
I'm A One-Man Woman

"Fem, I've heard you broke up with that foreman over there? But you seem to be a good match ehh?. What happened?" Sarah, one of my married classmates was trying to intrude while we were having a break in between classes.

"I was so dead scared of his seriousness!" I said honestly.

"You want to play around, right? I don't blame you girl! You have a lot of secret admirers around after all, did you know that?" She said.

"How many do you know? Can you name them for me?" I asked.

"Haha, dont play naive. Actually they are just intimidated by you. They can't find the courage to confess to you." She giggled like an unmarried woman.

"Tsk! I would believe in you if you name atleast five of them." I challenged her.

" Oh right! There's sir James in the Furniture Dept, Wilbert has been obviously insinuating his feelings for you, I think even your cousin Stanley is eyeing at you , and there's Bryan, Emerson and Jimmy and Henry! "

"Tsk!Tsk! Why do you know a lot. Do you think I am dumb?" I said blushing.

"But you aren't a lesbian, are you?" Sarah sounded like I was wasting some food.

"No, I have my crushes too, but I don't need to be so obvious. If I wanted to play, I would put some effort so I will win every game. But no! I prefer to be a one-man woman." I said.

"But no body knows you have a boyfriend. Is there? " she asked. I was wondering if she was commissioned to spy my love life.

"There is and he is my inspiration. Period!" I said flatly.

Sarah shook her head and sighed. "Okay, not everyone is as strong as you. I admire you for that." She said patting my back before we got up to proceed to our next class.


Time passed quickly and its the end of the semester. There was two weeks break before the second semester will commence. I went home to my parents to help them in the farm. Until now, I haven't got hold of any letter from Mark. 'Why doesn't he write at all?' He already has my address, could his assignment be too far and inconvenient?' It made me sad thinking that he might have forgotten me already or found someone else. I only comforted my self with the thought that atleast I once had a boyfriend and no matter how everything is going right now, I will hold on to my commitment and be loyal to it. I knew if we were meant for each other, our paths will cross again someday, somehow.


Two weeks past and we were back to school. Upon arrival at my boarding house, Aunt Ely, the landlady, handed me a letter. I knew it was from Mark as his penmanship was evident. No stamp again which means it was hand carried. For some reason , I felt somewhat sulking and didn't want to read it. I put it aside not eager to open it unlike last time. I wish I can just forget him and his memories. I left it in my drawer to read when I felt sober. In the morning, the landlady asked me about it. I told her I haven't read yet and instead asked her who dropped it. She told me it was a young man, tall and handsome and he had two other men with him. She said they just bought some snack, ate then drove back in a latest model land rover.

"I was scared they might be some impostors who are eyeing for kidnap victims!" the land lady said like very worried.

"Auntie, did they not ask about me when they give you the letter?" I asked.

"I was afraid of telling them about you so I just said I see you drop here everyday for a snack. So I offered to accept the letter to hand it to you." I saw her really worried but I didnt say anything. Aunt Ely was running a convenience store in the first floor of our boarding house

"I'll check the letter tonight, hope its not a subpoena from a criminal court of legal laws," I said grinning.

"Don't you joke like that! You silly girl! " She said tapping her chest like she will have a heart attack.

" Haha, relax auntie, if they are handsome, they must be good!" I said laughing at her panicked estate..


The day rolled on and it was finally evening. I finished all my homeworks and was about to review for our group report. I remembered I have a letter to read.

It read:

Everdearest Fem,

I hope you are getting hold of my letters. And I hope you aren't deliberately ignoring me. Im sick worried about us. What happened these past previous months? Why do I have a feeling that something's off? I just hope and pray you are okay and doing well in your studies.

Darling, we shouldn't let this distance be the hindrance in our relationship. Please write to me always, I would be happy to hear from you anytime. I may not be at home always but I get some breaks and I would stay at home during those times. Your letter with your photo is still with me, intact. Since then I haven't received any from you. Have you received my past two letters? I asked Marie to send them to you.

Fem Sweetheart, I have a lot to tell you and I cant wait to see you again. I have told my grandparents about you. They seemed to be pleased with the idea that I have a girlfriend. They were asking about you and kept on pestering me about it. My grandpa who is usually cold and domineering became so warm and gentle when I told them about you. I even showed them your picture you sent me. They say you are real beauty and brain but most of all, they like that you have a cowboy's blood! (ha ha).

Sweetheart, I mentioned in ny previous letters if I can offer to sustain your schooling? I know its tough being a full-time working student. I don't know how you manage it but it must be really hard for you! My heart aches thinking that my girl is not well provided while I am enjoying a comfortable good life here. I was worried this idea might have turned you off. But believe me, I only want to help you. Would you let me please? I love you.

Please write back. Im dieing to hear from you. Please do your part to save this beautiful thing we have. I'll wait for your response, I'll wait for you. Promise.

Take care of myself as I take care of yours.

Yours only,


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