
His Life Without Her (9)

I was greeted by a massive construction equipment around the foot of the mountain. There were four cranes, lifting iron beams and other materials. There were cement mixers and several piles of irons in different forms and sizes.

It was half past nine already. We walked back to the store to buy some water and bread in case we run hungry along the way. We then proceeded to hike at our own normal pace. I noticed that the trail was well done. Everything was meticulously considered. The distance of steps, the water passage at the sides, the hand rails, and they marked every hundredth step with a bit wider space to stand on.

"The construction is good. They did not overlook anything." I remarked while we were focused on the pathway.

"Did I not tell you my men are the best? Specially those under your rival Engr. Lester" Dan said arrogantly.

"Yeah, atleast he us a worthy rival. So how is he now?" I asked.

"He must be doing fine. I pitty him, he makes himself miserable because of a lost love. Why do some great men turn idiot when it comes to love?" Dan said without care. My ears were like pricked by needles.

"Say that again?" I demanded.

"Love turns great men into idiot! Isn't it true? If not, then why are we here?" Dan laughed nonchalantly.

"At least, I want to do it legally. Unlike you!" I smirked.


After 45 minutes of brisk walking, we finally made it to the view point. The scene was spectacular. At sunrise, one can capture the first ray of the sun, and at sun set, one can enjoy the sinking form of the sun as it hides itself from the sea far beyond the mountains.

The dreamhouse was in its initial stage. The foundations were laid already and there were so many scaffoldings around. We went around it to check. The workers were not around as they have to go home to vote.

Not forgetting my purpose, I chided Dan to proceed and lead the way to Mr. Laws.

"This is where we are caught. We dont have someone to show us the way. I have never gone there myself bro." Dan said.

"Maybe we can just follow the trail and look around if we could spot someone to inquire." I said as we kept going.

We kept going until we reach a small valley with an intersection of trails. The other trail descended from another mountain opposite the mountain where we came from. From where we stood, we can see so many people coming down from the mountain carrying some loads of stuff. We decided to wait for them to inquire.

We stopped the first young man who reached to us.He looked at us with widened eyes as if he was scared of being arrested.

"Do you know the house of Mr. Greg Law?" I asked.

" Sir, if you are looking for Mr. Law, he is not at home I think." The boy's expression was frightened and qas obviously nervous.

"You seem to be afraid at us. We are not bad people, we are the developers of that mountain. Can you lead us to his place?" I said.

With a bit hesitation, he nodded and proceeded to walk ahead. "Sir, his house is just near but its a hidden so you cannot see it from here. But he might not be at home now because there is a campaign going on at the next village. It is where we are headed to." The boy said as he walked ahead with a load of rice on his shoulder.

"Where are you did you buy that rice? " I asked curiously instead of asking 'where did you come from' afraid that I might sound interrogating.

"These are the campaigners stuff for people's lunch. We need to reach there quick so they can have lunch on time." The young boy said.

We reach a grpup of small houses not long. I was glancing every house while waiting forthe boy to point which house we were suppose to go but we walked past all of them and he didn't say a word.

Not until we reached a small intersection of pathways did the boy instruct us to follow back the small pathway heading to a wide pastureland. There were several interconnecting hills with some group of pine trees. Some are barren on top but have thick forests at their bases. As we followed the pathway, I could hear some kids talking whike there was a pounding sound. This must be it.

We emerged at the entrance and was greeted by a youthful little girl who was about 12 years old holding a bunch of rice stalks. She was frightened as she looked the two of us.

"Hi, is Greg your father?" I smiled as I bent to ask her.

"Yep! " She said and then put down the rice stalks and turn around to enter the house.

The house was a two storey home. There was another two pads at its side probably for storage and kitchen and bathroom. At a stone's throw was another two story house with unfinished windows.

"Elder Grace, can you see them. I dont know them?" I heard the girl called someone inside the house.

"Who are they?" The woman called out.

"I just said I don't know them, come and see them." the young girl smartly answered as she frowned.

A woman, probably in her mid thirties appeared from inside. She was carrying a baby in her arms. Her eyes looked similar like my love. Besides that, I didn't see any more similarities. Before she could speak, I greeted and introduced ourselves.

"Hello, we came from B City. Is Mr. Law at home. I am Mark Arevalo, and this is Dan Brent. We are the developers of Mt. Sleeping Beauty."

She looked shocked but gained her composure instantly. "Ahhhh, hiiii.. My parents attended a campaign program at the nearby village. Maybe they'll be home afternoon.

"Is that so? Can we wait for them here?" I asked. If they will arrive late, maybe wecould not return home tonight.

"Sure, please take your seats there for a while while I'll make food happen." The woman smiled warmly.

"Okay, thank you" I said smiling back in delight as I sat at the bench outside the kitchen pad.

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