
My Waitress for Life

Mark nudged Jeff to move farther away to give enough space for him and his woman. He looked at their unnatural smiles. He smirked at the sight of them. Why do their smiles appear annoying like that of a smiling cow? Mark ignored them as gestured his hand allowing Fem to settle beside Dan before he took his seat close to her.

"So?" Jethro looked at Mark while side glancing the beauty beside him, holding his beer for a big down. Envy was not hidden in his tantalizing eyes.

"Yeah, sweetheart, this is Jethro, my old friend. Jeth, she's Fem, my bride." Mark said as he pulled Fem closer to him by her waist.

"Hi Jeth, nice to meet you!" Fem extended her hand over the table for a handshake.

"He works abroad and is only home for a short vacation. This is Dan, this is Mel, the old bald Jeff. You met them before but I'm not sure if I got the chance to introduce them to you." Mark said lifting his arm from Fem's waist to her arm and gently rubbing it.

"Of course, I can freshly remember how we met three years ago. I remember Jeff was somewhat chatty, and someone introduced himself as Dan. The second time you guys came, this someone got drunk and there I learned that his name was Mark." Fem narrated with all smiles while squinting her eyes the men around her. She winked at the four while side glancing at the man whose arm was snaked around her.

"Hahahah! Did you know I broke my toe nails that time Fem? He stamped at my poor foot when I almost had your full attention! This bastard! I could have been the one holding you in my arms now!" Jeff lifted his glass while giving Mark a disdainful look.

" What makes you so sure of that Jeff?" Mark's face suddenly turned serious."Why don't you also tell us that you nearly pissed your pants out that time? Who's ever going to fall for a man like that?" Mark straightened his back giving him a righteous kingly aura.

"And then he bawled in tears when we went home." Mel seconded nonchalantly.

"What?" Fem couldn't say anything more upon listening to their banterings. She contented herself looking at these men who started bringing out each other's foul sides. Unknown to her, each of these men were just making up some funny stories just to catch her random alluring smile. Her random smiles were careless, her perfectly even milky white teeth made them wonder if she was wearing some kind of dentures adding that her random smiles revealed her sincere reactions.

Fem scanned the surroundings. The nude post which Mark associated her before was changed to a big post of a giant picture of a bottle of beer. The counter was still the same but there were more displays of snacks and some extra beverages. The two waitresses were somewhat busy. Fem wanted to call their attention so she could ask for something to drink but seeing them busy, she pryed Mark's hand around her and made her way to the counter herself. She recognized the cashier as Carmela, the sister of her former lady boss Shane.

"Boss, I see that your girls are busy. Do you need some extra help or something? " Fem leaned on the counter with her right elbow resting in it while her left hand was tucked in her pocket.

"Why do you seem familiar? Have I seen you before?" Carmela's narrow eyes narrowed all the more.

"I think so. I've worked here before. Can I apply again?" Fem joked.

" Wait, were you the one sitting over there? Do you have your orders yet?" Carmela saw that the drinks served a while ago was finished.

"Hmmm...never mind, I'll get their orders boss, your girls are busy. By the way, I worked here three years ago under boss Shane. How is she now?" Fem lightly asked.

"Oh, she's now a full-time mom." Carmela said as she scanned Fem up and down.

"Oh, please extend our regards to her. Please also tell her that Mark and Fem came." Fem said then placed her order.

Moments later, Fem carried another batch of beer at their table. She gently put them all down infront of each of them then discarded those empty bottles and wet tissues on the table. She turned to the counter to give back the tray to one of the waiters who was now free. Her face blushed upon seeing Fem doing her work. Fem caught Carmela's eyes glaring at the waitress as if telling her to be more attentive of their costumers.

Fem handed her the tray then patted the waitress at the back of her shoulder.

"It's alright. I know the nature of this work. I worked here before also." Fem said in a low voice that only two of them could hear.

The waitress eyed at Fem surprised. "Really?" She said but her embarrassed face was still red.

"Hmmmm... It is here where I met my boyfriend. He is the one over there." Fem pointed at Mark secretly then continued, "but I advise you to think of your future first before anything uncertain happens to you here. Go back to school and educate yourself, that way you can land to a more rewarding job. I hope you understand what I mean." Fem said. The memory of some of her villagemates who worked as waitresses emerged in her mind again as she looked at this petite young lady serving drinks as she was being maliciously ogled at by lustful eyes.

The young lady pouted a bit, shrugged her shoulders then looked up at Fem with sad eyes.

"I have no choice, my family is very poor. We can't even afford to eat regular meals a day. I am already good finding a job here in the city." The girl said absentmindedly.

"Hmmmm... same here. But its a matter of choice. Make sure you don't do reckless things here. Take care of yourself. Don't believe every word from any man who might show interest in you." Fem said. Her heart went out for these young ladies. Although she herself was young, she thought of herself as more mature and experienced compared to these innocent looking ladies.

After asking their names and introducing herself to the ladies, she went back to the table and settled herself beside Mark.

Mark eyed at her lovingly and his eyes were somewhat asking something.

Fem shrugged and pulled a bottle of beer. She raised it to Mark's face as if to ask his permission.

"Just this one sweetheart." Mark nodded.

The six of them bantered and bickered after Mark laid out their roles on his wedding. They made several round of orders until it was time for the bar to close.

Mark had five rounds of beer while Fem bargained for a second round.

The four men rode on their own separate cars while Mark ushered Fem to his.

"My dear waitress for life, you nearly got me drunk." Mark chuckled as he helped Fem buckle her seatbelt.

"So are you okay, can you still drive?" Fem was worried.

"Ha! that was just five rounds, what do you think of your man? Hmmm?" Mark pinched her chin. "It was just enough to make me warm up for tonight. How does that sound?" Mark grinned.

Fem blushed. Her heart trembled in uncertainty. She read before that drunk men have greater urge for sex when they are under influence of alcohol. Was that true of him?

"I thought we already settled this. Don't be unreasonable again." Fem pouted her pink soft lips.

Mark turned to look at her and caught those full luscious lips pouting. He had the urge to capture them to his and savor their sweetness. He gripped the steering wheel and breathed long and deep to suppress his desire. He turned his face to the other side to distract his attention from this irresistible woman beside him.

"Okay, let's go." He said as he started the car then instantly the black Ferrari emptied the parking lot.

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