
Managing My Own Life (3)

The bus came shortly after I paid Neil's rent. I didn't have much time to catch up with aunty Ely. She was so eager to chat with me but I had to leave. I could have chosen to stay overnight but I was not sure of myself. I might change my mind and go home instead. So before I could change my mind, I had to act according to my instinct.

The bus was full and there were only two vacant seats at the back. I maneuvered my way through and sat down beside a man who covered his face with his cap immediately upon seeing me approach his side. I wasn't sure where I have seen him but I thought I saw him somewhere before. I glanced at him and seeing him not minding at all, I sat by his side. I pretended to sleep but my senses were alert feeling my surroundings. Some stinking with alcohol smelling like they're drunk, some smell with cigarettes some have foul body odors and bad breaths. I was feeling dizzy and suffocated. I turned towards the man beside me trying to catch some fresh air coming from the window only to notice that it was closed. I caught his smell, it was faint and fresh. He might have taken a bath before he rode this bus, or he applied some perfume. I noticed he was also neat and he sat tall like a king. I hesitated to speak to him so instead of requesting to open the window, I just covered my head with my scarf and turned my face towards him to avoid the foul odors from the other side of me. I only hoped I will not sleep on his shoulder if I happened to fall asleep.

"Miss, excuse me" The man's voice was deep and gentle. I was awakened to see that everyone was going out from the bus.

I looked around to see it was the bus stop where passengers and drivers had to take a quick lunch or refreshments.

"Oh, sorry." I said as I stepped aside to give him way. I sneaked a gaze at his face but he maintained his cap lowered on his face. 'Who is this man?' I was sure he is not from this town.

Anyway, I followed everyone outside and bought some snacks. I sat infront of the store while munching on my food while trying to recall where I have seen that man. 'Or was it just in one of my dreams that I saw him? Ah, never mind!' I shrugged off the thought as I tossed the plastic container in the garbage bin beside me then strode towards the ladies toilet. Along the corridor, I happened to meet him again, this time his cap was fixed and his face was revealed. He was one of Mark's companions back when I first met him! I cannot be mistaken!

I hurriedly entered the ladies' room. I suddenly felt my heartbeat was racing. 'Why is he here? What is he doing?' I tried to calm down myself before going out.

The bus soon started and I was the last passenger to enter. I purposely stood outside to allow all the rest to enter first before climbing inside the bus. This time, I stood at the near front all the way till we reached the city. I got down immediately and called a taxi to head to my uncle Benjie's house. I had a strong suspicion that this man was doing something. I just hope I am mistaken but I don't want to think that I am being followed by the Arevalos. 'Heck! For all I care!" I said bitterly as I watched the road getting busy.

"Hi uncle! I came."I greeted uncle Benjie with a delighted smile. He was already getting old like mama. He is mama's older brother.

"When is the result of your exam coming out?" He inquired immediately. He was up to date with current events because he reads a lot.

"Maybe after two or three months.?" I answered while taking a seat beside him.

"Why Architecture? Why did you not take up nursing or business management?" He asked again.

"Uncle, I hope you will live long to see the reason why. I might design the first fallen building that cannot be shaken by earthquakes." I said as I checked if he got my humor.

"What fallen building?" He said as he furrowed his brows.

"Uncle, you're too serious. I'm just kidding!" I laughed. This uncle of mine certainly doesn't know how to ride jokes. All he has in mind is to work and make money.

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