
Investing for Future (1)

Two days before Christmas day, two of the Brent's company lawyers together with Dan accompanied me to a meeting with the two village leaders and villagers in the Northern Province. The past previous weekend, I have sent Dan and some of his men to talk with the village heads with the development proposal. The BB village being the one whose territory includes the target mountain - the Mount Sleeping Beauty. The BK village being the one where the school belongs. It was necessary for them to meet together since any development done in the former village would directly affect the latter.

There was a big crowd in the semi-closed pavement. The iron roof was dome shaped and has four big iron posts each side. All were seated, most of them were senior citizens and obviously most are farmers. Dan and I were seated together with our lawyers in the front row while the moderator who was the BB Village secretary stood infront. Beside us were some worn out but descent looking and imposing elderly men whose ages were ranging from 60 -70. 'They must be the villagers wisest men' I thought.

The moderator quickly called for the meeting to start and the two village heads gave their pieces of minds to the crowd. They have almost the same view about the necessity to promote the beauty of their place through tourism, high standard education, peaceful environment, and continued community development. "We need to develop and make use of our idle assets. They are just waiting for us to act! We toil everyday in the farm to send our children to good school yet our income is never enough. Don't waste our children's potentials just because we can't provide for them. Let us do something! Develop our idle lands, create jobs that will give us stable income! Who will lay the path for next generation? Why watch our children's future wasted when our resources are vast? "

"We have in our midst today two successful young men who want to invest in our place. One of them wants to develop Mount Sleeping Beauty. He specifically wanted that mountain for camping site and for hikers. He is asking atleast an acre from it. If the owner is here, you can come and say your mind or you can directly talk with the investors later. The other investor however want to build a hotel at the foot of the mountain. That would be inside the BK village. These projects, if we view it positively, can have a great boost in both of our economy as neighboring villages. We are bringing these proposals because you are the concerned citizens and we are advising you as leaders with the best of our intentions. It's in your power to allow them to do these developments or reject them." The BK village leader spoke with authority whole maintaining a tone of an adviser.

"Thank you VL Leo. Hope our villagers are already thinking the possibilities. May we also hear from the side of the investors." The Secretary scanned us infront. I thought I should be the so called investor so I stood and strode towards the stand with microphone.

" Leaders of these villages, village folks, elders, ladies and gentlemen, good morning." I started as I scanned the audience who were so attentive. There were some mothers carrying their sleeping babies, some men who are hugging their children on their laps, but most were elders who are slumped on their seats. The younger men were standing at the back either smoking or standing like guards on duty. I was sure my voice was pretty loud even at the back because I didn't hear any single noise the moment I opened my mouth to greet them.

I continued, " It is our greatest pleasure, I for one, to be a partner of your community's development! As developers, our proposals are well thought of and analysed. Developing communities need long term benefit projects that will help them boost their economy and safeguard their future. Our company has been doing developments in different areas in and around B City for the past two decades. Our projects are mainly on construction so we can only offer what we have. Our proposed projects are to build a resting place for hikers, camping site facilities and a hotel for tourists. These projects, if allowed, will go hand in hand. One cannot be wasted if the other exists...."

"To be more honest, when I first came here few months ago, I noticed the breathtaking view. I learned that this school here is actually the most prominent University outside B City. Students in this school are very good. Actually I met one of them last summer. She is very brilliant that I never met anyone as brilliant as her age. I just wonder if her parents are here so I could at the same time ask her hand from them." I paused while I couldn't help but smile. The people roared in laughter and most of the elders clapped their hands. The elders who were seated infront chuckled almost at the same time then shook their heads as if saying, "Don't you dare fool us!"

I continued, "Anyway, I am investing my money on these projects for my future and for the future of your children as well. All legal issues will be addressed well by our lawyers with us as soon as our proposal is approved by all of you. Thank you and looking forward to seeing you around in the near future." I said as I bowed my head then strode towards my seat.

A loud round of applause was once again heard. Then the moderator called for silence.

"I never actually thought that one of our investors are interested in one of our daughters here! That's a great revelation, don't you think so?" She smiled widely after she pacified the audience. Dan elbowed me by the side and giggled. I can't make much more obvious reaction than feel my ears getting warm while the moderator looked at me to check how I would react. I just smiled back not wanting to reveal anymore than I already said.

Then she called for any of the community elders to have their say, "Can we also hear from our elders, preferably the land owners themselves." She said looking at the row of elders towards our right.

One of the elders seated infront stood to take the microphone. He was tall, wore old brown cowboy's boots, dark blue dinem, white suit topped with a woven native vest. He adjusted the frame of his eyeglasses and pursed his lips in a straight line before opening his mouth to speak. He said, "Young man, you must be over confident of yourself. Don't you dare use our daughters to exploit us. How can we be sure that you'll not dump our daughter away after acquiring our land?" his tone was firm while his eyes were fixed on me. 'Oh my! he looks and talks like someone I knew!' My back started to sweat and my confidence started to crumble. His eyes roamed at the audience at my back and continued,

"My fellow villagers, I do not oppose any development as it is indeed good for the community, however, as a father of many children, why do I feel like one of my daughters is being used as a collateral damage? I could have easily approved the proposal without raising a question but when this young man mentioned about one of our daughters, I felt like I was betrayed. Even I were to be the father-in-law of this young man, I would give him a hard time! Are you trying to bargain our land by using one of our daughters? Anyway, I don't have much to say against the proposals, in fact they are good. Im just speaking as a father of many children. I don't even own a piece of land to begin with. I apologize but please consider my stand invalid should you vote for this development." The proud elderly man took off his eyeglasses then strode towards his seat.

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