
Investing For Future (3)

We all ate like real cowboys in the cafeteria. There were only few display of dishes available as there were no students to eat. We all ordered students meal and then some extra servings for refill. This kind of "student meal" is also popular in the city's school canteen. Students who want to save some of their allowances prefer to eat students meal. It all came as a package of small servings of two dishes, a serving of rice and sometimes a bowl of soup or a candy for dessert.

Seeing that Mr. Law was also nearly done, I thought of asking more from him. I wonder if his companions were in such a hurry, nevertheless, I need to take this opportunity to talk to this elderly cowboy.

"Sir, I hope you don't mind me asking about your daughter. Is she really 18 years old?" I asked like out of my mind before realizing I just wanted to start a conversation with him.

"Why do you ask? But she thinks like she is already 28, right? How about you, how old are you ?" He asked back.

I cant help but smile with his answer. So he is aware that his daughter is thinking like a real adult already!

"Haha, yeah. I thought she's too advanced for her age. I will be turning 25 next year August 19th." I said.

"So how far have you gone with my daughter?" He asked.

"As for now, our agreement is for her to pursue her studies first. I'll wait. Although my grandparents are very supportive if anytime earlier than that, I could settle." I said confidently.

"She's too young to get married. Actually, because of that land, we arranged a marriage with my distant cousins. My daughter, Fem, doesn't know about this but she has been picked for her distant cousin long before." He said nonchalantly.

"Sir....." I was groping for some words to say. My mind was muddled again.

"That is to keep that land intact. We have no other choice, we cant let outsiders take away our ancestral land. I hope you understand this. It is a traditional way of keeping our lands secure and intact. Right now, that mountain is subdivided between us. Though some useless relatives sold their part to outsiders. Then their children came claiming again from what is left with us. " he continued.

"Sir.... I understand. They must have not known what their fathers did. But I still have a fair chance with your daughter, right ?" I said not losing hope.

He looked at me helplessly, then looked away. "Young man, if you can see the whole picture, you are totally an outsider in this matter. However, I didn't grow old to close my mind from other possibilities. You definitely have your fair chance, only, it will be hard for you." He said.

"As long as you give me the fair chance sir, I'll play it fair and square." I asserted.

"I admire your principle, son! I see that you are raised well by your parents. Today, people who have money do all the scheming to take what they want. I hope you are not like that." He said solemnly as he removed his eyeglasses and waved it over his empty plate. His elbow rested beside his plate and his body a bit tilted to his side.

"We were always told by our grandparents about not misusing money and power. My father's family were high ranking military officials and they trained us well. " I said.

"I could see that and I am honored to be the father of the girl you want to fight for. I'm not trying to give you a hard time, son. It's just that this plan has been there for long. I don't want them to think that I played against the rules if you know what I mean. " He said in a steady voice.

"I understand sir!" I nodded.

He gave a twitched smile which was almost similar to that of my love. Then spoke, "My daughter is at home. She's probably out in the farm now. She doesn't talk much at home and she prefers going out in the farm than doing home chores. I don't know much about her grades in school but seeing her pass every grade and semester tells me that she must be doing just fine. She's the only one who didn't get any honors in school, you know. All her siblings received academic and leadership awards from grade school to secondary school. I wonder what her brain is like!" He said chuckling, maybe sensing that the atmosphere has become serious.

"But Sir, she is so brilliant too!" I said like coming in her defense.

"She has her humor and wits though. She's my one and only easy-go -lucky daughter. Do you know, I sometimes can't even understand whether she's saying the truth or just joking? That's why I am a bit worried that she might have applied same to you!" He said starting to give a soft laughter.

I felt helpless and nearly sweating on my forehead. "Naahhh... I don't think she was just kidding with me sir!" I replied but deep inside I felt I was just a joke.

" Don't take that seriously son. As I said, everything was planned long before. I advise you to stay away from my daughter first until this matter is settled. Would that be okay for you?" He came seriously again.

"Only if I can also lay a hand on the current problem, I would cooperate sir!" I replied straight away.

"Well then, I will think it over. I will write to your office as long as Im done talking with my cousins." He said as he tried to get up from his seat.

"So long for now, I need to walk back home. I didn't bring my old horse." He tapped his hat then put it on.

"Sir, do you walk along the road or a trail? I asked before I realized I sounded like an idiot.

"I wish you had a helicopter instead." He said twitching a smile.

"We can drive you to the nearest trail sir, if you don't mind. Then you can walk from there." I offered.

He turned around and checked his watch then nodded. "I might be able to catch them up there." He said.

I left my companions in the cafeteria to drive Mr. Law until the foot of the mountain where the trail started. Along the way, he talked about his daughter and his distant nephew who was pledged to her daughter. They were actually classmates. The boy actually quite like his distant cousin so his parents didn't need to tell him about it. As for his daughter, he didn't want to pressure her but he agreed that after graduation, they will settle the matter together.

When we reached there, some of the elders were under the shade resting. Some wiping their backs and chests from sweat. I dropped him off, bid goodbye as I made a u-turn to go back. It was already three o'clock pm. I found my three companions strolling along the road. Picked them up then drove quietly to the city. They were discussing about something but my mind was too occupied with our conversation with my future father-in-law that I can't even comprehend what they were talking about. Right! I will make him my Father-in-Law! John Mark Arevalo will be his son-in-law!

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