to you! I love you so much! Please feel my spirit hugging and kissing you as you read this. If you find this letter incoherent, its because my mind and my spirit is with you. And hope everything is going well at your end. I truly miss you sweetheart.

I love your poem! It's so beautiful and brilliant!As always, you never stop surprising me. I will laminate it and keep it to last. Then we can show it to our grandkids someday! Isn't that a wonderful idea? I took note of the backdrop sweetie. You gave me an idea of something I need to start doing. I got your message too. This makes me all the more eager to possess you in my arms. I can't wait. I sometimes curse the distance between us and the length of time we need to wait. Can we just start it now? Did you know my family line actually started their families at very young ages? No wonder they are so worried for my brother and me! Atleast I have you now and I have their full support if I decided to marry you anytime. Why don't we just do it as soon as possible dear wife to be?

There are actually no worries about my career. In fact it's more advantageous for me to settle first before I get promoted again because atleast, I have a family to hold me home. I'm afraid they might call me to the national level next time. That would be difficult for both of us. So you see, I'm laying down all my cards here for you. You just have to say the word sweetie.

Please don't think I'm trying to trick you. You will be on blame you if things won't work for us. Hope we will not get to that point though. I'll be damned by then.

You seem to be suspecting that I had gone there? Are you actually asking?or concluding? ha ha!

By the way, would you be free this Christmas break? My colleagues organized a three day camp at a hot spring not too far from your place. I wanted to bring you along if you are free? I would come to pick you up personally if you agree. I'll wait for your reply first. It would be the best time for us to talk about things concerning us. Don't you think so too, my love?

By the way, Grammie was so amazed by your work! She takes note of your letters and often asks about you. She wants to come along if I will visit you someday. Hope that day may come, I pray.

Fem sweetie, please dont forget to miss me. I worry you might set aside our relationship for your studies. I'll do the same here. Let us take good care of this beautiful relationship we have. Let our love for each other grow despite the distance, okay? I love you ,I love you, I love you.Hugs and kisses my love.

Pls reply ASAP cuz I'm waiting. Till then....

Your Loving Sun,



I read and reread the letter. It was quite direct to the point and I can even feel the intensity of the writer's emotion. I read some romance novels that brought me ideas on how a man proposes to a woman but I never encountered one like this. It was wierd and so fresh. It's not that I wanted to be treated like a princess but why can't he wait to do it in person? As if he was running out of time! Why was he so in a hurry?

He might not admit it but his letter sounded like a blackmail to me. I can't help but wonder. Could there be another reason other than his statement ? Ahhhh... hope not. But then again, it's up to him. I have laid down my card first and given him my word. He should feel free if he finds himself liking another girl. As for me, I will not marry unless it is him! Im keeping that promise to myself.

My thoughts were distracted by Niels coming back. He started his homework while I busied myself to finish my compilations to clear up the table for him to study well. I can't be distracted from my focus. While the temptation to wander my thoughts was right in my hands, I cannot let it distract me from my studies. Everything is in God's control..so no worries about the future.

Hey my dear silent readers! Hope you are enjoying and following the trend of my story. My schedule of posting isn't fixed. It all depends upon my availability.



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