
His Life Without Her (12)

That evening after dinner, we sat around a bonfire at the yard. Mrs. Law brought out a small clay jar. Once she opened it, the smell of intoxicating rice wine filled our nostrils.

Using a carved antique bamboo, Mrs. Law scooped out into each glass and handed to each one of us. Once I got hold of mine, I smelled it close to my nose before sipping a little of it. It tasted so sweet and aromatic that I licked my lips to savor it.

"Wowww!!! What do you call this and how do you make it?" I asked Mrs. Law who was observing our facial reactions after we tasted it.

"Its a traditional wine. Only old folks know how to do this. Youngsters these days don't know how even if you teach them. It's like we fail to pass this certain cultural heritage to them." Mrs. Law said.

" Can Fem learn to do this Aunty? It tastes great!" I said.

"Of course she can if she applies her heart into it. She's just been always easy on things."

" By the way, just be cautious not to drink it with other commercial liquors. The effect may not be good." Mrs. Law gently cautioned us.

"I would love a mother-in-law who makes wine like this." Dan exclaimed with a wide grin while cupping his glass with both hands like it was the most precious thing on earth.

"You city people talk cheap. How could you be so insensible? If you were my son-in-law, I would make you a big jar of wine and send you back to your mother!" Mr. Law said right away after Dan dropped his words.

Dan's face turned confused then became sour. He swallowed hard and gave an embarrassed smile.

"Uncle, thats not what I meant. I just meant this wine tastes so good! I can climb this mountain back and forth just to taste this divine wine." Dan immediately cleared himself.

"It's only unfortunate for you because most of our daughters here marry early. I can't "recommend anyone for you. Even if we have one, her mother may not be a good wine maker." Mr. Law said nonchalantly.

I chuckled recalling how Dan came out this morning from his house. However, I didn't want talk about his fooling. I just wanted to focus on how to gain back the trust of the lady I only love.

"Uncle, is Fem a registered voter already?" I asked.

"Yes, she registered when she was 18. That was because my adopted brother was running for a councillor. We wanted to support him." Mr. Law answered.

"So did he win a seat?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's currently the number one councillor in this town. I just don't know how things will turn after the election. " Mr. Law said.

"Does Fem vote regularly? I mean, she might be coming home maybe tomorrow or the next day to cast her vote as well." I said.

"Hopefully so, but we dont really know. " Mr. Law looked helpess. " I can only wait for her to come home. She's of legal age already. She can take care of herself. I can only pray for her safety and divine guidance from above." Mr. Law said.

"Please don't get mad at this Uncle, but I hired a man to keep an eye on her since I was assigned at South City. I get him to report regularly where and whom your daughter goes. Before we came, the man reported that Fem is at the headquarters of the Provincial campaigners. Perhaps she will also serve as one of the watchers during election day." I informed Mr. and Mrs. Law.

"You are following her? Are you scaring away my nephew?" Mr. Law looked displeased at what I just said.

"That's not my intention Uncle. I am not manipulating anything. I just want to know how she is doing and where she is. " I said sincerely.

"You better be. Otherwise, it would be unfair for my nephew. Please be a good man and play fair. My nephew has no such power as you. But as I said, he is a good man. I don't want people scheming and using their money and power to take advantage of the less fortunate. If I was a scheming man I could have gotten so immensely rich and powerful long time ago. But no, I'd rather be an ordinary man leaving in peace than be a troubled billionaire." Mr. Law looked at me.

I shook my head. I can't say anything anymore. This principled man lectured me and I can't refute his principle. He has lived and experienced life long enough to have the say. I can only nod my head in respect.

"I'm so sorry uncle. I hope you dont think of me as scheming against your nephew. I just can't work peacefully while I am so far from her. You know how much I love your daughter. I came here hoping to get your affirmation and confirm my intention." I said looking at the couple who was seated opposite me and Dan.

" No problem son. I believe you are a disciplined man. I just dont want you to manipulate things for her. Look what Im doing. Maybe she found out about this plan thats why she wants to escape. She has done this before and I had to humble myself before I got back her respect as her father."

"I tell you, she maybe quiet, but she is thinking. She doesn't talk much, but her words are precise. Even I as her father have to think first before asking or answering her." Mr. Law said.

"I got it Uncle, and I observed that too. In that short while that I have known her, the same impression came to me, besides her wit and humor." I said with a smile as I recall our first encounter in the bar.

And so it happened that way. Mr. and Mrs. Law had to wait for their daughter to return home before telling her about the plan. She still had the same choice. Either her cousin or me.

We went to bed at the guest room on second floor of the main house after finishing the whole har of rice wine.I was feeling relaxed and dizzy. But my heart was at peace as I laid on the bed which Mrs. Law prepared for us. Dan and I laid side by side as.The bed was good enough to hold four tall cowboys.

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