
Mount Sleeping Beauty (1)

Time flew swiftly and it was now the end of semester. I was glad I submitted all my requirements on time. I started tidying up my things in my boarding house ready to leave for summer break. I was almost covered with sweat packing up when my friends called me down to Auntie Ely's Store. I quickly changed my t-shirt and left my stuff to catch up with them.

"Hey, sup? Why are you all here?" I asked as I tied my loose hair strands.

"Hey you! Why did you forget to treat us on your birthday?" Jimmy asked quite aloud.

"What? " I snapped.

"It's your birth month this month right? You didn't even treat us!" Tess followed up.

"How about this, we'll go for picnic before you go home?" Sarah suggested.

"We can have a picnic first on top of the mountain then you can take us home with you if you want. Daddy said I need to visit my uncle also if I have time." Stanley said smiling mischievously.

"Ehhhh??? Are you just suggesting or coercing ? Why do you all sound wierd today?" I said. I didn't know what to do. I don't even have any penny to buy snacks to start with.

"Fem, we want to guard you from that engineer. We will escort you home. Do you want us to wear our uniforms?" Wilbert said.

"I heard he cannot get over from his brokenheartedness. He might pin you down along the way." Jimmy added.

They all laughed.

The truth was that I had really been so cautious these previous months eveytime I was hiking home and back. I enjoy hiking alone but I didn't mind having company too. Since the development on that mountain commenced, and considering that a lot of men were all over that mountain, I felt I need to go with a company. I was scared with what Lester might do if he sees me alone. That thought scares me everytime I think about his silence. I hope he is not cooking up something in his mind.

"I don't have anymore food supplies. Actually I'm packing up my things now. I need to go home tomorrow." I told them.

"Okay, we will go tomorrow then. Don't worry about food. We have already planned about this." Stanley said as he looked at me from head to toes.

My friends are residents around BK village so their houses are just around the neighborhood. They did not need to rent a boarding house either.

"Do I look ugly today? " I asked approaching Stanley who has withdrawn his gaze from me.

He turned again to look at me and smiled then bowed his head. " No, you look so inspired. Who's the lucky guy?" he almost whispered as his both hands pressed down the bench on his sides.

"What are you talking about?" I asked softly seeing his serious side profile.

"Nothing, maybe I'm just over thinking." He said.

"He has too much numbers on his head Fem! Maybe he has calculated your figures and those men who wants to woo you." Tess teased.

"Hahaha, crazy! Is that true Stan?" I laughed out loud.

"Who wants a fight with me?" Stanley's voice became hoarse as he raised his left arm to show his muscular biceps.

"Hahahahaha!" We all laughed our lungs out.

"Okay, so it's all set. We will start here at eight o'clock tomorrow. Are there anymore to bring besides water and food?" Sarah said after our laughter subsided.

"My cake too!" I joked.

"Who cares about cakes when she is on the mountain? Auntie Ely, make some pancakes for her!" Wilbert said.

"I'll bring a big yellow candle for that." Jimmy added.

"Heeehhhh!! you all get lost! I'm not yet done packing up. Pick me up tomorrow if you mean it. Otherwise I can leave at six o'clock." I shoved them away then climbed upstairs to finish my work.

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