
His Life Without Her (4)

I woke up that Saturday morning finding my room messy. I gathered the letters that Grandma placed on my table and went over them one by one. Due to my anger last night, I wasn't able to check the report of Dan's man. I opened the brown envelope. The report circled around my love's routine activities- schooling, jamming with friends and hiking home. Almost same as the previous report. The only thing new are the photos that were with it. These photos somehow ease my longing for my love. I haven't seen her since that road encounter last December. She seemed to have changed a lot though. One of her photos was an up close shot. I wonder how that man got close to her without being suspected. Her aura became somewhat more cold and distant. Unlike the bewitching smiles and twinkling eyes she had before, her eyes now are rather scrutinizing and dangerous. It was more like how Mr. Law appeared when he spoke in front of the meeting the first time I met him.

By this time though, cellphones are starting to come out and communication has become more easy. I already have the latest model of the famous cellphone company but I need to send one to my defective so I can get intouch with him directly and everyday.

I visited Dan that morning and I took him out to treat him for carrying out all my requests. Also, I wanted to evade the feeling of hopelessness and devastation caused by that scheming Agnes. We went to stroll around the mall and bought cellphones for him and his detective worker. After fixing the sim cards, I stored their numbers in my phone book and we proceeded back to Dan's office.

I dropped him there and headed to my brother's office. I found him so engrossed with his computer that he didn't hear me enter.

"Hmmmm...! Hmmmm...!" I cleared my throat to distract him from his focus.

My brother turned to me, "I didn't know you want to apply in my company. What brought you here?" He said nonchalantly.

"Just wanted to look around. Im really considering about taking over the other company if I see you like that. " I said while peeping to his computer screen.

"This is nothing compared to your big heart problem. Your reputation... I mean our family's reputation is in danger with that. You should act quick and win back that girl. Didn't your detective tell you?" JP asked as he stared at his monitor.

"Tell what?" I asked.

" Well, if your detective did not report it, then he must not be doing his job at all! Those cousins, I heard, are leveling up with their PDA. Are you going to allow that ? The developments we are doing will go down the drain if she falls for her cousin. Don't you get it?" JP tried to spell the matter on my face.

"Bro. that's one, but the main thing for now is how am I going to restore back her trust in me. She has believed everything Agnes told her. She must be hating me now to her very core! How am I suppose to revert her love and trust in me?" I said.

"I advised you before to quit that career and help me out, what did you get now? Heartache for having left your dear one? Do you know I could have made my move to win her instead when I knew that you weren't coming home all those months?" my brother said seriously.

"There you go again! You are so annoying!" I muttered under my breath.

"You're like a woman in her period. I can't believe you are a major at that!" he smirked.

After a while of silence, he spoke again. " Why don't you drive north to check out things there? You might also have the chance to see her. Who knows, she might listen to you. Your silence means you are guilty! Don't you think so?" my brother said.

" I know. I am just too disoriented to think organize my steps in winning her back." I shook my head.

" Try being disoriented for few more weeks and you'll never win her back. Then I can try my chance . " JP said.

Hearing my brother say those words again, my ears grew hot in irritation. I stood upon slamming my fist on his table. "Useless brother!" I said as I left him grinning at my back.

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