
No More Dates Till Then (2)

Mark held his cellphone on one hand while his the other was at the back of his head as he leaned on the passenger's seat. What on earth happened to him!? Why of all things he can forget, why does it have to be his woman's phone number?

'That woman is really capable of turning you into an idiot, Mark! ' He berated himself while gripping his phone. He quickly texted Bryan to forward Fem's number. But he forgot that this morning, Fem woke up late so Bryan didn't have the chance to get her number before he arrived.

[Bryan, by all means, you've to get me her number. Im giving you one hour!] was his demanding text after Bryan sent him a LOL with an emoji face drooling in laughter.

[I didn't know you could be this forgetful sir! Ha ha!] Bryan's replied.

He didn't text anymore and just waited for a number he will forward. After 30 mins, when he was about to go for shower, Bryan's text lit up his phone.

[Sir, she doesn't want to give me her phone number. But will try to bribe the other girls.] It said.

That smart woman! She must be laughing at my misery now!

[Bribe them 500 bucks if you need to! I need her phone number tonight! Don't report here tomorrow if you'll not get this done within half an hour.] His text was like an official command.

After his shower, he checked his phone and there it was! He saved it in his phone book with a name Fem ArevaLaw. He smiled and dialled the number as he went to sit on the couch.

She picked up the line after several rings that he almost gave up. Her melancholic voice came through. "Hello, who is this?" she asked. It was obvious that she didn't have his phone number either.

"Fem sweetheart, it's me. I'm missing you already!" He said longingly.

"Mark, what will I do with you? Can you stop being seductive! " Her tone has a hint of irritation.

"Why Fem, I'm only like this to you. Who else do you think I'll seduce? I'm jealous of that Stanley guy, you sounded so loving and so eager to meet when you talked to him. Can't you be like that to me?" His voice revealed jealousy.

"Ha ha! Oh, Mark. I said there will no more dates after this right? I was not kidding. I mean it. And don't try to object again." She said.

"Sweetheart, are those years of longing and separation not enough for you? Are you sticking to your own self-made law? " He was hurt. If she could see his face now she would see his forehead wrinkled and his Adam's apple move up and down as he swallowed hard in anger.

"Still, you don't get it Mark! I think you're just really selfish! You know, I don't need to spell everything to you. We'll see how things progress after I come back from home." She said formally.

"Okay okay, I understand sweetheart. I got it. I got it. But I miss you already. How do you think I can manage weeks of not seeing you? Now that we've found each other, why do we need to hold back? Fem, you're the only person who can make me cry like this without you even trying." His voice turned soft and full of emotion.

Fem on the other hand was touched. Maybe she had been so tough without her knowing. She was raised by a tough and disciplinarian father and so her ways and her words were quite tough for most people. That is her father's side in her. Her mother's side in her however, is sensitive, kind and easy going. Her caring and observant side are from her mother too.

At one snap of a moment, she came to realize that she was talking like a brilliant logical person devoid of any emotion. She realized that the person on the other line is the man she vowed to commit her love for the rest of her life.

She sighed. "Mark, Im so sorry. I know I was too harsh and tough with my decision. I didn't mean to make you sad. But please hold on, it's just a matter of weeks, not months or years. I'll make my vacation as short as possible. Okay?" Her voice was soothing his heart like a balm on a wounded skin.

"Fem sweetheart, can we not atleast meet during lunch time on weekdays? Im not as strong as you when it comes to this. I always find myself missing you every single hour. Can we? Please?" He pleaded.

"Okay, okay. Lunch time, dinner or breakfast. Whatever is convenient for you my man! Are you happy now?" Her voice was light. But there were two words that she used that tickled his earbuds and caressed his heart like a feather on the skin.

Did she just say 'my man'? Did I hear that right?

"Fem, what did you just say? Can you repeat those for me?" His voiced became lively and excited.

"Which ones my man?" She purposely asked using those two words to make it sound casual for her. She knew the words he was asking. She was surprised that he liked it.

"Oh there! YESSSS!!!!" He stood up from the couch and threw his other arm wildy punching the air. "You just called me your man Fem! Do you know how that makes me sooo happy? I thought I'll never get to hear you say it! How happy I am now! Oh Fem, you've no idea how you made me so complete. I love love love you so much my woman! I want to hug you right now! Come here!" He said like she was just arm's length away.

" Mark, calm down, calm down. We'll have a lot of time hugging each other after everything is settled. Let's make sure we will get to enjoy your privileges as you mentioned. Hmmm?" Fem remained calm as she reminded him again.

"Yeah, yeah. I can't wait already. Please hurry up and go home already. Or shall I go with you?" He said with a silent laugh at his end.

" No thanks, but I know my way home. Most probably I'll go home next week till first week of January. I'll spend Christmas and New year at home. Don't you go home also that time? " She asked.

"Not really. We need to be on alert during this season. The entire police force needs to be on guard while the citizens enjoy the holiday." He said.

He heard her yawn. Maybe she is on her bed now. Maybe she's tired and sleepy. It's already half past nine.

"Sweetheart, are you missing me at all? Are you sleepy already? Why do you always seem so eager to get rid of me?" He asked not wanting to end the call yet.

"You're asking me three of the hardest questions in life, my man. Can I pass?" Her answer sent him again hollering in laughter that filled his apartment for a good while.

" No way, hahaha!!! No passing especially that I heard you call me yours, ahhh, how sweet! " He said as he rubbed his cheek still laughing.

"Then I should start missing you then, my man. I love you! Be good and sleep tight." She said casually.

"Oh! You always surprise me with your wit, my dear woman. I love you more. You don't know how happy I am now. Let me sleep with this sweetness. You should sleep now as well. Thanks for making me so happy. Meet you at breakfast time tomorrow. I'll come pick you up at half past seven. Please don't say no. I'm not accepting a no for an answer. Good night sweetheart." He said with all seriousness and love.

"Okay then, sure! Ring me before you come...goodnight my man. Thanks for today. Sleep well. " She said then hang up.

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