
Meeting Ysabel Law (4)

We went to the top floor at the reserved VIP lounge. We let baby JP play around as we talked. There were so much things to catch up. Like why did she go hiding from my brother? Did she find out about her identity? Did her father, Mr. Law know about her having a daughter? And most of all, how would she react to the fact that I am in love with her younger sibling?....aahhhhh!!!.... How can this life be so dramatic!!!

JP grabbed her arm and gently dragged her to the sofa. I followed from behind.

"So what is it that made you hid from me?" JP's voice was stern as he sat down sideways facing her.

"It's a long story JP and its too confidential. After all, this is a family matter. You don't have the right to force it from me." She said.

"How could you use your right! Don't you think you're underestimating me? I have my means of knowing what I want to know. If you don't say it now, I'll probably hear it from somebody else within a day or two. So I'm giving you the opportunity to tell it directly to me? I also have the right to know because after all, you had been a part of me!"JP said sorrowfully but firmly.

Ysabel's face turned gloomy and I could see that she was struggling to compose her thoughts. She probably doesn't know where to start.

She lifted her face to him then slowly spoke. "When you left after that night of my birthday, I followed and went home the day after. It was there I was greeted by a rumor that I was actually not a daughter of my father. I was deeply hurt and confused that I confronted my father. After much hesitation, they told me the truth that I was actually an adopted child. After all these years, it was only that time that papa Greg talked about this to me. Although he assured me that whether I knew about this or not, his treatment to me will not make any difference. He told me about the man who impregnated my late mother and became the cause of her depression leading to her death. I thought that man must still be alive. So after a week's vacation at home, I came back here and started my search for him. I resigned from my job at the hospital and applied as a private nurse to this well known ex-Army turned businessman. He is a single disabled man in his mid 50's.

After three months I discovered that I was pregnant. I was so terrified that didn't know what to do.I tendered again my resignation planning to go home. I thought of abandoning my search for my biological father.

At that same time, he must have also done some investigation about the woman he left in the North Province years ago. He probably had some hunch that since I am from that province and my family name resembles his lover before, I could be probably his own daughter. He told me to stay until his investigation were all concluded.

I never went home since then. My father doesn't even know my condition now. I was so scared to let him know. All he knows is that I am working as a nurse here." Ysabel narrated with such a gloomy face.

"So how was that man's search. Do you call him your father now?" JP asked.

"By the way, he is Sir Barton Lee. And yes, he wanted me to call him my father after having confirmed our DNA results. But I just can't trade my papa Greg. All I could do now is to be his private nurse. His legs are amputated after he was assigned on a high risk mission in the Eastern province some years after he was recalled from the North Province."

"Does that mean he has no other family?" I asked.

"He only have two siblings based abroad. His parents are with them too." Ysabel said.

Hearing her narration of her life, I could almost conclude that her biological father wants to claim her back as his legitimate daughter. With some little talking and assistance, its not difficult to persuade her to grant her father's request. Besides, she's his only heir.

"I have just one question, I hope you dont mind." I can't hold my tongue anymore.

"Sure. Anything that I might know." She said immediately turning her face to look at me.

"Now that you know your biological father, would you mind if one of your siblings be married to me?" I said.

"What are you saying? That's ridiculous! Who among my siblings? But offcourse ,I am not the one to decide this. Papa Greg is still alive.

Anyways I wouldn't interfere with whatever is going on with you two. Which among my sisters was successfully fooled by you. She grinned emphasizing her world "fooled""

"Its Fem. How is she to you as a sister ?" I asked smiling awkwardly.

"Wow! you just caught the cream of the crop! She's a thoughtful sister to me. Mostly quiet but thinks hard. She has papa Greg's genes mostly." Ysabel was amused as she blurted out.

"You don't mind if I pursue her to be my girlfriend right?" I fished out her reaction.

"It's quite weird but to think that I am an adopted child, I might then decide to claim my biological father's name to give way to you guys." Ysabel knew the direction of my thought. Clearly, she has the mind of an army.

"That's what worried me most. How could I face Mr. Law knowing that we are brothers and you are sisters. It's really wierd. But I would be so much grateful if you decide to take your biological father's name. After all you are adult now." I said trying to add more convincing words for her to claim her biological rights.

"I know, I know. You don't have to tell on me about this." She said dismissing my worries.

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