
Meeting Ysabel Law (3)

The girl smiled brightly as her pale pink chubby cheeks puffed making her eyes almost shut.

"That's right, baby! I am also the daddy who went far away. Do you want daddy back?" I was so surprised that my cold domineering brother has this ability to coax a little girl.

The girl gave a look at JP in a baby-style version of one who heard an unbelievable surprisingly good news. She bit her lower lip and squeezed her eyes with the back of her hand then blinked them several times.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She turned to Ysabel like she wanted some help.

Ysabel lifted her face and reached out her arms to embrace her. " Mommy is here. Do you want your daddy back?" She whispered to the her daughter gently with a faint smile.

"Mommy, I want daddy!" the baby gave in and cried. She sure was a well behaved child. She doesn't throw tantrums like some kids do.

"JP baby, he is your daddy. Don't you like him?" Ysabel stroked her hair as she looked at the teary eyes of her little girl.

The little girl lowered her gaze at her hands and bit her lower lip again. It was a picture of a shy kid who wants to ask something but couldn't find the courage to ask.

Seeing this, I smiled and tried to lighten the mood. " Hi baby, do you think I look more handsome than your daddy?" I interfered.

She looked at me and beamed a cute shy smile. I went beside my brother and leveled my face beside his for her to compare us.

"Who's more handsome between us JP?" I asked.

She giggled and pointed at me. "You handsome!" She yelled as she giggled on her seat.

"See that bro? Even a baby can tell the difference!" I smirked and left his side.

"Shut up! Let's eat first." JP reached out to the head of his daughter and stroked her hair downward until he deliberately dropped his hand on Ysabel's hand which was still hugging the back of her daughter. I saw him hold her hand tightly behind their daughter as he gave her an adoring and meaningful look.

" Hmmmmm...Let's eat then. I need to get on the seven o'clock bus to the South City tonight so this might be my dinner as well." I said. "We need to catch up as much as we could after this." I said bearing in mind my concern and the reason of her hiding.

I ate in silence but my mind was troubled. How can we face Mr. Law like this? We are brothers and they are legally sisters although not biological but they practically grew up in the same home and were nursed by same breasts. I don't watch drama stories but I heard a lot of them and thought they are only conceived by the author's thoughts. This situation however made me prove that anything can really happen under the sun. If this was fate, am I suppose to take it? Are we fated to double marry with the Laws? On the other hand, will they not think that we are abusing our power and taking advantage of them?

I ate faster than them and called the waiter aside. I requested him to talk to the manager to reserve a private room for us to talk later after our food. He nodded and swiftly went in his way.

The other two were alternately feeding their daughter who was now getting used to smile to his father.

"Baby, say ahhhh daddy!" My brother held a fork with small piece of strawberry cake infront of her mouth.

Instead of imitating his father, she grabbed the piece of cake and stuffed it into her mouth carelessly creating a mess around her mouth. Ysabel frowned and held her daughter's hand down on the table.

"Pauline, don't do that next time! Say sorry to daddy!" She demanded firmly from her daughter.

"Sweetheart, its just a kiddie cuteness." JP tried to correct Ysabel.

"Don't interrupt with my way of disciplining my daughter!" Ysabel glared at my brother. I myself was left speechless of how strong willed she is.

"Okay baby, drink you water then we can go."JP handed her the baby water bottle with straw in it.

"Mommy, I want daddy carry me!" She said as she obediently pouted her lips while my brother bent on his knees wiping her mouth with wet tissue.

"Do you like daddy now more than mommy?" JP adoringly bribed his daughter with his gentle loving smile.

"I like daddy, mommy is bad." She replied as she held on my brother's neck hugging him with his short chubby arms.

Ysabel rose from her seat and went at the back of my brother to face her daughter. "Pauline, I'm warning you. Do you want mommy to go away? Do you not love mommy anymore?" Ysabel feigned a frown.

"Mommy, I'm sorry!" Baby JP rubbed her eyes and bit her lower lip as she pouted.

"Then don't be naughty! Daddy will go away again if you are naughty!" Ysabel warned her daughter.

This time they were really acting like a cute young family. Any outsider could not tell that they have not yet been tied by marriage and that they have just met a while ago after a long and hopeless searching.

JP rose up on his feet carrying his daughter little JP. He turned back to see Ysabel standing behind him looking unsure of what to do next.

This time the manager approached and greeted us warmly as he slightly bowed from his waist.

"I have booked the private lounge on the last floor sir. The other three have just been booked this morning by some frequent foreign tourists." the manager said.

"Okay, it's fine. It's just them anyways. I'll travel South tonight." I informed him. "And please can you help me book a direct express trip to the South at seven o'clock. Thank you." I requested.

"Sure sir. My pleasure!" The manager is a 35 year-old man who has been working in this hotel for the past ten years. It probably is his fourth year as a manager in this hotel and so far, his management was good. The business is well maintained and earned reasonable income for the company.

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